Light Crusader/Hidden content

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Test mode

LightCrusader MD TestMode1.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode2.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode3.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode4.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode5.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode6.png

LightCrusader MD TestMode7.png

Pause the game, go to MODE, uncheck all the items and press Down eight times. This will reveal three more options in this menu, plus a separate "TEST" menu on the pause screen, featuring a sound test, icon, face and string viewers, and a language option.

Test2 mode

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode1.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode2.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode3.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode4.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode5.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode6.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode7.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode8.png

LightCrusader MD Test2Mode9.png

On the Test menu unlocked above, press Up A Right A Left A Down A. This will reveal a "TEST2" menu with more options; an item viewer, a VRAM viewer (FONT), region lockout messages, more in-game text, a map viewer (FLOOR) and details about the console being used to play the game.

Debug load

LightCrusader MD DebugLoad1.png

LightCrusader MD DebugLoad2.png

With the TEST and TEST2 menus enabled above, get yourself killed and choose to load a game. There will be a new "Debug Load" menu which allows you to spawn anywhere in the game, alongside a few dozen items in your inventory.


CollapseLight Crusader

LightCrusader title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Maps | Hidden content | Development | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1995-06-08 | 07-10