Bug Too!/Hidden content

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Saturn version

These codes have more meaning if you treat Up Down Right and Left as "North", "South", "East" and "West", respectively.

All codes should be entered after pausing the game

Skip level

Press L A Z Y Down Right A L (LAZYSEAL). In a hub world this will take you back to the title screen.


Press R Right A L Right A Down Y (REALEASY)

Kill player

Press C A Up C Right R (CANCER).

Restart level

Press B Right Right R B Right L L Y (BEERBELLY).

Remove HUD

BugToo Saturn NoHUD.png

Press X X Y Y X X Y Y. This only functions on regular levels with a HUD (i.e. not a hub world).


The codes A B A B X Y Z and X Y Z X Y Z B B, warp the player to certain coordinates on the map. It is not understood why.

Fly cheat

Press L A Left L Right Down Down (LAWLESS). When activated, holding Y will move your character upwards, and the when combined with the d-pad, you can clip through walls.

Cheat screen

BugToo Saturn CheatScreen.png

Press L A Z Y Left Right A Down Right L (LAZYWEASEL). As well as letting you select a level and access a sound test, you can activate the fly cheat described above.

Level 21, titled "E3LEVEL.BFF" will crash the game.

Developer slideshow

BugToo Saturn Slideshow.png

Press L Right Up Down R Right Right L (LENSREEL). This will display a short slideshow of the developers, after which the game will return to the title screen.

Debug text

BugToo Saturn Debug1.png

BugToo Saturn Debug2.png

BugToo Saturn Debug3.png

Three debug displays can be enabled (and disabled) with the following codes:

  • A A A C A A A C
  • B B B C B B B C
  • C C C Z C C C Z

Exactly what the numbers represent is currently unknown.

Pixel drawing test?

BugToo Saturn Pixels.png

Press X Y X Y A B C Z. The game rapidly flips between two sets of colours to simulate more (which is not best represented by the single frame screenshot above).

The only way to return to normal play is to reset.

Palette viewer

BugToo Saturn Palette.png

Press A B C L A B C R. The only way to return to normal play is to reset.

Non-functioning codes

Bug Too! recognises several codes but doesn't do anything with them:

  • A Up A L B R Right Right Z Right (ANALBREEZE)
  • Right R A Down Right (ERASE)
  • A L L C R A Z Y (ALLCRAZY) (crashes the game)
  • C A R L Down C A R (CARLSCAR) (crashes the game)

Windows PC version

Cheat mode

At any time during play, pause the game by pressing P and type ENIGMA. This will enable a number of debug keys which can be used at any time.

Cheat screen

BugToo PC Cheat.png

Press X to immediately open the cheat screen. This screen contains a stage select, character select, sound test and the ability to stop and start the CDDA music.

View debugging information

BugToo PC Debug1.png

BugToo PC Debug2.png

Press A or S to display some debugging information at the top of the screen

Other debug keys

Press any of the following keys to activate a debug feature.

  • N to skip the current level, this returns you to the title screen if used on a hub world.
  • I to enable invincibility, you pass straight through enemies (but can still die by falling off the level)
  • K to instantly kill the player
  • hold C to enable a free movement mode, use the direction keys whilst holding C to move around the level.
  • B to zoom the camera close to your character, press again to revert back to normal.
  • H to instantly take a hit, knocking the character back and taking damage.


Bug Too!

BugToo title.png

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Sega Saturn
Prototypes: 1996-08-12 | 11-08