Kung Fu Kid, known as Makai Retsuden (魔界列伝) in Japan, is a beat-'em-up action game developed and published by Sega for the Sega Master System. It is a sequel to the SG-1000 game Dragon Wang, in which the player reprises the role of Wang, a kung fu master.
The young kung fu master Wang must defeat the evil Madanda and his henchman Kyong Shi to avenge the death of his master, Tayron.
The game is a beat-'em-up. The goal is to make it to the end of each stage, where a boss fight awaits. Enemies continually pour in to challenge Wang. Wang moves with and and crouches with . He jumps with ; he jumps higher the longer the button is held. He can jump off walls by pressing again after touching the wall. Wang attacks by kicking with . He can do a sweep kick with + or kick in mid-air by pressing after jumping. He can also collect talismans that appear in the air and throw them at enemies with +.
Wang has a life meter that goes down as he takes damage from foes. He loses a life if he loses his entire life meter, and the game ends if he runs out of lives. The player gains an extra life for earning 30,000 points and another for every 1,200 points earned after that. Each stage is timed, and the player also loses a life if time runs out.
Gives 5 talismans to Wang, which can be thrown at enemies to attack them.
Super Talisman
Gives 5 talismans to Wang. The first super talisman that Wang collects upgrades his talismans to super talismans, which fly faster and farther and do more damage.