Ghen War/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Stage select

GhenWar SAT US stageselect.png

At the title screen, press HOLD  START Right Right L Down L A Y Right R to activate a stage select.[1]

Skip to credits

At the title screen, press HOLD  START Left Right A R Y C R Right Left to skip directly to the game's credits.[1]

Watch all FMVs

At the title screen, press HOLD  START Down Right Right A L L R Right Right L Down to watch all the game's FMV cutscenes in order. This code went undocumented until October 2024 when discovered by Bo Bayles of Rings of Saturn.[1]

Unlimited health, ammunition, and all weapons unlocked

During gameplay, pause the game with  START . While still holding  START , press A R Down Right Up A L to activate "Cheat Mode", providing unlimited health and ammunition, and unlocking all weapons.[1]

Complete mission

During gameplay, pause the game with  START . While still holding  START , press Down A Y B Y Right B Y Right to successfully complete the current mission and end the stage. This code went undocumented until October 2024 when discovered by Bo Bayles of Rings of Saturn.[1]

Change perspective

GhenWar SAT US cameracheat.png

During gameplay, pause the game with  START . While still holding  START , press B A R B R A Left L to unlock the ability to change the camera's point of view. Now, pressing X+Y+Z during gameplay will track the camera to a nearby entity (usually an enemy), while holding Z and pressing C tracks the camera to the player's fired projectiles. This code went undocumented until October 2024 when discovered by Bo Bayles of Rings of Saturn.[1]


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