OutRun Europa/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Master System version

Hidden text

Near the beginning of the ROM at 73 is the string:

* SEGA DL1 ***
(C)1990 A.R.LILL

Identical text is found in Sega Chess.[1]

Game Gear version

Hidden text

Near the beginning of the ROM at 273 is the string:

* SEGA DL1 ***
(C)1990 A.R.LILL

Identical text is found in Sega Chess.[1]

ZX Spectrum version

Colour mode

OutRunEuropa ZXSpectrum Colour1.png

OutRunEuropa ZXSpectrum Colour2.png

OutRunEuropa ZXSpectrum Colour3.png

By default OutRun Europa runs in monochrome on the ZX Spectrum, but a colour version was attempted, and can be enabled with the following two POKE commands:

  • POKE 24905,0
  • POKE 24906,0

There is a severe amount of colour clash in this mode, making the game very difficult to see and play.


CollapseOutRun Europa

OutRunEuropa Title.png

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