Fujitsu Parex

From Sega Retro

To do

Actual company history. Who was Parex pre-Fujitsu? Was there even a Parex then? Etc. Put this company into some context.

More information

Found some neat information to be eventually worked into the article. Link

Logo history

Appears to have been started as Parex and used that logo, merged into/acquired by Fujitsu to become Fujitsu Parex and then mostly used the Fujitsu logo. An archive of the official website has the Fujitsu red image logo next to the words "FUJITSU PAREX" spelled next to it. Additionally, there's some Eberouge merchandise that features the red Fujitsu logo above the peach Parex logo as the combined "company logo". So note to self, there's gonna be like four separate logos in the Logos section, and maybe work the above info into the Company section somehow.