NBA 2K2/Hidden content

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Dreamcast version

Note: on the Dreamcast, NBA 2K2's cheat codes are almost identical to those of NBA 2K1. To disable any codes, input the code again.

Pick a team at random

NBA2K2 DC US Random.png

Highlight the team selection area and press L+R+A. This will choose a team at random.

Giant heads

NBA2K2 DC US GiantHeads1.png

NBA2K2 DC US GiantHeads2.png

Enter heliumbrain as a code. This will give all the players big heads.

Monster players

NBA2K2 DC US Monsters1.png

NBA2K2 DC US Monsters2.png

Enter alienbrain as a code. This will make all the players big.

Be the ball

NBA2K2 DC US BeTheBall1.png

NBA2K2 DC US BeTheBall2.png

Enter betheball as a code. This will give you a first person perspective of the ball, shifting to third person when it isn't held.

Strange commentary

NBA2K2 DC US BadCommentators.png

Enter whatamisaying as a code. This will cause the sound clips from the commentators to be randomised.

Celebrate after every dunk

NBA2K2 DC US Happy.png

Enter sohappy as a code.

Extra teams

NBA2K2 DC US ExtraTeams1.png

NBA2K2 DC US ExtraTeams2.png

NBA2K2 DC US ExtraTeams3.png

Enter vc as a code. This will unlock three teams comprised of developers: "NBA2K2", "Sega" and "Dreamcast".

Developer messages

NBA2K2 DC US Aynaga.png

NBA2K2 DC US Marrinson.png

NBA2K2 DC US Yang.png

Three codes (named after developers) cause a message to appear, but their effects are unknown:

  • Aynaga: "I AM SEAMAN..."
  • Marrinson: "We're screwed ... AGAIN."
  • Yang: "baaaaaa ..."

Unknown codes

NBA2K2 DC US Virus.png

NBA2K2 DC US Radical.png

NBA2K2 DC US 70s.png

tvirus, radical and the70slive are recognised but their effects are currently unknown.



NBA2K2 title.png

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