Portidata Software Interactivo
From Sega Retro
Salted Cod-Flavoured mags and newspaper supplements...
Some Mini Micro's magazines (Rui Tito and his fellow Paulo Carrasco used to write for it...) and 62 issues of "Microsete" a supplement of Portuguese newspaper "O Se7e" about Micro Computers... and I also have 129 issues of "Pokes & Dicas" a similar supplement of Portuguese newspaper "A Capital" to upload... ;) --Asagoth (talk) 13:50, 29 September 2020 (EDT)
- Edit: "Extra!... Extra!... Youngs from Portimão form a club (for Spectrum users... it was called "7K Spectrum Clube" they had 300 members :) ... there was no internet back then) and create software acquired by English company (Wizard Software)"... blessed the day I joined "Retro"...--Asagoth (talk) 15:09, 29 September 2020 (EDT)