Vigilante 8: Second Offense/Hidden content

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Vigilante8SecondOffense DC US Codes.png

On the options menu, select "Game Status", then a player. Then when pressing L+R, you will be able to add the following codes:

All cars

Enter LLA_KCOLNU ("Unlock All" backwards).

Maximum stats

Vigilante8SecondOffense DC US MaxStats.png

Enter LLA_DORTOH ("Hotrod All" backwards).


Enter ELBICNIVNI ("Invincible" backwards).

Faster player car

Enter MORE_SPEED. This increases the top speed of your car.

Slower enemy cars

Enter GO_SLOW_MO. This reduces the speed of enemy cars.

More forceful ramming

Enter GO_RAMMING. Now when ramming into other cars, there will be more of an impact.

Rapid fire

Enter RAPID_FIRE. This increases the rate of the player's shots.

More effective missiles


More aggressive enemies

Enter UNDER_FIRE. This causes the AI-controlled cars to target the player more often, as opposed to each other.

No enemies

Enter HOME_ALONE. This will let you start without any enemies (which means you can't win).

Arcade quick play

Enter QUICK_PLAY. Now when selecting arcade mode, the game will automatically select a car and location for you.

Vigilante 8 levels in multiplayer

Enter OLD_LEVELS. This will unlock levels from the original Vigilante 8 for use in multiplayer.

Select the same cars in multiplayer


Higher suspension height

Vigilante8SecondOffense DC US Suspension.png

Enter JACK_IT_UP. This will raise the car chasses up for both the players and AI, making the vehicle taller and more difficult to control.

Watch all videos

Enter LONG_MOVIE. Once confirmed, press A to see all of the full motion videos in the game. A skips to the next one while  START  returns to the options screen.


DRIVE_ONLY, GO_MONSTER, HI CEILING and NO_GRAVITY are recognised but do not appear to do anything(?).


CollapseVigilante 8: Second Offense

Vigilante8 title.png

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Sega Dreamcast
Prototypes: 1999-08-04