Bollycao Sonic X Pickers Pogs

From Sega Retro

This collection is composed of 102 different pogs, however some of them (maybe all... I can't remember) have 3 variants (same drawing, same number, different colors) ... kids were supposed to play a game with them in which the pogs, were put on the ground, kids would throw the ball at the pogs and them sum the points in the back of the pogs which got sticked to the ball, thus obtaining a score... something like that... --Asagoth (talk) 11:26, 12 February 2019 (EST)

Edit: Yep... is that it... 3 variants for each pog ... and if my memory isn't failing... each has a different score in the back ... so we have 306 pogs in total... a photo for reference...--Asagoth (talk) 13:35, 12 February 2019 (EST)
All the 102 drawings (the order is right to left):

...--Asagoth (talk) 16:02, 12 February 2019 (EST)


Pickers was one of their many brands of collectables... they were sold at kiosks and had an album... however the Sonic X collection was a Panrico exclusive and was not sold in any store... the only way to get them was buying and eating lots of Bollycao buns... I can't find a commercial ... but I found the commercial for the Pokemon Pickers in their archived website... you guys can see it here to get an idea...--Asagoth (talk) 13:14, 14 February 2019 (EST)