Time Gal/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Mega-CD version

TimeGal MCD JP SS Stageselect1.png

TimeGal MCD JP SS Stageselect2.png

In startmenu, LeftRightRightUp and start the game. Stage and Scene select is enable.

TimeGal MCD JP SS Stageclear.png

When Stage Select is enable, you can pause the game. C clear this stage, B miss this scene.


Clear the game in hard level with no continue. After ending staffroll, wait for 10 minutes.

It is impossible to use stage select's trick.


Stage-Scene Century Password Number of Miss
1-1 B.C.70000000 DODZILLA 5
1-2 B.C.65000000 DINOSAUR 6
1-3 B.C.30000 STONEAGE 10
1-4 B.C.1600 ELEPHANT 2
1-5 B.C.44 OSIRIIYA 3
2-1 A.D.500 HARDWORK 9
2-2 A.D.666 DEATHOUL 2
2-3 A.D.1588 SOUTHERN 7
2-4 A.D.1941 WORLDWAR 12
2-5 A.D.1991 LANDMINE 9
3-1 A.D.2001 RECKLESS 7
3-2 A.D.2010 ASTEROID 9
3-3 A.D.3001 MURDERER 9
3-4 A.D.3999 BRANCHER 9
3-5 A.D.4000 STARWARS 6
