Sprite Masking and Overflow Test ROM

From Sega Retro


Nemesis' Sprite Masking and Overflow Test ROM is a test ROM used to verify the emulation of several Sega Mega Drive VDP quirks, including sprite limits.


The following tests are performed by the Sprite Masking and Overflow Test ROM.


  • H32 == 256x224 display mode
  • H40 == 320x224 display mode.
  • Sprite mask: A sprite with X=0.


  1. Max Sprites Per Line: 16 in H32, 20 in H40.
  2. Max Sprite Dots - Basic: Up to 256 sprite dots in H32; 320 in H40.
  3. Max Sprite Dots - Complex: Same as previous, except it verifies that sprites are cut off in the middle.
  4. Sprite Mask: Verifies that lower-priority sprites are masked if a sprite mask exists and is not the first sprite on the line.
  5. Sprite Mask S1: Verifies that lower-priority sprites are *not* masked if a sprite mask exists and is the first sprite on the line.
  6. Mask S1 On Dot Overflow: Verifies that sprite masks at the beginning of the line are ineffective if sprite dot overflow occurs on the previous line.
  7. Mask S1,X=1 S2,X=0: Verifies that the non-existent sprite masking "Mode 2" is not implemented.
  8. Mask S1,X=40 S2,X=0: Same as previous.
  9. Max Sprites Per Frame: 64 in H32, 80 in H40.

For tests with two results, the left result indicates that the minimum boundary is respected, and the right result indicates that the maximum boundary is respected.

Test #6 is conditional on test #5 passing. If test #5 passes, then test #6 passing is an error (indicated by a red line underneath "PASS").



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Test Results

Gens/GS r7+ (git: vdp-to-cpp/86948622) (also applies to Gens/GS II) Gens-gs-r7plus-vdp-to-cpp-86948622-SpriteMaskingTestRom.png

TODO: Add test results from other emulators.

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