List of magazines in the United States

From Sega Retro

Name Publisher Subject First issue Last issue Total issues Frequency ISSN
68' Micro Journal Computer Publishing, Inc. 1979-xx-xx Monthly
@Gamer Future US 201x-xx-xx 201x-xx-xx 35 Monthly
ANALOG Computing Larry Flynt Publications 198x-xx-xx 1989-xx-xx 79 Bimonthly, Monthly 0744-9917
Animerica Viz Media 1992-xx-xx 2005-xx-xx Monthly 1067-0831
Arcade Express Reese Publishing 1982-08-15 Fortnightly 0733-6039
Billboard Lynne Segall Weekly 0006-2510
Byte UBM Technology Group 1975-09-xx Monthly 0360-5280
Cash Box Cash Box Publishing Weekly 0008-7289
Cinescape Sendai Media Group, Mania Entertainment 1994-xx-xx Monthly
Circuit Cellar INK Circuit Cellar Incorporated 198x-xx-xx Bimonthly, Monthly 0896-8985
Code Vault IDG Communications Tips 2001-0x-xx Bimonthly
Combo Century Publishing 199x-xx-xx
Computer Design PennWell Publishing Monthly 0010-4566
Computer Entertainer Monthly 0890-2143
Computer Game Review Sendai Publishing 1991-0x-xx Monthly
Computer Gaming World Golden Empire Publications, Ziff-Davis 1981-xx-xx 2006-xx-xx 268 Bimonthly, Monthly 0744-6667
Cyber Sports Sendai Publishing, Ziff-Davis 1995-xx-xx 1996-xx-xx 6 Bimonthly
DCM Ziff-Davis 1999-xx-xx 2000-xx-xx 4
Dangerous Waters InterAct Tips 199x-xx-xx 2000-xx-xx 24 Bimonthly
Data Bus Sega Electronics 1980-xx-xx Bimonthly, Monthly
DevelopMental Developer Technical Support 199x-xx-xx
Dimension-3 Dimension Publishing 1995-xx-xx Monthly
Disney Adventures Disney Publishing Worldwide 1990-xx-xx 2007-xx-xx 201 (202) Monthly 1050-2491
Dr. Dobb's Journal People's Computer Company 197x-xx-xx 2009-xx-xx 417 Monthly 1044-789X
Dragon TSR 1976-0x-xx 2007-xx-xx 359 Monthly 1062-2101
EGM² Sendai Publishing, Ziff-Davis 1994-07-19 1998-xx-xx 49 Monthly 1058-918X
Electronic Entertainment Infotainment World 199x-xx-xx 1995-1x-xx Monthly 1042-2943
Electronic Fun with Computers and Games Fun & Games Publishing 1982-xx-xx 1984-xx-xx 19 Monthly 0746-0546
Electronic Game Player Sorjana Publications 198x-xx-xx 1988-xx-xx 4 Bimonthly
Electronic Games Reese Publishing 1981-xx-xx 1985-xx-xx 34 Monthly 0730-6687
Electronic Games Decker Publications 1992-xx-xx 1995-0x-xx 34 Monthly 1063-8326
Electronic Gaming Monthly Sendai Publishing, Ziff Davis, EGM Media 1989-0x-xx Monthly 1058-918X
Electronic Gaming Retail News Sendai Publishing 1991-xx-xx 199x-xx-xx 12 Monthly
Embedded Systems Programming Miller Freeman Publications 1988-11-xx 2012-xx-xx Monthly
Entertainment Weekly Meredith Corporation 1990-02-xx Weekly, Monthly 1049-0434
Expert Gamer Ziff-Davis Tips 1998-xx-xx 2001-xx-xx 39 Monthly
FLUX Harris Publications 1994-xx-xx 199x-xx-xx 7 Quarterly 1074-5602
Forth Dimensions Forth Interest Group Bimonthly
Foul Videogame Subculture Multimedia Empire 2001-xx-xx 200x-xx-xx 11 Monthly
Fusion Decker Publications 1995-0x-xx Monthly 1083-1118
GMR Ziff Davis Media 2003-01-07 2005-xx-xx 25 Monthly 1544-6816
Game Buyer Imagine Media 1998-0x-xx 1998-xx-xx 4 Monthly
Game Developer UBM Tech 1994-xx-xx 2013-xx-xx 200 Monthly 1073-922X
Game Informer FuncoLand, GameStop 1991-xx-xx 2024-xx-xx Bimonthly, monthly 1067-6392
Game Intelligence Intelligent Media
Game On! USA Viz Media 1996-xx-xx 1996-xx-xx 7 Monthly
Game Players Signal Research, GP Publications, Imagine Publishing 1989-0x-xx 1996-08-06 88 Monthly 1087-2779
Game Players Sega Guide! Signal Research, GP Publications 1990-10-xx 199x-xx-xx 15 Bimonthly
Game Zero Bimonthly
GameFan DieHard Gamers Club, Metropolis Media, Shinno Media 1992-xx-xx 2000-1x-xx Monthly 1092-7212
GameNOW Ziff Davis Media 2001-10-16 200x-xx-xx 27 Monthly
GamePro IDG Communications 1989-04-xx Bimonthly, Monthly
GameShark Magazine InterAct Tips 2000-xx-xx 2002-xx-xx 9 Bimonthly
GameWEEK CyberActive Media Group Weekly
Gamers' Republic Millennium Publications 1998-05-xx 2001-xx-xx 36 Monthly
Games for Windows: The Official Magazine Ziff Davis Media PC 20xx-xx-xx Monthly
GremliNews Sega/Gremlin 198x-xx-xx Bimonthly
Hardcore Computist SoftKey Publishing 1983-xx-xx 19xx-xx-xx 89 Monthly
Hardcore Gamer Magazine DoubleJump Publishing 200x-xx-xx
High-End High-End Publishing 1991-xx-xx 1993-xx-xx 4 Bimonthly
Incite Video Gaming Computec Media 1999-1x-xx 2000-0x-xx 9 Monthly 1526-2685
Intelligent Gamer Decker Publications, Ziff-Davis 1996-05-27 1996-xx-xx 8 Monthly 1088-6737
Intelligent Gamer's Fusion Decker Publications 1996-0x-xx 1996-0x-xx Monthly
InterAction Sierra On-Line 1991-xx-xx 1999-xx-xx 27 Quarterly
Interactive Entertainment 199x-xx-xx
JoyStik Publications International 1982-xx-xx 1983-xx-xx 10 Monthly
K-Power Scholastic 1984-xx-xx 1984-xx-xx 8 Monthly, Bimonthly 0741-5192
Mega Play Sendai Publishing 1990-xx-xx 1995-0x-xx 28 (29) Bimonthly 1058-9171
MegaFan Tips 1996-xx-xx
NewType Gaming 1993-xx-xx Bimonthly
Next Generation Imagine Publishing 1994-12-08 2001-12-18 85 Monthly 1078-9693
Nintendo Power Nintendo of America, Future US Nintendo 1988-0x-xx 2012-12-11 285 Monthly 1041-9551
Official Dreamcast Magazine Imagine Media 1999-xx-xx 2001-01-28 12 (13) Bimonthly
Official U.S. PlayStation Magazine Ziff-Davis PlayStation 1997-xx-xx 200x-xx-xx 112 Monthly
Old School Gamer Magazine Ryan Burger Retro gaming Monthly
PC Gamer Imagine Publishing, Future Network USA PC 1994-04-21 Monthly
PC Tech Journal Ziff-Davis PC 1983-xx-xx 1989-xx-xx 68 Monthly 0738-0194
PSE2 PlayStation 2000-xx-xx Monthly
PSM Imagine Publishing, Future Network USA PlayStation 1997-0x-xx Monthly
Play Fusion Publishing 2001-xx-xx 20xx-xx-xx 97 Monthly 1537-7539
Play Meter Skybird Publishing 1974-xx-xx Monthly, Fortnightly 1529-8736
Play Meter Update Skybird Publishing Monthly
PlayStation: The Official Magazine Future US PlayStation 2007-11-xx Monthly
PoJo's Video Game Review 2000-xx-xx
Pocket Games Ziff Davis Media 1999-xx-xx 2006-xx-xx 20 Quarterly
Raijin Game & Anime 2002-12-18 20 Weekly
RePlay RePlay Publishing 1975-xx-xx Monthly
Retro Videogame Magazine 2014-xx-xx 12 (14) Bimonthly
S.W.A.T. Pro IDG Communications Tips 1990-xx-xx 2000-xx-xx 27 Bimonthly 1042-8658
Sega Challenge: The Team Sega Newsletter Sega of America, Tonka 198x-xx-xx 1989-xx-xx 7 Quarterly
Sega Dreamcast Advisor Sega 2000-xx-xx Monthly, Bimonthly
Sega Force 1992-xx-xx
Sega Strategy Sega of America 1995-xx-xx
Sega Visions The Communique Group, Infotainment World 1990-xx-xx 1995-xx-xx 25 Bimonthly, Quarterly
Silicon Mag EleMental Publishing xxxx-xx-xx Monthly 1524-2471
Sonic Times Sega Monthly, Bimonthly
Starlog Starlog Group 1976-xx-xx 2009-xx-xx 374 Monthly
Super Gaming Sendai Publishing 1991-xx-xx 1992-xx-xx 4 Quarterly
Surge Bedford Communications 2003-11-xx 2004-09-21 4 Quarterly
The Milwaukee Journal Non-gaming Daily
The National Locksmith National Publishing Co. Non-gaming 1929-xx-xx Monthly 0364-3719
Tips & Tricks Larry Flynt Publications Tips 1994-0x-xx 2007-xx-xx 150 Monthly 1059-2938
Ultimate Gamer Larry Flynt Publications 1995-0x-xx 199x-xx-xx 6 Monthly 1081-4582
Ultra Game Players Imagine Publishing 1996-09-03 1998-0x-xx 23 Monthly 1091-1685
Vending Times Arcade 1961-xx-xx Monthly 0042-3327
VideoGames Larry Flynt Publications 1993-0x-xx 1996-08-20 37 Monthly 1059-2938
VideoGames & Computer Entertainment Larry Flynt Publications 1988-1x-xx 55 Bimonthly, Monthly 1059-2938
Videogame Advisor CyberActive Publishing 199x-xx-xx Monthly
Videogaming Illustrated Ion International 1982-xx-xx 1984-xx-xx 14 Bimonthly, Monthly
Vidiot Creem Publications 1982-xx-xx 1983-xx-xx 5 Bimonthly
Xbox Nation Ziff Davis Media Xbox 2001-12-11 2005-01-18 23 Quarterly, Bimonthly, Monthly 1538-9723
Xbox: The Official Magazine Imagine Media, Future Network USA Xbox 2001-xx-xx Monthly 1534-7850
