Difference between revisions of "Common.js"

From Sega Retro

(copied tab functions from Sonic Retro)
(13 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
// PootTabs - it poots tabs on pages.
function createToggleLinks() {
var stateArray = new Array();
var allObjects = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
var rCollapsingObject = new RegExp("^co;(.+?);(.+?);(.+?);(.+?)(;(.+?))?$");
for ( var i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++ ) {
if ( rCollapsingObject.test(allObjects[i].className) ) {
var collapsingInformation = rCollapsingObject.exec(allObjects[i].className);
var collapseText = collapsingInformation[1];
var expandText = collapsingInformation[2];
var initialState = collapsingInformation[3];
var targetClass = collapsingInformation[4];
var linkColor = collapsingInformation[6];
var toggleLink = document.createElement("a");
if ( initialState == "0" ) {
stateArray[targetClass] = "none";
else {
stateArray[targetClass] = "inline";
toggleLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:toggleCollapse('" + targetClass + "','" + collapseText + "','" + expandText + "')");
if ( linkColor != undefined && linkColor != "undefined" && linkColor != "" )
toggleLink.style.color = linkColor;
allObjects[i].innerHTML = "";
else if ( allObjects[i].className == "morphMaster" ) {
var spanID = allObjects[i].getAttribute("id");
var targetID = spanID.substr(0, spanID.length - 6);
var counter = 1;
// Create forward and backward paging if the paging elements exist
if ( returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext") && returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev") && returnObjById(targetID + "Content1") ) {
// Create the forward link
var nextLink = document.createElement("a");
nextLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").innerHTML));
nextLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:morphForward('" + targetID + "')");
returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").innerHTML = "";
returnObjById(targetID + "LinkNext").appendChild(nextLink, 0);
// Create the backward link
var prevLink = document.createElement("a");
prevLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").innerHTML));
prevLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:morphBackward('" + targetID + "')");
returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").innerHTML = "";
returnObjById(targetID + "LinkPrev").appendChild(prevLink, 0);
// Initialize content panes
while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
counter = 1;
// Whether or not there is paging, generate normal links
while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter) && returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
var morphLink = document.createElement("a");
morphLink.appendChild(document.createTextNode(returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).innerHTML));
morphLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:performMorph('" + targetID + "','" + counter + "')");
returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).innerHTML = "";
returnObjById(targetID + "Link" + counter).appendChild(morphLink, 0);
// Initialize content panes
allObjects[i].innerHTML = "1";
allObjects[i].style.display = "none";
// Set state of appropriate objects
allObjects = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
for ( var i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++ ) {
if ( stateArray[allObjects[i].className] )
allObjects[i].style.display = stateArray[allObjects[i].className];
/* Function that toggles collapsing objects.
* Added 7/13/2008 by WhiteMystery ([email protected]) */
function toggleCollapse(targetClass, collapseText, expandText) {
var allObjects = document.getElementsByTagName('*');
var rCollapsingObject = new RegExp("^co;(.+?);(.+?);(.+?);" + targetClass + "(;(.+?))?$");
var linkType;
for ( var i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++ ) {
if ( allObjects[i].className == targetClass ) {
if ( allObjects[i].style.display == "none" ) {
allObjects[i].style.display = "inline";
linkType = "Collapse";
else {
allObjects[i].style.display = "none";
linkType = "Expand";
allObjects = document.getElementsByTagName('span');
for ( var i = 0; i < allObjects.length; i++ ) {
if ( rCollapsingObject.test(allObjects[i].className) ) {
var collapsingInformation = rCollapsingObject.exec(allObjects[i].className);
var collapseText = collapsingInformation[1];
var expandText = collapsingInformation[2];
var linkColor = collapsingInformation[5];
var toggleLink = document.createElement("a");
if ( linkType == "Expand" )
else if ( linkType == "Collapse" )
toggleLink.setAttribute("href", "javascript:toggleCollapse('" + targetClass + "','" + collapseText + "','" + expandText + "')");
if ( linkColor != undefined && linkColor != "undefined" && linkColor != "" )
toggleLink.style.color = linkColor;
allObjects[i].innerHTML = "";
/* Functions that perform the morph operations.
* Added 8/13/2008 by WhiteMystery ([email protected]) */
function performMorph(targetID, targetNumber) {
var counter = 1;
while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter) ) {
if ( counter == targetNumber )
returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "block";
returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + counter).style.display = "none";
returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML = targetNumber;
function morphForward(targetID) {
var nextPane = parseInt(returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML) + 1;
if ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + nextPane) )
performMorph(targetID, nextPane);
performMorph(targetID, "1");
function morphBackward(targetID) {
var prevPane = parseInt(returnObjById(targetID + "Master").innerHTML) - 1;
if ( prevPane > 0 )
performMorph(targetID, prevPane);
else {
var maxIndex = 1;
while ( returnObjById(targetID + "Content" + maxIndex) )
performMorph(targetID, maxIndex - 1);
/* Function that returns an object by ID for various browsers
* Taken from http://www.netlobo.com/javascript_get_element_id.html */
function returnObjById( id ) {
    if (document.getElementById)
        var returnVar = document.getElementById(id);
    else if (document.all)
        var returnVar = document.all[id];
    else if (document.layers)
        var returnVar = document.layers[id];
    return returnVar;
// PootTabs by User:WindPower over at Portal Wiki
// It puts tabs on pages.
var pootTabsHere = {
var pootTabsHere = {
animationsEnabled: $.support.opacity,
animationsEnabled: $.support.opacity,
Line 251: Line 15:
$(this).fadeOut(duration, function(){
$(this).fadeOut(duration, function(){
                                $(this).attr( "aria-selected", "false" );
Line 256: Line 21:
$(this).fadeIn(duration, function(){
$(this).fadeIn(duration, function(){
                                $(this).attr( "aria-selected", "true" );
var cowtabs = poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li');
var cowtabs = poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li');
                cowtabs.attr("aria-selected", "false");
                $(cowtabs[index]).attr( "aria-selected", "true" );
pootTabsHere.updatePoot(poot, $(babies[index]).height());
pootTabsHere.updatePoot(poot, $(babies[index]).height());
Line 336: Line 106:
// End of PootTabs
// End of PootTabs
// Responsive table behavior
$(document).ready(function() {
  var switched = false;
  var updateTables = function() {
    if (($(window).width() < 767) && !switched ){
      switched = true;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
      return true;
    else if (switched && ($(window).width() > 767)) {
      switched = false;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
  $(window).on("redraw",function(){switched=false;updateTables();}); // An event to listen for
  $(window).on("resize", updateTables);
function splitTable(original)
original.wrap("<div class='table-wrapper' />");
var copy = original.clone();
copy.find("td:not(:first-child), th:not(:first-child)").css("display", "none");
copy.wrap("<div class='pinned' />");
original.wrap("<div class='scrollable' />");
    setCellHeights(original, copy);
function unsplitTable(original) {
  function setCellHeights(original, copy) {
    var tr = original.find('tr'),
        tr_copy = copy.find('tr'),
        heights = [];
    tr.each(function (index) {
      var self = $(this),
          tx = self.find('th, td');
      tx.each(function () {
        var height = $(this).outerHeight(true);
        heights[index] = heights[index] || 0;
        if (height > heights[index]) heights[index] = height;
    tr_copy.each(function (index) {

Latest revision as of 12:29, 12 September 2020

// PootTabs - it poots tabs on pages.
var pootTabsHere = {
	animationsEnabled: $.support.opacity,
	getTab:function(poot, index) {
		return $(poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li')[parseInt(index)]);
	changeTab:function(poot, index, duration, force) {
		if(index == parseInt(poot.attr('pootSelected')) && !force && duration) return;
		if(!pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled) {
			duration = 0;
		poot.attr('pootSelected', index.toString());
		var babies = poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').children();
		babies.each(function() {
			$(this).fadeOut(duration, function(){
                                $(this).attr( "aria-selected", "false" );
		$(babies[index]).each(function() {
			$(this).fadeIn(duration, function(){
                                $(this).attr( "aria-selected", "true" );

		var cowtabs = poot.children('.poot-tabs').children('ul').children('li');
                cowtabs.attr("aria-selected", "false");
                $(cowtabs[index]).attr( "aria-selected", "true" );
		pootTabsHere.updatePoot(poot, $(babies[index]).height());
	updatePoot:function(poot, babysize) {
		poot.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html(poot.attr('originalTitle') + ' &mdash; ' + pootTabsHere.getTab(poot, poot.attr('pootSelected')).html());
		var bestHeight = Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').height(), Math.max(poot.children('.poot-tabs').height(), babysize)).toString() + 'px';
		poot.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('height', bestHeight);
		if(poot.attr('vertical')) {
			poot.children('.poot-tabs').css('height', bestHeight);
	toggleCollapse:function(poot) {
		var pootLinkText = poot.children('.poot-tabs-showhide').text().split(';');
		var duration = pootTabsHere.animationsEnabled ? parseInt(poot.attr('pootslideduration')) : 0;
		if(poot.attr('pootcollapse') != 'true') {
			poot.attr('pootcollapse', 'true');
			poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[0]);
			poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideUp(duration);
		else {
			poot.attr('pootcollapse', '');
			poot.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').text(pootLinkText[1]);
			poot.children('.poot-tabs, .poot-tabs-content').slideDown(duration);
	delayHeight:function(poot, selected) {
		setTimeout(function() {
			poot.attr('pootselected', selected.toString());
			pootTabsHere.changeTab(poot, selected, 0, true);
			if(poot.hasClass('poot-tabs-collapsed')) {
		}, 100);
	poot:function() {
		var dis = $(this);
		var ind = 0;
		dis.attr('originalTitle', dis.find('.poot-tabs-titletext').html());
		var selected = /poot-tabs-selected-(\d+)/i.exec(dis.attr('class'));
		if(selected) {
			pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, parseInt(selected[1])-1);
		else {
			pootTabsHere.delayHeight(dis, 0);
		var duration = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? 0 : 200;
		dis.attr('pootslideduration', dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-noanimations') ? '0' : '75');
			var thisInd = ind;
				pootTabsHere.changeTab(dis, thisInd, duration, false);
				return false;
		var isVertical = dis.hasClass('poot-tabs-vertical');
		dis.attr('pootvertical', isVertical ? 'true' : '');
		if(isVertical) {
			var teenie = dis.children('.poot-tabs').width().toString() + 'px';
			dis.children('.poot-tabs-content').css('margin-left', teenie);
		dis.attr('pootcollapse', ''); // False
		dis.find('.poot-tabs-hidelink a').click(function(){
			return false;
	init:function() {
// End of PootTabs

// Responsive table behavior
$(document).ready(function() {
  var switched = false;
  var updateTables = function() {
    if (($(window).width() < 767) && !switched ){
      switched = true;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
      return true;
    else if (switched && ($(window).width() > 767)) {
      switched = false;
      $("table.responsive").each(function(i, element) {
  $(window).on("redraw",function(){switched=false;updateTables();}); // An event to listen for
  $(window).on("resize", updateTables);
	function splitTable(original)
		original.wrap("<div class='table-wrapper' />");
		var copy = original.clone();
		copy.find("td:not(:first-child), th:not(:first-child)").css("display", "none");
		copy.wrap("<div class='pinned' />");
		original.wrap("<div class='scrollable' />");

    setCellHeights(original, copy);
	function unsplitTable(original) {

  function setCellHeights(original, copy) {
    var tr = original.find('tr'),
        tr_copy = copy.find('tr'),
        heights = [];

    tr.each(function (index) {
      var self = $(this),
          tx = self.find('th, td');

      tx.each(function () {
        var height = $(this).outerHeight(true);
        heights[index] = heights[index] || 0;
        if (height > heights[index]) heights[index] = height;


    tr_copy.each(function (index) {
