Time Commando/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Pause menu codes

For the following, pause the game, highlight "music" (ミュージック) and input one of the following codes. A noise should be heard if entered successfully.

Get all four batteries

TimeCommando Saturn 4Batteries.png

Press X B B Y A A B X X Y X.

Recover all energy

Press A Y Y B A Y Y B X X A.

Get three extra lives

TimeCommando Saturn ExtraLives.png

Press Y X B A Y B X A Y X Y. The game only supports a maximum of three extra lives, so inputting this command more than once does nothing.

Clear infected memory

Press Y Y X B A Y B X X X A. This will set the infected memory meter to 0, though it will continue to rise as normal.

Get all weapons

TimeCommando Saturn AllWeapons.png

Press Y A B X A X B Y A X B. This will give you all the weapons available on your current stage.

Refill ammo

Press Y B Y A X A B X Y A X. This will refill ammo for weapons which require it.

Automatic reloading

Press X A B Y B A X Y B Y X. Now you don't need to manually reload weapons once a clip has finished.

Skip to next level

Press A X A Y B X A B A Y Y.

Skip to next stage

Press B A Y B X B A X Y B X.

Fight in a ring

TimeCommando Saturn StanleyFight.png

TimeCommando Saturn StanleyFight2.png

Enter COMMANDO as a password. This will put you in a fighting ring alongside a computer-controlled Stanley. Beat him and you have to take on xxxx; beat her and the game will show how long it took you to win.

The audience consists of other characters encountered in the main game.


Time Commando

TimeCommando title.png

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