Impact Racing/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Unlimited energy

Enter I.AM.MORTAL. as a password.

Unlimited ammo

Enter LOADSOFSTUFF: as a password. Now when you acquire a weapon it will have unlimited ammo.

Warp to the final level

Enter ENDGAMELEVEL as a password. This will take you straight to the last level in the game, "Journey's End".

View the ending

Enter JOURNEYS.END as a password. This will take you to the final cutscene and credits sequence.

Play bonus levels

Enter BONUS.LEVELS as a password. Now, rather than starting the game normally, you will play through the bonus levels

Start with all weapons

ImpactRacing Saturn US AllWeapons.png

Enter ALL.TOOLEDUP as a password. This will start the game normally, but you will now have access to all of the weapons.

Skip levels

ImpactRacing Saturn US SkipLevel.png

Enter RABBITBADGER as a password. This will add a "skip level" option to the pause menu.


CollapseImpact Racing

ImpactRacing Saturn JP SStitle.png

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