From Sega Retro
Sorry guys... I don't want to transform "Retro" in my diary... but here's a curiosity... to help the Portuguese populace in finding some info about the computer of their choice (you know how computers were, back then ... many models, each had its own characteristics, etc... this guy had a Sepctrum, the other guy had an Acorn and so on...) "Microsete" published a list with 76 magazines available on the Portuguese market at the time (listed by system ... Portuguese and imported magazines...) and their prices (trust me ... some where quite expensive for that time... British magazine "Popular Computer Weekly" was, on the contrary, quite cheap for an imported mag :) ...) ... part 1: page 4 ; page 5 (mags by system; issue #16) ; part 2: page 11 (prices; issue #17)...--Asagoth (talk) 17:02, 3 October 2020 (EDT)