Pacific University

From Sega Retro

How to get clean images of those "blurry" Cash Box and Billboard scans on

I'm not trying to look smarter than anyone here, and this is probably known already... but if you put the magazine in "one-page-view" and zoom the page to its maximum and open it in a new tab ... you will get a clean, high resolution scan of the page without all that blurriness... --Asagoth (talk) 19:40, 4 November 2020 (EST)

Shinichiro"Slim" Ogasawara and his jukebox novelty single ...

This is not new... but if you guys are curious to know how it sounds... you can listening to it here...--Asagoth (talk) 21:26, 10 November 2020 (EST)

Victory Ships...

So accordind to "La Grande Observer" envelopes with a colored photo of the "SS La Grande Victory" were being sold on ebay in 2012 ... in fact a seller dubbed "navycovers" sells lots of these fancy envelopes but all of them use the same photo because all these ships looked the same... I checked all the items that he has for sale... but the envelope of "SS La Grande Victory is nowhere to be found... so We shall have to make do with just a "standard" photo... Honestly... fu$?&!?k the photo (I'm more interested in the facts featured in the envelope...) ... "Retro" has the right of being awesome... so we want one of those... let´s hope...--Asagoth (talk) 14:43, 19 February 2021 (EST)

California Oil World (Magazine) has a good amount of scans of this old magazine (the first 51 volumes... that's a lot of magazines)... but not this one (Volume 61 from 1968)... this was a weekly magazine... so there's many issues of this magazine per volume... we may find a scan... or not... it's a matter of luck...--Asagoth (talk) 18:52, 8 August 2021 (EDT)

The Tokyo Observer, July 7, 1968...

As recently discovered, the "father" of this Pacific University thing was Japanese journalist Minoru Omori who also founded the short-lived Japanese newspaper The Tokyo Observer published from February 12, 1967 to March 1, 1970... this story was obviously covered by The Tokyo Observer and published on its July 7, 1968 edition (the first three pages) ... so... is anyone here capable enough of translating some of this stuff? (Akane, are you there?)... this is a Sega Retro exclusive... this story was nearly "dead" and "lost in time"... so please, guys... join the cause... --Asagoth (talk) 20:37, 27 January 2022 (EST)

The Tokyo Observer; July 14, 1968, page 1 ...--Asagoth (talk) 14:12, 28 January 2022 (EST)


There's two Japanese books that tell the story of the Pacific University... "Ōmori minoru monogatari" (大森実ものがたり, The story of Minoru Omori) and "Yan Ken Taiheiyō-ra", (ヤン・ケン太平洋ら, Pacific University Picture Diary) by Kenichi Yanagihara, a Japanese student that participated in the first cruise aboard the Pacific University and contains lots of color photos...--Asagoth (talk) 02:17, 29 January 2022 (EST)

weird adverts...

that's the advert for the 4th Pacific University cruise and it's a weird one (can you guys see that photo with the two buses?... that's the ad)... it says that students would meet senator Fulbright and President Kennedy... how would they meet Kennedy if he was killed in 1963... they were going to meet his ghost? ... someone smoked some "nasty weed", that's for sure...--Asagoth (talk) 19:12, 30 January 2022 (EST)


This is the Pacific University in 1969 ( ; but the ship it's not the Margarita... it's the Russian (Soviet) passenger liner Ilitch (Russian: Ильич, Japanese: イリーチ号)... on this cruise they traveled to the "Far East" (Russia, Cambodia, Philippines, etc.)... so our page it's fucking accurate =)... the Margarita was only used in the first two cruises... I don't know if the other ships had an amusement arcade... maybe yes... maybe not... good luck in your research... I'm tired of ships...--Asagoth (talk) 15:41, 11 February 2022 (EST)

Original: 太平洋大学船出港式であいさつする大森実学長(中央)、その右後方は大宅壮一名誉学長、後方はマルガリータ号=68年7月3日、東京・晴海埠頭
Translation: Minoru Omori (centre), President of the Pacific University, addresses the launching ceremony of the Pacific University ship, with Honorary President Sōichi Ōya to his right and the Margarita in the background, July 3, 1968, Harumi Pier, Tokyo.
Sōichi Ōya was a close friend of Minoru Omori and was the main financier of these trips. Minoru was fired from the "Mainichi Shimbun" in 1966 after his feature story series on the Vietnam War was criticized by then U.S. Ambassador to Japan Edwin Reischauer. Minoru Omori used the profits from these trips basically to finance his newspaper The Tokyo Observer ... Sega took the opportunity to make a few quid and set up an arcade on the ship... and the rest is history...--Asagoth (talk) 11:15, 27 July 2024 (EDT)