Air Rescue/Production credits

From Sega Retro

Back to: Air Rescue.
In-game high score table[1]

Several of these initials (D&K, MIY and the alphabetical ABC, DEF and GHI) also appear in the high score table for Line of Fire[2] , which could mean the two games share some developers.

Developer mentions


Music credits

ID Name Description Credits Used Comments
81 Mission 1 Yes
82 Attract Mode Yes
83 Mission 2 Yes
84 Awaiting Entry Yes
85 Mission 5 Yes
86 Title Yes
87 Mission Briefing Yes
88 Mission 4 Yes
89 Mission Complete Yes
8A Game Over Yes
8B Score Tally Yes
8C Unused 1 No
8D Unused 2 No
8E Mission 3 Yes
8F Ending Yes


CollapseAir Rescue

AirRescue title.png

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