Jurassic Park (Mega Drive)/Hidden content

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All weapons and ammo

Enter "WAGNER93" as a password. When starting the game, you will have all the in-game weapons with full ammo.

Alternative level passwords

Use a password of the form JP_0_ARK, where the first _ is substituted for G (grant) or R (raptor) and the second for a level number, and you will start on that level with your chosen character. This works for the following levels:

Password Level
JPG01ARK Power Station
JPG02ARK River
JPG03ARK Pumping Station
JPG04ARK Canyon
JPG05ARK Volcano
JPG06ARK Visitors Center
JPG07ARK Ending
Password Level
JPR01ARK Power Station
JPR02ARK Pumping Station
JPR03ARK Canyon
JPR04ARK Visitors Center
JPR05ARK Ending

Debug mode

JurassicPark MD Debug1.png

JurassicPark MD Debug2.png

JurassicPark MD US DebugMenu.png

Enter "NYUKNYUK" as a password. This will allow the game to be manipulated with the second control pad. The D-Pad will freely move the player around, attack will heal the player and restock ammo, while  START  will reset the game.[1]

Entering and then exiting the options menu, then choosing "start" on the main menu will lead to a level select and sound test.


Enter "FREIHEIT" as a password and select "START" to see the credits of the game.[1] This code references the game's lead programmer, Keith Freiheit.


Jurassic Park (Mega Drive)

JurassicParkMD title.png

Main page | Maps | Passwords | Hidden content | Bugs | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Promotional material | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1993-04-29