Sega Channel

From Sega Retro

(from Andlabs 23:37, 24 July 2011 (CDT): exploring this link kiddo sent me to sega channel website archives: [1]

and this stuff should all be verified too

maybe I should just post on the forum)



Just putting these as a list. Not counting games released retail in other countries.

rEgIOn exCLusIvEs

And here let's put region exclusives:


  • "Maui Mallard in Cold Shadow" [10] what.


Seirous Discussion/Questions To Answer Here

[11] "Super League" aka Tommy Lasorda Baseball? - Andlabs 23:37, 24 July 2011 (CDT)

What International Sega Channel versions are documented?

the archived SC's "International" subsection implies the Sega Channel got a much larger degree of worldwide penetration than what's been well-documented. Has anyone found a BIOs cart or a SC Webpage from Germany or Chile or wherever? Did any of these regions get exclusive content akin to Japan?--KiddoCabbusses 23:43, 24 July 2011 (CDT)

Oerg866 and SonicVaan (German natives) said they never saw Sega Channel in Germany - Andlabs 10:18, 27 July 2011 (CDT)
old press releases time
I hear it reached The Netherlands too. From what I gather it was taken off air in late 97/early 98 due to technical issues, but it's a massive challenge to find anything even remotely related to the subject -Black Squirrel 10:58, 27 July 2011 (CDT)

To clarify some things...

I do not know if "SEGA CHANNEL 01" and "SEGA CHANNEL 02" fit in with the "Sega Channel Demo Cartridge ###" series. As the dumper described them, they were PCB protos. The Wiki article is also missing any reference to the "GAME GUIDE" ROM, Which incidentally is called "Sega Channel Demo Cartridge #37 - Game Guide 3/18/94".--KiddoCabbusses 15:49, 26 July 2011 (CDT)