Rayman (prototype; 1995-07-20)

From Sega Retro

RaymanPrototype19950720 Saturn Title.png

Rayman (prototype; 1995-07-20)
Prerelease of: Rayman
System: Sega Saturn
Build date: 1995-07-20

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The 1995-07-20 build of Rayman is a prototype build of Rayman for the Sega Saturn. It was leaked in December 2015.

The build is dated roughly two months before the final game.


Main article: Rayman (prototype; 1995-07-20)/Comparisons.

Hidden content

Main article: Rayman (prototype; 1995-07-20)/Hidden content.

External links




Rayman title.png

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Sega Saturn
Prototypes: 1995-07-20