Fantasy Zone (Mega Drive)/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Space Harrier music and sounds

On the title screen, hold B when selecting any game mode. This will change the music and some sound effects to those from Space Harrier.

Arcade mode

FantasyZone MD ArcadeMode.png

When "Press Start Button" appears on the title screen, press HOLD A+C START . This will make the game behave like the System 16 original. Press A or C to add credits[1].

Diagnostic mode

FantasyZone MD Diagnostic1.png

FantasyZone MD Diagnostic2.png

FantasyZone MD Diagnostic3.png

Enable Arcade mode above, then press HOLD B START . The Input & Sound Test will display first - keep pressing  START  to access a grid test and CRT test, and eventually return to the title screen[1].


CollapseFantasy Zone (Mega Drive)

FantasyZone MD Title.png

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