The Terminator/Hidden content

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Mega Drive version

Debug screen

Terminator MD US Debug.png

Terminator MD EU Debug.png

Using the Game Genie code VMLA-98DJ, and then selecting the options menu will show a debug menu, similar to those found in other David Perry-programmed games.

Accessing the menu in this way means it not fully functional (and no "official" means of accessing it is known). A can toggle invincibility and B can change the stage, but turning on "photograph freeze" with C means you cannot start the game with  START .

Master System version

Level select

Terminator SMS LevelSelect.png

On the title screen, press HOLD 21 Left Left Up Up Right Right Down Down. Press Left or Right to choose a level to start from (represented by the top digit), then press 1 to start. The bottom digit can be changed with Up or Down, but it doesn't appear to do anything.

Game Gear version

Level select

Terminator GG LevelSelect.png

On the title screen, press 2+ START . Keep 2 held, then press Left Left Up Up Right Right Down Down while the screen is black. Press Left or Right to choose a level to start from (represented by the top digit), then press 1 to start. The bottom digit can be changed with Up or Down, but it doesn't appear to do anything.


CollapseThe Terminator

Terminator MD title.png

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1992-04-15