Segata Sanshiro

From Sega Retro

To do

  • Fujioka was initially apprehensive about portraying a man that physically accosted people, to which he was told something like, "Well yeah, but make sure to beat people with confidence and strength so it looks more like a judo thing than an abusive thing".
  • A lot of writing about Sanshiro refers to him beating people as "sanctioning" them. Which I'm assuming best translates to chastising or scolding. The article now looks fine, but there's got to be a better way to phrase this. He's technically beating them, but- it's in the context of like, a master beating their student so they eventually improve... its not done out of malice, and that needs to be clearly stated in the summary, but not in a wordy way.
  • While Fujioka's getting his own page, there needs to be a decently-comprehensive summary of his history, and the behind-the-scenes work of actually filming these commercials.
  • Full list of commercials, and get them hosted.
  • Stuff about his son, etc.
  • Fujioka's contract was set to expire near the end of the Saturn's life, but Sanshiro's popularity caused Sega to extend the contract a few years into the life of the Dreamcast.
  • Sega still currently owns the rights to the character.

CartridgeCulture (talk) 21:57, 28 September 2021 (EDT)