Bio-Hazard Battle (prototype)/Comparisons

From Sega Retro

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General comparisons

SegaLogo MD JP 1990.png


BioHazardBattle MD US Sega.png

Final game

There is no ™ symbol next to the Sega logo, regardless of system region. No music plays here or on the title screen, either.

BioHazardBattleProto MD Title.png


BioHazardBattle MDTitleScreen.png

Final game

The positions of the title, the ship and the "Press START Button" prompt on the title screen are different from the final game, and there is no copyright date or ™ symbol. The "Press START Button" prompt doesn't have a fade effect when it blinks. The final would also redraw the H in "Hazard" to make it more readable.

Like the Japanese final, all buttons lead to the main menu, meaning the stage select cheat cannot be entered.

BioHazardBattleProto MD MainMenu.png


BioHazardBattle MD MainMenu.png

Final game

The main menu only allows starting the game with one or two players, with the options menu being unselectable. There is also an unselectable "Modem start" option, which likely would have supported the Mega Modem, that was removed from all versions of the final game.


CollapseBio-Hazard Battle (prototype), prototype version of Bio-Hazard Battle

BioHazardBattleProto MD Title.png

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Part of Bio-Hazard Battle development