Ristar (prototype; 1994-07-01)/Comparisons

From Sega Retro

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General comparisons

Title sequences

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SegaLogo1.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SegaLogo1.png

NTSC-J final

The Sega logo sequence is the same as in the final, except the logo is already in full colour and doesn't sparkle as it moves. There is also a harsh sound effect that plays instead of a jingle.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SegaLogo2.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SegaLogo2.png

NTSC-J final

There is no ™ symbol by the Sega logo yet, and the logo itself is off-center.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD TitleScreen.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP TitleScreen.png

NTSC-J final

The title screen has numerous differences:

  • Ristar does not say "Hey everybody!".
  • The copyright information reads "@ 1994 SEGA" instead of "@ SEGA ENTERPRISES, LTD. 1995", and is displayed in the top-right corner of the screen. When it was moved to the bottom-right corner in the final, the title and "PRESS START BUTTON" text were shifted up slightly.
  • The title uses the Chicago typeface instead of a more whimsical and unique typeface.
  • The shooting star graphic is upside-down and coloured red instead of pink.
  • The dots on the planet are slightly closer together, and one of the dots is miscoloured.
  • The subtitle is a brighter shade of white than the final game.
  • There is no ™ symbol.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Option.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Option.png

NTSC-J final

The difficulty settings available in the Option menu are "Easy", "Normal" and "Hard". The only thing these difficulty settings can do is change how many continues the player starts with. There is also a separate setting to determine the player's starting lives from 1, 3, 5 or 7 lives. In the final, the "Easy" setting was replaced with the hidden "Super" difficulty, and the lives setting was merged with the difficulty setting.

Additionally, the copyright string is not hidden, and "PASSWORD" is spelt as "PASS WORD".

Sound Theater

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SoundTheater Round1-2.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SoundTheater Round1-2.png

NTSC-J final

When entering the Sound Theater, the jingle heard before the start of a performance in Round 4 is played instead of an applause. Round 1-2's theme, "Dancing Leaves", is misspelled as "Dacing Leaves".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SoundTheater Round3-1.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SoundTheater Round3-1.png

NTSC-J final

Round 3-1's theme has a completely different name, "Blowing Up".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SoundTheater Opening1.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SoundTheater Opening1.png

NTSC-J final

"Ebony Force" is misspelled as "Evony Force".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SoundTheater Ending1.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SoundTheater Ending1.png

NTSC-J final

Ristar1994-07-01 MD SoundTheater Ending2.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP SoundTheater Ending2.png

NTSC-J final

Both of the ending themes can be played in the Sound Theater without having to enable the Onchi system, and are listed before "SOUND OFF". They are also named "OWARIOWARI" and "OWAREOWARE" respectively.

Round select

Ristar1994-07-01 MD RoundSelect.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP RoundSelect.png

NTSC-J final

The Round select screen displays full level names for every level, including the first areas of each Round and each area in Round 7. These names were removed to make way for the Time Attack and Boss Rush strings.

Additionally, the bottom of the screen does not ripple.


Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits Start.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits Start.png

NTSC-J final

The animations on the top and bottom of the screen during the first half of the credits are not fully functional. The top of the screen has four Ristars walk in from the right, then continuously walk left on the spot, while the bottom of the screen remains empty.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits CharacterDesigner.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits ChiefDesigner.png

NTSC-J final

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits PlanetDesigners1.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits CharacterDesigner.png

NTSC-J final

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits PlanetDesigners2.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits PlanetDesigners.png

NTSC-J final

Takumi Miyake is promoted to Chief Designer and moved from the Planet Designer list in the final, and is placed before the Character Designer credit in the sequence. The Planet Designers were also pluralised and put onto a single screen together.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits SoundProgrammers.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits SoundProgrammers.png

NTSC-J final

"SOUND PROGRAMMER" isn't pluralised.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits PlayerProgrammer.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits PlayerProgrammer.png

NTSC-J final


NTSC-U/PAL final

The Aurora Borealis and snow are incorrectly coloured. They were made lighter in the final Japanese version, and fixed even further in the Western versions. Additionally, "RISTAR PROGRAMMER" was changed to the more specific "PLAYER PROGRAMMER".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits EffectProgrammer.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits EffectProgrammer.png

NTSC-J final

A bug causes part of the word "EFFECT" to blink here. This was fixed in the final.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits ArtDirector.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits ArtDirector.png

NTSC-J final

The romanisation in the art director's name was changed to remove the H at the end.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits TestPlayers.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits TestPlayers.png

NTSC-J final

"TEST PLAYER" isn't pluralised, and "YOUKAICHIYA" was changed to "YOKAICHIYA".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits SpecialThanks.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits SpecialThanks.png

NTSC-J final

In the Special Thanks, Naofumi Hataya's name is misspelled as "NAOHUMI HATAYA", and Rica Terajima was later added.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits Producers.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits Producers.png

NTSC-J final

"PRODUCER" isn't pluralised, Hiroshi Aso's name was altered to remove the H, and Minoru Kanari's name was corrected from "MINORI KANARI".

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits Title.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits Title.png

NTSC-J final

This build asserts that it is a beta version here.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Credits ThanksForPlaying.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP Credits ThanksForPlaying.png

NTSC-J final

The message from P.J. Ristar is written in Engrish. The final would not only correct this, but also shift it down to account for the player's final score being displayed.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD EndingScroll.png

1994-07-01 prototype

Ristar MD JP EndingScroll.png

NTSC-J final

On the final ending screen, Greedy scrolls in from the right separately from Inonis and Uranim, rather than from the right with them. A rock in the parallax scrolling has half of it cut off.

Ristar1994-07-01 MD Ending.png

1994-07-01 prototype


NTSC-J final

The "THE END" text is missing in the final ending screen. Greedy also doesn't blink, and there is no sound effect when Ristar appears in the sky.

Gameplay comparisons


1994-07-01 prototype


NTSC-J final

No matter what difficulty the game has been set to, Ristar cannot change directions during a Meteor Strike. In the final, he is able to do so on the Normal difficulty.


1994-07-01 prototype


NTSC-J final

The Meteor Strike cannot defeat enemies yet. Ristar instead passes through them.


1994-07-01 prototype


NTSC-J final

Ristar does not strike a pose after defeating a boss. He is free to roam around.

Graphical comparisons

Audio comparisons

Level comparisons


CollapseRistar (prototype; 1994-07-01), prototype version of Ristar

Ristar1994-07-01 MD TitleScreen.png

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Part of Ristar development