Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire

From Sega Retro


VampireSavior title.png

Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire
System(s): Sega Saturn
Publisher: Capcom
Original system(s): Capcom CPS-2
Sound driver: SCSP/CD-DA (18 tracks)
Peripherals supported: Extended RAM Cartridge (4MB only)
Genre: Fighting/Taisen Kakutou (対戦格闘)[1], Action[2]

Number of players: 1-2
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Saturn
¥5,800 (6,090)5,800e[3] T-1228G
Sega Rating: All Ages
Sega Saturn
¥7,800 (8,190)7,800e[3] T-1229G
Sega Rating: All Ages
ExpandNon-Sega versions

Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (ヴァンパイア セイヴァー) is a versus fighting game by Capcom which was later brought to the Sega Saturn in Japan. It is the sequel to Vampire Hunter and the third release in the Darkstalkers franchise.

The game was at one point set for release in North America as DarkStalkers 3: Vampire Savior[4], but this version did not materialise.


Jedah Dohma, one of the high nobles of Makai, is resurrected after a premature death long ago. Seeing the current chaotic state of the demon world, he decides that the only way to save Makai is to recreate it. To this end, he conjures a pocket dimension known as Majigen, to which he summons worthy souls to help feed his new world.


Vampire Savior, Character Select.png

Character select

Vampire Savior, Gameplay.png


The game is a fighting game similar to the preceding entries in the series. It introduces four new characters (Bulleta, Jedah, Lilith, and Q-Bee) and adds new moves or revises the existing characters. It replaces the traditional round system with a system similar to Rare's Killer Instinct: each fighter has two life bars and two corresponding life markers. When one fighter loses a life marker after the life bar is emptied, the fighters reset their positions as if starting a new round, but the victorious fighter retains their remaining life bar and the timer does not reset. When the player is attacked, some of the health lost is displayed in white, which can be recovered if the player does not take any more damage within a short duration (health does not recover while blocking). The game also introduces a new type of special ability called Dark Force moves.

Characters move with Left and Right and dash with Left Left and Right Right. They jump upward with Up and jump behind and ahead with Up-left and Up-right. They crouch with Down. Punches are done with X (light), Y (medium), and Z (hard) and kicks are done with A (light), B (medium), and C (hard). Light attacks are faster and hard attacks deal more damage. Chain combos can be performed by linking attacks from lightest to hardest and from punches to kicks, canceling the recovery of a normal move by starting another. Special moves for each character are done by pairing specific directional combinations with an attack button. Projectile attacks move slowly through each other, with the stronger projectile dissipating the other (depending on the strength of the attack button used and which was launched first) rather than canceling each other out as in most fighting games (unless they were launched at the same time with the same strength). ES moves are done by pressing the same directional combinations but holding two attack buttons of the same type (punches or kicks). Characters can perform a taunt with R, which is a short animation during which the character is vulnerable to attack.

Throws and grabs are done by holding Left or Right when next to an opponent and pressing a medium or hard punch or kick button. Different characters have different throws available to them, and most characters can throw in midair. Characters can reduce the damage taken from a throw (except command throws) by pressing the medium or hard punch button after being thrown. Characters have special pursuit moves where they can attack knocked down opponents by holding Up and any attack button simultaneously. Pursuit attacks only do recoverable (white) damage, so they must be followed up with additional attacks to do permanent damage. Knocked down characters can recover and slide away by holding Left or Right and pressing any attack button.

Guarding is done by holding the D-Pad away from the opponent. Characters can guard in midair but cannot air block against normal attacks from an opponent that is standing on the ground and cannot air block after performing an attack in the air. While guarding, pressing the punch and kick buttons rapidly has a chance of pushing the other character away. Most characters have one special move, called a guard cancel, that can be performed while guarding to cancel out of the block and immediately counterattack the opponent.

The game features a Special meter, which fills as characters perform normal moves (except light attacks) and special moves or take damage. When it is full, characters can perform three types of special moves: ES moves, EX moves, and Dark Force moves. ES moves ("enhanced special" moves) are enhanced versions of their special moves that can typically hit more times but sometimes differ drastically. EX moves ("extra special" moves) are unique special abilities that are usually more flashy and do more damage. Some characters can cancel chain combos into EX moves. New to the game are Dark Force moves, which use a level of the Super meter to perform a character-specific ability that temporarily boosts the character's damage, defense, or mobility for a limited period. Dark Force moves are performed by holding a punch and a kick button of the same strength or L. The Special meter can have multiple levels (with no limit), gaining a new level each time it fills, and using an ES, EX, or Dark Force move costs a level. The Special meter levels are retained for the entire match.


There is a single-player mode where the player chooses any character and fights six opponents before facing a final boss, which differs depending on the selected character. Each character also has a secret rival battle that can be played if the player does not lose a life marker and finishes at least three opponents with an EX or a Dark Force move before reaching the fifth opponent. A second player can challenge the first at any point by pressing  START  on a second control pad, with the winner of the match moving on to the next opponent. There are eight different difficulty levels for the computer-controlled combatants. There is also a two-player versus mode where each player can choose any character, a handicap, and any stage.

Players can choose between Normal and Turbo speed for battles. There are two playing styles that can be selected after choosing a character: Normal and Auto. The character automatically guards against a limited number of attacks in Auto mode and automatically performs chain combos when attacking with normal moves.


Note: Move lists assume that the character is facing right. When facing left, Left and Right should be reversed.

P Any punch button
 LP  Light punch
 MP  Medium punch
 HP  Hard punch
K Any kick button
 LK  Light kick
 MK  Medium kick
 HK  Hard kick
 TAUNT  Taunt

All special moves can be performed as ES moves if two P or K buttons are used instead of one, including pursuit attacks but excluding teleports and some command throws.

Bulleta, Jedah, Lilith, and Q-Bee are new characters. Donovan, Phobos, and Pyron were absent in the original arcade release, but they are present in the Saturn version.

Players can choose from eight different color schemes for each character: six corresponding to the six attack buttons, plus two additional color schemes available by selecting the character with two P buttons or two K buttons simultaneously.

Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Anakaris.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Anakaris is a 5,000-year-old Egyptian mummy who was once the pharaoh of a powerful empire before his death.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Hitsugi no Mai Down Down P or K Anakaris drops a sarcophagus on his opponent. The distance that the sarcophagus drops goes from closest to furthest in the order of  LP  (closest),  LK ,  MP ,  MK ,  HP , and  HK  (furthest). This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Anakaris drops eight sarcophagi at varying distances in a barrage.
Ouke no Sabaki Down Down-right Right P in midair Anakaris blows out ghosts that curse his opponent, temporarily transforming them into a helpless version of themselves.
ES move: Anakaris blows out more ghosts, covering a larger area.
Kotodama Gaeshi (inhale) Down Down-left Left K Anakaris swallows a projectile with his body. This move can be performed in midair.
Kotodama Gaeshi (exhale) Down Down-right Right K Anakaris launches a projectile after swallowing it. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Anakaris exhales the ES version of the swallowed projectile.
Cobra Blow Left Right P Anakaris turns his arms into a long cobra and punches with them.
ES move: Anakaris performs a variant of the move that can hit more times.
Togame no Ana Right Down Down-right K after being knocked down Anakaris splits his body into two parts after landing, revealing a portal that can suck in a nearby opponent and toss them back out at the top of the screen.
ES move: Anakaris performs a variant of the move where the portal stays open longer and the opponent is dropped twice.
Imashime no Bohi
Up+P or K near downed opponent Anakaris drops over his opponent with the bottom of his body transformed into a pyramid.
ES move: Anakaris performs a variant of the move where he catches a giant sarcophagus that drops onto him, driving the pyramid further into his opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Hover Up Anakaris folds his body up and hovers for a duration instead of jumping. He can move in the air with Left and Right, attack with P or K, hover higher with Up again, or return to the ground with Down. He jumps back and ahead normally with Up-left and Up-right.
Double Jump Up-left Up-left or Up-right Up-right Anakaris jumps twice, maintaining his vertical height for a moment longer before floating down. He can do this up to two times with each jump.
Dash Left Left or Right Right Anakaris dashes a short distance backwards or forwards.
Warp Left Left on the edge of the screen Anakaris can walk through the edge of the stage and reappear on the other side of the screen.
Seija no Ayumi Left+ MK  or Right+ MK  Anakaris does a high axe kick.
Seinaru Bohi Down+K during diagonal jump Anakaris transforms the bottom of his body into a pyramid and drops to the ground.
Ooinaru Bohi Down-right+K during diagonal jump Anakaris transforms the bottom of his body into a pyramid and dives diagonally down.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Miira Drop Down Down-right Right P Anakaris reaches his hands through a hole and attempts to grab his opponent a set distance away (farther when a stronger button is used). If he succeeds, he wraps the opponent like a mummy and slams them against the ground.
ES move: Anakaris performs a variant of the move where the hands move forward trying to grab his opponent, rather than appearing a set distance away.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Shinjitsu no Oshie
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously while blocking Anakaris curses his opponent, temporarily transforming them into a helpless version of themselves. This move costs two levels of meter.
Naraku no Ana Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Anakaris drops his opponent through a hole in the ground, causing them to fall back down from the top of the screen.
Pharaoh Magic  MK   LP  Down  LK   MP  Anakaris curses his opponent, freezing them, then drops a giant sarcophagus on them. This move can be performed in midair.
Pharaoh Salvation  HK   MP  Down  MK   HP  (at level 2) Anakaris shoots seven projectiles that inflict seven different curses, then drops a giant sarcophagus on his opponent. This move costs two levels of meter and can be performed in midair.
Pharaoh Decoration  HK   MP   LK  Down  LP   MK   HP  (at level 3) Anakaris shoots seven projectiles that inflict seven different curses, then drops a giant sarcophagus on his opponent. This move costs three levels of meter and can be performed in midair.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Pharoah Split Any P and K of the same strength Anakaris separates his waist and legs from the rest of his body, which can both be controlled to attack his opponent (with P attacking with the top half and K attacking with the bottom half).
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Aulbath.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Aulbath (Rikuo)
Aulbath is a merman living in Brazil's Amazon River and the sole survivor of a colossal earthquake that demolished his underwater empire.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Sonic Wave Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Aulbath emits damaging sound waves about half the width of the screen, which does a light amount of damage but momentarily stuns his opponent.
ES move: Aulbath emits larger sound waves that travel the full width of the screen and do more damage.
Poison Breath Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+K Aulbath releases a poison gas, which does a light amount of damage but momentarily stuns his opponent. The distance that the cloud is dispersed depends on the strength of the button used.
ES move: Aulbath releases a poison gas cloud that covers most of the width of the screen.
Trick Fish
(guard cancel)
Left Left K or Right Down Down-right K Aulbath jumps diagonally into the air feet first from a retreating dash.
ES move: Aulbath performs a variant of the move that hits multiple times before knocking his opponent over.
Riverside Drop
Up+P or K near downed opponent Aulbath rolls into a ball and bounces off his opponent.
ES move: Aulbath performs a variant of the move where he bounces three times on his opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Aulbath somersaults backwards or swims forward low to the ground.
Killer Vortex Down+ HK  in midair Aulbath spirals diagonally downward while spinning his feet like a sawblade.
Spinning Current  HP  while dashing Aulbath turns into a giant shell and drills his opponent while dashing.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Crystal Lancer Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Aulbath jumps into the air while holding his opponent with his tongue, then attacks and slams his opponent.
ES move: Aulbath performs a variant of the move where he hits his opponent more times.
Gem's Anger Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MK  or  HK  (close) Aulbath throws his opponent into the air with his tongue, then transforms into a clam and pelts them with giant pearls.
ES move: Aulbath performs a variant of the move where he jumps on his opponent after slamming them to the ground.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Aqua Spread Right Down-right Down + two P or K simultaneously Aulbath calls a burst of water from the ground in front of him. When performed with P, the burst is always the same distance in front of him. When performed with K, Aulbath tracks his opponent and calls forth the burst wherever they are.
Sea Rage Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Aulbath calls forth a flood.
Water Jail Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Aulbath creates a giant bubble that can capture his opponent.
Direct Scissors Down Down + two P simultaneously (close) Aulbath crouches and pinches with his arms, which become lobster claws. This move costs three levels of meter.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Ocean Rage Any P and K of the same strength Aulbath calls forth a flood and rides on a sea creature. He can surf in any direction using the D-Pad or mount or dismount the creature by pressing all three K simultaneously. He moves through hits while surfing.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Bishamon.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Bishamon is a ghostly Japanese samurai who wears a cursed suit of armor.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Iaigiri Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P or K Bishamon swings his sword in a wide slash. He swings high with P and low with K.
ES move: Bishamon swings his sword back and forth, hitting more times.
Karame Dama Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Bishamon swings his sword and shoots a fireball. His opponent is dazed on impact, and Bishamon can perform one of two follow-ups. If fired in midair, Bishamon shoots the fireball diagonally downward. The air fireball also dazes his opponent, but unlike the ground fireball, Bishamon can follow it up with any move.
ES move: Bishamon throws a larger fireball that does more damage.
Tama Yose Left+P after Karame Dama After performing the Karame Dama, while his opponent is dazed, Bishamon can pull them toward him.
Tsuji Hayate Down Down-right Right P after Karame Dama After performing the Karame Dama, while his opponent is dazed, Bishamon can dash at them and slash them twice with his sword.
ES move: Bishamon dashes and stabs his opponent, then his spirit leaves his armor and stabs his opponent again.
Kien Zan
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Bishamon jumps high while uppercutting with his sword. This move can only be performed as a reversal or after landing from a jump.
ES move: Bishamon performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times.
Up+P or K near downed opponent Bishamon somersaults into the air, then dives onto his opponent with a sword stab.
ES move: Bishamon performs a variant of the move where he stabs the opponent multiple times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Bishamon hops back or dashes ahead.
Alternate Attacks Right+P or K All of Bishamon's standing punches and kicks have alternate forms with longer reach when combined with Right.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Kirisute Gomen D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then  MP  or  HP  (close) Bishamon pulls his opponent toward him, then slashes upward with his sword.
ES move: Bishamon performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Oni Kubi Hineri Right Down-right Down Down-left Left + two P simultaneously (close) Bishamon releases a giant hand from his chest that grabs and squeezes his opponent.
Enma Ishi Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Bishamon creates a wooden mat and slides it across the floor. If it hits his opponent, they are crushed on top of it by three falling stone blocks.
Togakubi Sarashi Down Down + two P simultaneously (close) Bishamon slices his opponent in half with his sword.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Kogane Katabira Any P and K of the same strength Bishamon temporarily enhances his armor, allowing him to walk through hits.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Bulleta.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:
Zabel Zarock

Bulleta (Baby Bonnie Hood)
Bulleta is a hunter of supernatural creatures. She resembles Little Red Riding Hood. She is accompanied by her pet dog Harry.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Smile and Missile Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P or K Bulleta launches a missile from her basket that travels most of the width of the screen. The missile is fired high with P and low with K.
ES move: Bulleta fires a missile that travels the full width of the screen and hits multiple times.
Happy and Missile Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+P Bulleta jumps in the air and fires a missile diagonally downward.
ES move: Bulleta fires a missile that hits multiple times.
Shyness and Strike Down Down-left Left P Bulleta yawns and twirls her basket, then swings it at her opponent. Holding P for longer makes the basket larger, which increases its damage slightly and its range.
ES move: Bulleta swings a larger basket that does not need to be charged up.
Cheer and Fire Right Down Down-right P Bulleta holds out a wine bottle, which belches flames upwards.
ES move: Bulleta performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times.
Jealousy and Fake
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K while blocking Bulleta replaces herself with a doll and reappears on the other side of her opponent.
Law of the Bullet
Up+P or K near downed opponent Bulleta somersaults onto her opponent, bouncing into the air, then blasts her submachine gun.
ES move: Bulleta performs a variant of the move where shoots her opponent more.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Bulleta runs in either direction.
Double Jump Up in midair Bulleta can jump again in midair.
Tricky Basket Left+ MP  or Right+ MP  Bulleta hops backwards or forwards while swinging her basket around in front of her.
Stumble and Blade Left+ MP  or Right+ MP  while dashing Bulleta stumbles and falls with two knives out while dashing.
Surprise and Hop Left+ MK  or Right+ MK  Bulleta hops forward with a knee strike.
Malice and Mine Down-right+ HK  Bulleta sweep kicks while tossing a mine.
Tell Me Why Down + all three K simultaneously Bulleta slides along the ground, potentially under her opponent.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Sentimental Typhoon Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Bulleta holds hands with her opponent, and they spin together into a cyclone that takes her opponent away.
ES move: Bulleta performs a variant of the move that does more damage.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Cool Hunting Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Bulleta summons two large hunters, who shoot rockets forward while Bullets fires her submachine gun.
Beautiful Memory Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Bulleta reminisces about her grandmother, which causes her to cry and slash her opponent repeatedly with her knives.
Apple for You Right Down-right Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously (close) Bulleta offers her opponent an apple and dives for cover, then the apple explodes.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Killing Time Any P and K of the same strength Bulleta fires missiles instead of punching for a duration.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Demitri.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Demitri Maximoff
Demitri is a noble vampire from Romania, resembling Dracula, with the ability to control dark energy.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Chaos Flare Down Down-right Right P Demitri throws a flaming bat across the screen that momentarily stuns his opponent on impact. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Demitri throws a fireball that does more damage and stuns for longer.
Demon Cradle
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Demitri ascends vertically while spinning, hitting his opponent with his cape, which takes the form of bat wings, knocking down his opponent on impact. If performed while dashing, Demitri ascends at a diagonal angle.
ES move: Demitri performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent down.
Bat Spin Down Down-left Left K Demitri vanishes, then reappears in the air and dives at a diagonal angle in a spiral, hitting multiple times. The distance that Demitri reappears depends on the strength of the button used. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Demitri performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Hell Ride
Up+P or K near downed opponent Demitri jumps onto his opponent with a dive kick.
ES move: Demitri follows up the dive kick by transforming into his monstrous true form and kicking his opponent more, then takes a bow.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Demitri teleports backwards or forwards. He disappears and cannot be attacked while he is teleporting.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Negative Stolen D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then  MP  or  HP  (close) Demitri grabs his opponent, carries them into the air, then drives them into the ground while spinning.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Midnight Bliss Down Right Down-right + two P simultaneously Demitri glides forward and transforms his opponent into a female version if he is male or a chibi version if she is female. He then transforms into his monstrous true form and holds his opponent up by the throat, absorbing their blood until they become empty husks.
Demon Billion Down Right Down-right + two K simultaneously Demitri transforms into a flight of bats and flies through his opponent.
Midnight Pleasure  LP   MP  Right  MK   MK  (half screen away or closer) Demitri grabs his opponent, shakes them, and pummels them with a series of attacks. This move costs two levels of the Special meter.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Darkside Master Any P and K of the same strength Demitri summons two flaming bats that fight alongside him for a duration.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Donovan.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Donovan Baine
Donovan is a dhamphir (a cross between a vampire and a human) of unknown origin who watches over a young and emotionless girl named Anita.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Killshread Down Down-left Left K Donovan plants his sword into the ground. The sword is planted on the left side of the screen with  LK , at Donovan's location with  MK , or on the right side of the screen with  HK . While the sword is planted, Donovan can summon it back to him by again pressing Down Down-left Left K (which can be done in midair), causing it to attack opponents on the ground as it returns. Donovan's standing normal punches are changed and he cannot perform any moves that use his sword until he summons it back to him.
ES move: The sword hits more times when it is summoned back.
Killshread Lightning Down Down-left Left P after Killshread While his sword is planted in the ground, Donovan calls lightning that strikes any opponent over the sword.
ES move: The lightning strike can hit more times.
Ifrit Sword
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Donovan summons a fire spirit, which slashes a fiery sword upward.
ES move: The fire spirit slashes its sword twice.
Blizzard Sword Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Donovan summons an ice spirit, which tosses a large snowflake downward.
ES move: The ice spirit tosses multiple snowflakes downward.
Lightning Sword Left Down Down-left P Donovan summons a lightning spirit, which shoots electricity in front of him.
ES move: The lightning spirit can hit more times.
Foot Stab
Up+P or K near downed opponent Donovan jumps onto his opponent with a foot stab.
ES move: Donovan follows up the foot stab with a diving palm strike.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Donovan dashes backwards or forwards.
Killshread Surf Down+ LK  or  MK  in midair Donovan rides his sword down from the air.
Killshread Dive Down+ HK  in midair Donovan rides his sword down, which transforms to be large and anchor-shaped.
Hop Kick Right+ HK  Donovan hops ahead while kicking.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Sword Grapple Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P (close) Donovan causes his opponent to levitate while his sword slashes them.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Press of Death Right Down-right Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Donovan summons a giant air spirit to stomp his opponent.
Change Immortal  MP   LP  Left  LK   MK  Donovan transforms into a flying demonic form and attacks his opponent. He can be controlled with Up and Down in this state.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Slay Shred Any P and K of the same strength Donovan's sword flies spinning toward his opponent with every normal attack he makes.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Felicia.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Felicia is a catwoman who dreams of becoming a musical star.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Rolling Buckler Down Down-right Right P Felicia rolls along the ground in a ball. She damages and bounces off her opponent on collision. She can follow up this move with an uppercut by pressing P.
ES move: Felicia continues rolling into her opponent rather than bouncing off. If followed up with P, her uppercut hits more times.
Cat Spike Right Down Down-right P Felicia leaps across the screen to chase a ball, trying to pop it with her claws. If her opponent is in the way, she slashes them instead; if her opponent is close, she leaps to the other side of them.
ES move: Felicia jumps into the air and spikes the ball downward into her opponent's face.
Delta Kick
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K Felicia jumps into the air, attacking with her knee, then dives diagonally downward with her clawed foot first.
ES move: Felicia performs a variant of the move that can hit more times.
Toy Touch
Up+P or K near downed opponent Felicia rolls into a ball and bounces off her opponent.
ES move: Felicia follows up the bounce attack with multiple claw scratches.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Wall Cling Hold Left when jumping onto the edge of the screen Felicia can cling to the side of the screen. She jumps off when Left is released. Otherwise, she slides down after a moment and jumps off when she reaches the bottom.
Roll Up Felicia curls into a ball when she jumps. If she lands on top of her opponent, she can scratch them with  LP . Or she can bounce off her opponent (without doing damage) if moving forward.
Dash Left Left or Right Right Felicia pounces backwards or forwards. She can pounce through her opponent if close.
EX Charge Down Down + two K simultaneously Felicia increases her Special meter for as long as the K buttons are held, though she is vulnerable to attack while doing this.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Hell Cat Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MK  or  HK  (close) Felicia digs her claws into her opponent and spins around them before throwing them.
ES move: Felicia spins around more times and does more damage.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Dancing Flash Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Felicia rolls forward and then pummels her opponent with a series of slashes and kicks.
Please Help Me! Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Felicia cries for help, and a group of other catwomen pounce her opponent.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Kitty's Helper Any P and K of the same strength Felicia is followed by Alto, a young catwoman, who attacks with her for a duration.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Gallon.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:
Dark Gallon

Gallon (Jon Talbain)
Gallon is an English werewolf seeking to lift the curse of his lycanthropy.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Beast Cannon (forward) Down Down-right Right P Gallon shoots himself through the air straight ahead. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing P. If performed in midair, he dives diagonally downward.
ES move: Gallon performs a faster version of the move.
Beast Cannon (rising)
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Gallon shoots himself through the air diagonally upward. He can shoot himself a second time by holding any direction while pressing P.
ES move: Gallon performs a faster version of the move.
Climb Laser Down Up K Gallon jumps upward while kicking, knocking down his opponent on impact.
ES move: Gallon performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent down.
Million Flicker Left Down Down-left P Gallon quickly swipes a set of nunchaku multiple times.
ES move: Gallon swings his nunchaku more times.
Strike Wolf
Up+P or K near downed opponent Gallon dives onto his opponent with a vicious bite.
ES move: Gallon follows up the bite with an additional strike.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Gallon pounces backwards or forwards. He can pounce through his opponent if close.
Pounce Down + all three K simultaneously Gallon leaps a short distance forward.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Wild Circular Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MK  or  HK  (close) Gallon grabs his opponent, jumps into the air with them in a ball, and slams them on the ground.
ES move: Gallon performs a variant of the move where he slams his opponent into the ground twice.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Dragon Cannon Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Gallon summons several fire dragons to rush across the screen.
Moment Slice  LP   MP  Right  LK   MK  (close) Gallon slices his opponent with his claws.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Mirage Body Any P and K of the same strength Gallon howls and temporarily moves faster.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Jedah.gif
Rival battle:
Zabel Zarock
Final battle:

Jedah Dohma
Jedah is a power-hungry supernatural being who wants to assimilate everyone into one being in order to create a utopia.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Dio Sega Down Down-right Right P Jedah tears off a piece of his wing and tosses it in front of him, where is spins in the air like a sawblade. The strength of the button used determines the height of the projectile ( LP  for low,  MP  for middle, and  HP  for high).
ES move: Jedah's wing forms a larger sawblade and can hit more times.
Nero Fatica Down Down-left Left P Jedah turns around while slashing through the air with his claws. If the attack connects, his opponent is trapped inside a large blood bubble, which Jedah attacks with a scythe.
ES move: Jedah performs additional attacks while the opponent is trapped.
Ira Spinta Right Down-right Down Down-left Left K in midair Jedah dives down to grab his opponent, then pulls them high into the air, slams them against the ground, and stabs them with his knife-like wings.
ES move: Jedah performs a variant of the move that does more damage.
Ira Piano Left+P or Right+P after Ira Spinta After starting the Ira Spinta move but before Jedah grabs his opponent, Jedah can spin like a sawblade with his wings while diving into his opponent.
ES move: Jedah performs a variant of the move that can hit more times.
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P while blocking Jedah decapitates himself, pushing his opponent away with a gush of blood.
ES move: Jedah performs a variant of the move that can hit more times.
Rasare Sega
Up+P or K near downed opponent Jedah dives onto his opponent while spinning like a sawblade with his wings.
ES move: Jedah performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Jedah flies backwards or forwards. He gains altitude as he flies. He drops back to the ground when the direction is released.
Balzo Perdono Right Right in midair Jedah glides through the air with his wings.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Sangue Passare Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MK  or  HK  (close) Jedah grabs his opponent, then pumps blood into them through his arm until they explode.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Finale Rosso Down Down + two P simultaneously Jedah punches into the ground. A red puddle appears under his opponent, and many hands grab and pull the opponent down into a huge pool of blood, where they are restrained and pummeled by multiple hands before being shot back out of the pool.
Prova di Servo Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Jedah cuts his wrist, causing a wave of blood to roll along the ground. If it hits an opponent, the blood turns into a large hand that grabs the opponent and splatters them into a large contract, signing away the opponent's soul to Jedah.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Santuario Any P and K of the same strength Jedah flies for a duration.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Lei-Lei.gif
Rival battle:
Zabel Zarock
Final battle:

Lei-Lei (Hsien-Ko)
Lei-Lei is a jiang shi (reanimated corpse) of a young Chinese girl whose village was attacked by monsters. She and her twin sister Lin-Lin (Mei-Ling), who appears as a talisman on Lei-Lei's hat, wish to free their mother's soul.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Anki Hou Down Down-right Right P Lei-Lei tosses an item in the air. The type of item is randomized (examples are axes, shurikens, or boomerangs), and the arc of travel depends on the button used:  LP  for low and downward,  MP  for high, and  HP  for very high.
ES move: Lei-Lei rolls a spiked ball on the ground three times.
Henkyou Ki Down Down-left Left P Lei-Lei bangs a gong, which can reflect or absorb other projectiles. The gong emits sound waves that can also damage nearby enemies. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Lei-Lei performs a variant of the move with more sound waves that can hit enemies from farther away.
Senpuu Bu
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Lei-Lei swings while suspended from a chain, acting as a spinning blade.
ES move: Lei-Lei performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Up+P or K near downed opponent Lei-Lei spins around on her opponent, dicing them with her claws.
ES move: Lei-Lei performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Lei-Lei slides about half the screen width back when dashing backwards, or she vanishes and reappears a short distance in front of her when dashing forwards.
Air Walk Left Left or Right Right in midair Lei-Lei can walk in midair. Her walk lasts about half the screen length unless interrupted by attacking or being hit.
Rantetsu Right+ MP  Lei-Lei punches with a swinging spiked ball.
Edoga Right+ HP  Lei-Lei shoots her claws diagonally to the top of the screen.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Houten Geki Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Lei-Lei tosses her opponent in the air, then spins on her back with her claws out to dice them when they fall.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Tenrai Ha  LK   HK   MP   MP  Up Lei-Lei holds her arm high into the air and drops a giant anvil on a chain from her sleeve, which causes spiked balls to rain from the sky when it hits the ground.
Chuukada Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Lei-Lei tosses a bomb, which has a timer of 9 seconds. The bomb can be moved by hitting it with low attacks. It explodes when the timer runs out, which can harm both Lei-Lei and her opponent.
Chireitou Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Lei-Lei impales the ground, causing multiple large blades to spike out of the ground in front of her.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Rimoukon Any P and K of the same strength Mei-Ling returns to her human form and enhances Lei-Lei's defense, allowing her to walk through hits.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Lilith.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Lilith Aensland
Lilith is a succubus, split from the soul of Morrigan and given her own body by Jedah. As she is new to the world, she has a childlike naivete, and her abilities are themed around light rather than darkness.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Soul Flash Down Down-right Right P Lilith fires a bat-shaped projectile a short distance in front of her. The speed of the projectile depends on the strength of the button used. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Lilith fires a slow-moving projectile that travels farther and can hit multiple times.
Shining Blade
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Lilith rises into the air while uppercutting her opponent by using one of her wings as a blade, knocking down her opponent on impact.
ES move: Lilith performs the move three times in succession.
Merry Turn Down Down-left Left K Lilith spins forward through the air while using her wings as blades, which knocks down her opponent on impact.
ES move: Lilith performs a variant of the move that hits multiple times before knocking her opponent over.
Toe Pierce
Up+P or K near downed opponent Lilith jumps onto her opponent with a stomp.
ES move: Lilith performs a variant of the move where she stomps three times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Lilith dashes backwards or forwards.
High Jump Down Up Lilith jumps higher.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Mystic Arrow Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P Lilith leaps forward, grabbing her opponent. She then transforms her wings into a giant bow and shoots her opponent like an arrow. The distance that she hops depends on the strength of the button used.
ES move: Lilith performs a variant of this move that bounces her opponent off the side of the screen after being shot, which can be used to set up juggle combos.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Luminous Illusion  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  (half screen away or closer) Lilith uses her wings to fly toward her opponent, then performs a series of attacks with a duplicate of herself, ending with the opponent being bisected (permanently if the move is used to win the match). This move can be performed in midair.
Splendor Love Right Down Down-right + two K simultaneously Lilith jumps into the air and turns her wings into a swarm of bats that carry her opponent into the air with her while attacking them.
Gloomy Puppet Show Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously (at level 2) Lilith throws a top hat. If it hits her opponent, Lilith changes into a bunny girl outfit and her opponent is forced to dance for her. The game plays a simple tune, which the player must duplicate using the six attack buttons. The opponent is then electrocuted, with the amount of damage dealt depending on how well the player played the rhythm minigame. This move costs two levels of meter.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Mimic Doll  LP + LK  or  MP + MK  Lilith creates a duplicate of herself, which follows her and mimics her movements and attacks.
Mirror Doll  HP + HK  Lilith creates a duplicate of herself, which appears on the other side of her opponent and mimics her movements and attacks.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Morrigan.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Morrigan Aensland
Morrigan is a seductive succubus who is captivated by the human world. She is the daughter and heir of Belial Aensland, the ruler of the demon realm of Makai.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Soul Fist Down Down-right Right P Morrigan shoots a flying bat projectile across the screen. If performed in midair, she shoots the projectile diagonally downward.
ES move: Morrigan shoots a larger and faster projectile that hits multiple times.
Shadow Blade
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Morrigan rises into the air while uppercutting her opponent by using one of her wings as a blade, knocking down her opponent on impact.
ES move: Morrigan performs a variant of the move that hits multiple times before knocking her opponent over.
Shell Pierce
Up+P or K near downed opponent Morrigan dives straight down onto her opponent with her wings wrapped around her legs in a pointed cone.
ES move: Morrigan performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Vernier Dash Left Left or Right Right Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies backwards or forwards. She gains altitude as she flies. She drops back to the ground when the direction is released.
Vertical Vernier Dash Down Up-left or Down Up-right Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies upwards at a diagonal angle. She drops back to the ground when the direction is released. Releasing  LK  while continuing to hold Left or Right changes to a horizontal dash.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Vector Drain Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies into the air with her opponent before driving them into the ground.
ES move: Morrigan performs a variant of the move that does more damage.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Darkness Illusion  LP   LP  Right  LK   HP  (half screen away or closer) Morrigan transforms her wings into a jetpack and flies toward her opponent, then performs a series of attacks with a duplicate of herself.
Valkyrie Turn Right Down-right Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously, then P or K Morrigan flies off the screen, then flies back in. If the player presses P or K, she attacks with her Shell Kick move. This move can be performed in midair.
Finishing Shower  MP   LP  Left  LK   MK  Morrigan hovers in the air while bombarding her opponent with energy bullets.
Cryptic Needle Right  HP   MP   LP  Right Morrigan uses her wings like a long arm to grab her opponent and stab them with needles.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Astral Vision Any P and K of the same strength A double of Morrigan appears on the other side of the screen and mirrors her moves.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Phobos.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Phobos (Huitzil)
Phobos is one of a legion of robots, resembling dogou figurines, created to destroy all life on Earth.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Plasma Beam Down Down-right Right P or K Phobos shoots a laser beam across the screen. It fires the beam high while standing with P or low while crouching with K.
ES move: Phobos shoots a taller laser beam in the center (regardless of whether P or K is used).
Might Launcher Down Down-left Left P Phobos shoots two rockets across the screen, which knocks over opponents. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Phobos shoots larger rockets that hit multiple times.
Genocide Vulcan Left Down Down-left P Phobos raises its arm (which can harm nearby opponents) and shoots a laser diagonally into the air.
ES move: Phobos performs a variant of the move that does more damage.
Plasma Trap Down Down-left Left K in midair Phobos drops a mine on the ground that rolls a short distance before electrifying opponents.
ES move: Phobos drops two mines that do more damage. The opponent can be knocked from one into the other.
Reflect Wall
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P while blocking Phobos generates a barrier to shield him, then pushes it (and the opponent with it) away from him. This move can be performed in midair.
Drill Dive
Up+P or K near downed opponent Phobos transforms the bottom of its body into a large drill and dives onto its opponent.
ES move: Phobos performs a variant of the move where he dives from higher and hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Float Hold Up-left, Up, or Up-right in midair Phobos floats in the air for a duration instead of jumping.
Dash Left Left or Right Right Phobos uses its arms as rockets to dash backwards or forwards.
Air Dash Left Left or Right Right in midair Phobos moves horizontally in midair.
Alternate Attacks Right+P or K All of Phobos's standing punches and kicks have alternate forms with longer reach when combined with Right.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Circuit Scrapper Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Phobos throws its opponent high into the air with giant magnets.
ES move: Phobos performs a variant of the move that slams its opponent back and forth before throwing them high into the air.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Final Guardian β Right Down Down-right + two K simultaneously Phobos shoots a magnetic sphere that stuns its opponent, then transforms into a turret and blasts its opponent with a hail of gunfire.
Erasing Spheres Left Down Down-left + two K simultaneously Phobos shoots two spheres that travel across the screen before exploding.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Ray of Doom Any P and K of the same strength Phobos calls two duplicates of itself that fire plasma beams when it attacks.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Pyron.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Pyron is an alien that can control fire.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Sol Smasher Down Down-right Right P Pyron hurls a large fireball. The angle of the throw depends on the button used:  LP  for straight ahead,  MP  for a middle angle, and  HP  for a high angle. If performed in midair, Pyron throws a large fireball downward diagonally.
ES move: Pyron throws a large fireball forwards that hits multiple times. If the aerial version hits the ground, it forms a tall column of fire.
Zodiac Fire
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right P Pyron rolls across the ground like a wheel, which knocks over opponents on impact.
ES move: Pyron performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent over.
Orbital Blaze Down Down-left Left K in midair Pyron spins downward as fireballs revolve around him, which knocks over opponents on impact.
ES move: Pyron performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent over.
Galaxy Trip (air) Left Down Down-left P Pyron disappears and reappears in the air. His horizontal location depends on the button used:  LP  for the left side of the screen,  MP  for the middle, and  HP  for the right side of the screen.
Galaxy Trip (ground) Left Down Down-left K Pyron disappears and reappears on the ground. His horizontal location depends on the button used:  LK  for the left side of the screen,  MK  for the middle, and  HK  for the right side of the screen.
Flame Cone
Up+P or K near downed opponent Pyron falls onto his opponent in a statuesque pose with his body wrapped in pointed flames.
ES move: Pyron performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Pyron transforms into a fireball and moves backwards or forwards. He transforms back when the direction is released.
Rushing Punch Right+P Pyron punches forward while moving.
Diving Punch Down+P in midair Pyron punches while diving diagonally downward.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Planet Burning Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Pyron grabs his opponent, transforms into a giant sphere, and lifts them into the air and then into the ground.
ES move: Pyron performs a variant of the move where he bounces off the ground multiple times after grabbing his opponent.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Cosmo Disruption Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P or K simultaneously Pyron fires a series of pyrotechnics. The attack can be charged before starting by holding P or K for longer, which increases the damage dealt.
Piled Hell Right Down Down-right + two K simultaneously Pyron changes into a tall pillar of energy. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Shining Gemini Any P and K of the same strength Pyron creates a duplicate of himself that performs special moves while he attacks.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Q-Bee.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Q-Bee is a Soul Bee, a humanoid insect that feasts on human souls to survive.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
S×p KKKKK Q-Bee turns around and swings her stinger furiously. This move can be performed in midair.
C→R Left Down-left Down Down-right Right P Q-Bee flies forward to grab her opponent, then stabs multiple times with her stinger and flips her opponent over. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Q-Bee flies forward to grab and sting her opponent, then dies, leaving the opponent in a cocoon. A new Q-Bee is birthed from the cocoon, then the opponent is knocked out of the cocoon as it breaks apart.
ΔA Down Down-left Left K Q-Bee flies to the corner of the screen, then dives diagonally downward with her stinger. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Q-Bee performs a variant of this move that does more damage and stuns her opponent momentarily.
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K while blocking Q-Bee turns around and stretches her legs, pushing her opponent back with her stinger.
ES move: Q-Bee performs a variant of this move that does more damage.
Up+P or K near downed opponent Q-Bee hops onto her opponent with her stinger.
ES move: Q-Bee performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Float Hold Up-left, Up, or Up-right in midair Q-Bee floats in the air for a duration instead of jumping.
Dash Left Left or Right Right Q-Bee dashes backwards or forwards. After dashing forwards, she slides on the ground a short distance.
Homing Dash Right Right in midair Q-Bee glides through the air in the direction of her opponent.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
O.M. Right Down-right Down Down-left Left P (close) Q-Bee hops over her opponent, then launches a large stinger that sends her opponent flying away.
ES move: Q-Bee impales her opponent two times with her stinger before hopping over them and launching her stinger.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
QJ Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Q-Bee throws a large honey sphere, which floats around and bounces off the edges of the screen. If it touches her opponent, it covers them in sticky honey, which does not damage but stuns them. This move can be performed in midair.
+B Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously Q-Bee flies to the corner of the screen, where a hive appears and a swarm of bees fly out of it to mob her opponent. This move can be performed in midair.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Any P and K of the same strength Q-Bee flies for a duration.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Sasquatch.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Sasquatch is a bigfoot from the mountains of Canada.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Big Breath Down Down-right Right P Sasquatch blows his icy breath in front of him, which freezes opponents that it touches.
ES move: Sasquatch performs a variant on the move that freezes his opponent for longer. Any attack on the opponent while frozen counts double.
Big Towers Down Down P Sasquatch surrounds himself in sharp ice towers.
ES move: Sasquatch summons multiple ice shards that pierce out of the ground, moving outward from him.
Big Blow Right Down Down-right P Sasquatch winds up a big punch. He does more damage and dashes farther if P is charged for longer.
ES move: Sasquatch winds up a big punch that hits multiple times without needing to be charged.
Big Typhoon
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K Sasquatch kicks ahead with his foot, which twists around and grows in size.
ES move: Sasquatch kicks ahead with his foot, which spins like a cyclone.
Big Wheel
Up+P or K near downed opponent Sasquatch rolls into a ball and bounces off his opponent.
ES move: Sasquatch follows up the bounce by falling and sitting on his opponent.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Sasquatch leaps backwards or forwards while curled up like a cannonball.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Big Brunch Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Sasquatch swallows and then spits out his opponent, who is frozen temporarily.
ES move: Sasquatch performs a variant of the move that freezes his opponent for longer. Any attack on the opponent while frozen counts double.
Big Swing D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then  MK  or  HK  (close) Sasquatch grabs his opponent and swings them around in circles before throwing them.
ES move: Sasquatch performs a variant of the move that does more damage.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Big Freeze Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two P simultaneously Sasquatch shoots an ice beam from his mouth.
Big Ice Burn Left Down-left Down Down-right Right + two K simultaneously (half screen away or closer) Sasquatch blows and freezes the ground under his opponent. The ice breaks, revealing a shark underneath.
Big Trap Left Down-left Down Down-right Right  TAUNT  Sasquatch eats a banana and throws the peel on the ground, which his opponent can slip on (though this does no damage).
Big Sledge D-Pad in a 360° rotation twice, then two K simultaneously (close) Sasquatch grabs his opponent and rides them back and forth across the screen like a sled while being pulled by ghostly dogs, then he hits them away.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Big Resistor  LP + LK  or  MP + MK  Sasquatch enhances his armor, allowing him to walk through hits.
MAPS  HP + HK  Sasquatch calls upon the Magical Avalanche Penguin Super-Unit, a gang of mechanical penguins, to assist him. They can be sent to explode on his opponent with P.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Victor.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Victor von Gerdenheim
Victor is a Frankstein-like monster from Germany created by a mad scientist named Professor Gerdenheim.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Mega Forehead Hold Left for 2 seconds, then Right+P Victor charges forward with a headbutt and a greatly enlarged head, which knocks opponents over on impact.
ES move: Victor performs a variant of the move that hits multiple times before knocking his opponent over.
Mega Stake Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up+P Victor jumps into the air and punches with a greatly enlarged fist on his way down.
ES move: Victor performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times.
Gyro Crush Down Down-left Left P Victor spins around with his fists extended. He can move with Left and Right while spinning. This move absorbs projectiles without taking damage (unless they come from overhead).
ES move: Victor spins around twice with his fists extended, then follows up with a punch forward.
Giga Burn
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K Victor jumps diagonally in the air with his knee out, knocking down his opponent on impact.
ES move: Victor performs a variant of the move that hits multiple times.
Victor Finger
Up+P or K near downed opponent Victor punches down at his opponent with two enlarged hands.
ES move: Victor punches twice with his enlarged hands.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Dash Left Left or Right Right Victor dashes backwards or forwards.
Minimum Step Down Down + all three K simultaneously Victor hops forward.
Dengeki Touki Hold  MP ,  HP ,  MK , or  HK  while standing or crouching Victor's standing and crouching normals can be charged with electricity by holding their buttons for longer. Electrified attacks have slightly longer range, and shocked opponents recover somewhat slower.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Mega Shock Down Down-right Right K (close) Victor grabs his opponent with both fists and shocks them repeatedly.
Mega Spike D-Pad in a 360° rotation, then P (close) Victor grabs his opponent, kicks them into the air, then bashes them with his fists on their way down.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Thunder Break Hold Down for 2 seconds, then Up + two K simultaneously Victor jumps up and slams the ground with his two fists, shooting bolts of lightning that strike an opponent standing on the ground.
Geldenheim 3 D-Pad in a 360° rotation twice, then two K simultaneously (close) Victor leaps toward his opponent, turns around, and grabs them with his rear. The ghosts of Professor Gerdenheim and his assistant Emily appear, and Victor's opponent is electrified, then tossed away.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Great Geldenheim S  LP + LK  or  MP + MK  Victor is followed by the ghost of Professor Gerdenheim, which turns all of his close-range punches into special throws.
Great Geldenheim L  HP + HK  Victor is followed by the ghost of Professor Gerdenheim, which enhances his durability and speed and charges his medium and hard punches and kicks with electricity.
Vampire Savior, Characters.png
Vampire Savior, Sprites, Zabel Zarock.gif
Rival battle:
Final battle:

Zabel Zarock (Lord Raptor)
Zabel Zarock is a zombie rock star from Australia. He is accompanied by his pet monster Le Malta.
Move list (Special moves)
Name Command Description
Death Hurricane Down Down-left Left K Zabel Zarock spins his body like a top diagonally upward, knocking down his opponent on impact. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Zabel Zarock performs a variant of the move that can hit multiple times before knocking his opponent over.
Skull Sting Down Up K Zabel Zarock jumps in the air, then dives down with a sawblade on his leg, which can hit multiple times. This move can be performed in midair.
ES move: Zabel Zarock performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Hell's Gate Left Down-left Down Down-right Right K Le Malta pops out of the ground and swallows Zabel Zarock, then spits him out somewhere depending on the button used:  LK  spits him out in the same location,  MK  spits him out a half-screen away, and  HK  spits him out a full screen away.
Death Phrase
(guard cancel)
Right Down Down-right K while blocking Zabel Zarock plays his guitar, repelling his opponent with its sound waves.
ES move: Zabel Zarock performs a variant of the move that hits an additional time.
Skull Javelin
Up+P or K near downed opponent Zabel Zarock dances on top of his opponent with a few kicks.
ES move: Zabel Zarock performs a variant of the move that hits more times.
Move list (Command normals)
Name Command Description
Crouch Walk Down-left or Down-right Zabel Zarock can walk while crouched.
Dash Left Left or Right Right Zabel Zarock crouch walks a short distance quickly.
Air Walk Left Left or Right Right in midair Zabel Zarock can walk in midair. His walk lasts about half the screen length unless interrupted by attacking or being hit.
Alternate Attacks Right+P or K All of Zabel Zarock's standing punches and kicks have alternate forms with longer reach when combined with Right.
Aerial Punches Down+P in midair Zabel Zarock downward.
Death Drill Down+K in midair Zabel Zarock glides downward while spinning his body like a drill.
Move list (Command throws)
Name Command Description
Skull Punish Right Down-right Down Down-left Left  MP  or  HP  (close) Zabel Zarock jumps in the air with his opponent, body slams them, and stabs them with his claws on the ground.
ES move: Zabel Zarock performs a variant of the move where he stabs his opponent more.
Move list (EX moves)
Name Command Description
Evil Scream Right Left + two P simultaneously Zabel Zarock impales his opponent and pulls them near him, then uppercuts them with an electrified claw.
Death Voltage Right Down-right Down Down-left Left + two K simultaneously Zabel Zarock spins his body like a top diagonally upward while electrified. This move can be performed in midair.
Hell Dunk Right Down Down-right + two P simultaneously Le Malta swallows Zabel Zarock's opponent and spits them out as a ball. Le Malta transforms into a basketball hoop, then Zabel Zarock dunks the ball, which transforms back into his opponent after hitting the ground.
Move list (Dark Force)
Name Command Description
Ultimate Undead Any P and K of the same strength Zabel Zarock uses Le Malta to enhance his attacks. All of his normal moves are changed to chainsaw attacks that can hit multiple times. He cannot use special moves or throws, and his dash is changed to a leap. His guard cancel uses a different animation but works the same.


Characters have particular stages where their matches are hosted in the single-player mode. Some characters share a stage, and some characters use multiple stages. The stage can be manually chosen in the two-player mode. Every stage has an alternate color scheme.

In the two-player mode, the alternate color scheme can be chosen by holding L while selecting the stage, or the stage can be randomized by holding R.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Abaraya.png

Used by Bishamon.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Concrete Cave.png

Concrete Cave
Used by Gallon, Bulleta, and Lilith.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Deserted Chateau.png

Deserted Chateau
Used by Lilith and Morrigan.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Feast of the Damned.png

Feast of the Damned
Used by Demitri.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Forever Torment.png

Forever Torment
Used by Zabel Zarock and Victor.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Green Scream.png

Green Scream
Used by Aulbath, Q-Bee, and Sasquatch.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Red Thirst.png

Red Thirst
Used by Anakaris.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Tower of Arrogance.png

Tower of Arrogance
Used by Felicia and Phobos.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Vanity Paradise.png

Vanity Paradise
Used by Lei-Lei and Sasquatch.

Vampire Savior, Stages, War Agony.png

War Agony
Used by Bulleta and Victor.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Iron Horse, Iron Terror.png

Iron Horse, Iron Terror
The penultimate stage, regardless of which character is fought.

Vampire Savior, Stages, Fetus of God.png

Fetus of God
Used by Jedah.


The original arcade game was released in three forms. Vampire Savior replaces Donovan, Phobos, and Pyron in the Vampire Hunter roster with the new characters Jedah, Lilith, Q-Bee, and Bulleta. Vampire Hunter 2 retains the roster and the soundtrack from Vampire Hunter without any of the new characters. Vampire Savior 2 restores Donovan, Phobos, and Pyron but removes Gallon, Aulbath, and Sasquatch, incorporates numerous balance changes, and replaces the Dark Force moves with a separate mechanic called Dark Force Power. Vampire Hunter 2 and Vampire Savior 2 introduce the hidden characters Oboro Bishamon, Marionette, and Shadow.

The Sega Saturn and PlayStation ports contain the full roster (minus the hidden characters in the Saturn version). Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service for the Sega Dreamcast is a version of Vampire Savior that allows the player to choose between the different mechanics of every Darkstalkers game, including both Vampire Savior and Vampire Savior 2.



Aside from re-releases, this game has been the last entry in the Darkstalkers series (though characters from the series would continue to appear in crossover games such as Marvel vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes and Capcom vs. SNK: Millennium Fight 2000).

The game was included in the Darkstalkers series compilation release Vampire: Darkstalkers Collection for the PlayStation 2 in 2005. It was remastered as part of Darkstalkers Resurrection for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2013. It was re-released as part of the Capcom Fighting Collection compilation for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and Windows PCs in 2022.

Production credits

Vampire Savior Staff
  • Main Music Composer: Anarchy Takapon (Takayuki Iwai)
  • Sub Music Composer: Cyber-T (Tetsuya Shibata), Masato Kouda (Cipher)
  • Sound Effect & Voice Edit: MOE.T (Cipher)
  • Sound Driver: Yasushi Ikeda "A!Ohana"
  • Sound Tool: Tomohiro Masuda (Q~CVE)
  • Sound "Q_64M" Hardware: IDA~~~~~~~N
  • Character Design: Eripyonsuke, Makoto Ishii, Fujihara, ARI, Takemoto, Rumi Chan, Takayuki Kosaka, Reiko_Komatsu, Masarusan-N, Kuri, Tanuki, Kitasan, Ball Boy, Mizuho, Q, WHO, Kimo Kimo, N_Labo, You.Ten.Nakano, Mizupyon, Kaname, Tsuyoshi, Fuzii & Peliko, G.Kamina, Yoshioka, IsI.B GAO, Hitoshi Igarashi, Kozuchi
  • Scroll Design: Kyotani, Yumiko Nakatsuka, Tamachan, Chie Morisaki, Goro Suzuki 1996, Kanno, Yuugen, Pokkemon
  • Program Design: Hyper Shinchan, Cham, PON, MiN, Ittetsu, 24 (Nishi), Moto & Tomo Nogi, T.Hirokado, Hard.Yas - Jedah -
  • Planner: S.Obata, Neo_G -H. Ishizawa-, Malachie, Nohah, Kanetaka (Kinta)
  • Voice Actor: Kae Araki, Yuji Ueda, Hiroko Konishi, Isshin Chiba, Kan Tokumaru, Yayoi Jinguji, Michiko Neya, Nobuyuki Hiyama, Miyuki Matsushita, Yoshizumi Kozue, Jyurouta Kosugi, Kyoko Hikami
  • Special Thanks: Haruo Murata, Takuya Shiraiwa, Erik Suzuki, Shoei, Sakomizu, Hiroaki "X68K" Kondo (Cipher), MOE.K (Momora)
  • Producer: Tetsuya Iijima
  • General Producer: Noritaka Funamizu, Yoshiki Okamoto, And Capcom All Staff
Consumer Staff
  • Sound Adviser: Anarchy Takapon (Takayuki Iwai), Takeshi Kitamura (MOE.T), Hiroshi Ohno
  • Programmer: Masashi Kitamura, Takahiro Ichiba, Takashi Endo, Misa Hashimoto, Hiroko Matsubara, Takahiro Matsuo, Haruhiko Shimizu
  • Director: Kenshi Kimura
  • Development Manager: S-Hama
  • Producer: Hyper Mickey
In-game credits
VampireS Saturn JP SSEnding.pdf

Magazine articles

Main article: Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in (JP) #1998-11: "1998-11 (1998-04-10,17)" (1998-03-27)
Print advert in (JP) #1998-12: "1998-12 (1998-04-24)" (1998-04-10)

Physical scans

ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Sega Saturn
Based on
18 reviews

Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire

Saturn, JP
VampireSavior Saturn JP Box Back.jpgVampireSavior Saturn JP Box Front.jpg
VampireSavior Saturn JP Spinecard.jpg
VampireSavior Saturn JP Disc.jpg
Vampire Savior The Lord of Vampire JP 取扱説明書.pdf
Saturn, JP (4MB RAM Pack)
VampireSavior Saturn JP Box Back 4MB.jpgNospine-small.pngVampireSavior Saturn JP Box Front 4MB.jpg

Technical information

Main article: Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire/Technical information.


CollapseVampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire

VampireSavior title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Reception | Technical information

Books: (1998) | (1998)

No results

CollapseDarkstalkers/Vampire games for Sega systems
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (1996) | Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (1998) | Vampire Chronicle for Matching Service (2000)
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