The Ooze/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Level select

Ooze MD LevelSelect.png

Go to the options screen and select the following numbers, pressing C after each one: 009, 019, 010, 024, 011, 013, 006, 027, 006, 088, 003, 030. A "yes!" sound should play. Now hold A+ START  to access a level select screen.


CollapseThe Ooze

Ooze MD Title.png

Main page | Maps | Credits | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Video coverage | Reception | Region coding | Technical information | Bootlegs

Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1995-06-15 | 06-19 | 06-22 | 06-26 | 06-29 B | 06-29 | 07-03 | 07-28 | 07-31