Turbo OutRun/Comparisons

From Sega Retro

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Version comparisons

Turbo OutRun Title.png


TurboOutRun MD TitleScreen.png

Mega Drive

TurboOutRun FMTowns JP title.png

FM Towns

TurboOutRun Arcade SelectTransmission.png


TurboOutRun MD SelectTransmission.png

Mega Drive


FM Towns

TurboOutRun Arcade Start.png


TurboOutRun MD Start.png

Mega Drive


FM Towns

Localisation comparisons

Mega Drive version

SegaLogo MD JP 1990.png

JP region

SegaLogo MD US 1990.png

US/EU region

The Western versions include a ™ symbol next to the Sega logo.

Other comparisons

Unknown pornographic magazine

TurboOutRun ARC US LosAngeles.png

Turbo OutRun

Like in Super Monaco GP and Stadium Cross, Turbo OutRun notably uses a digitized and drawn-over scan of an unknown erotic model from an unknown pornographic magazine on the neon billboards encountered in Los Angeles. While its source is unknown, Super Monaco GP sources its models from an early 1970s issue of Playboy[1], with the same reasonable likelihood these come from a similar source.


CollapseTurbo OutRun

Turbo OutRun Title.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1991-12-09