Difference between revisions of "Roommania 203"

From Sega Retro

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| bobscreen=Roommania203 title.png
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| tab1=Dreamcast
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| title=Roommania #203
| title=Roommania #203
| publisher=[[Sega]]
| publisher={{company|[[Sega Enterprises, Ltd.]]|system=DC}} {{company|[[Sega Corporation (2000-2015)|Sega Corporation]]|system=PS2}}
| developer={{company|[[Sega Digital Media]]|system=DC}}{{company|[[Wave Master]]|system=PS2}}
| developer={{company|[[Sega Digital Media]]|system=DC}}{{company|[[Wave Master]]|system=PS2}}
| support={{company|[[Imagica]]|role=motion capture}}
| support={{company|[[Imagica]]|role=motion capture}}
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| ps2_rrp_jp=5,800 (''6,090''){{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20070817025447/http://www.jp.playstation.com/software/title/slpm65110.html}}
| ps2_rrp_jp=5,800 (''6,090''){{ref|https://web.archive.org/web/20070817025447/http://www.jp.playstation.com/software/title/slpm65110.html}}
| properties={{Properties|DC|adx|flash|sofdec}}{{Properties|PS2|adx|sofdec}}
{{stub}}'''''Roommania #203''''' (ルーマニア#203) is a 2000 life simulation game by [[Sega]] for the [[Sega Dreamcast]]. It was later brought to the [[PlayStation 2]].
{{stub}}'''''Roommania #203''''' (ルーマニア#203) is a 2000 life simulation game by Sega for the [[Sega Dreamcast]]. It was later brought to the [[PlayStation 2]].
==Production credits==
==Production credits==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Production credits}}
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Production credits}}
===Dreamcast version===
*'''{{rolloverText|プロデューサー|Producer}}:''' [[Yukifumi Makino|牧野 幸文]]
*'''{{rolloverText|ディレクター|Director}}:''' [[Shigeru Okada|岡田 茂]]
*'''{{rolloverText|キャラクターデザイン / アートディレクション|Character Design / Art Direction}}:''' 谷田 一郎
*'''{{rolloverText|セラニポージ音楽プロデュース|Serani Poji Music Producer}}:''' 福富 幸宏
*'''{{rolloverText|原案|Original plan}}:''' [[Tomoko Sasaki|佐々木 朋子]]
*'''{{rolloverText|企画|Planning}}:''' [[Shigeru Okada|岡田 茂]], [[Kenichiro Ishii|石井 健一郎]], [[Takuya Matsumoto|松本 卓也]]
*'''{{rolloverText|AP&I スクリプター|AP&I Scripter}}:''' [[Tatsuya Kouzaki|幸崎 達哉]]
*'''{{rolloverText|メインプログラマー|Main Programmer}}:''' [[Yoshio Inoue|井上 善央]]
*'''{{rolloverText|プログラマー|Programmer}}:''' [[Osamu Kodera|小寺 攻]], [[Takuya Matsumoto|松本 卓也]], [[Shigeharu Isoda|磯田 重晴]], [[Kenichiro Ishii|石井 健一郎]], [[Makiko Nishimura|西村 牧子]]
*'''{{rolloverText|チーフデザイナー|Chief Designer}}:''' [[Mika Okada|岡田 美佳]]
*'''{{rolloverText|モーションデザイン|Motion Design}}:''' [[Hidehiro Kumagai|熊谷 秀大]]
*'''{{rolloverText|アシスタントデザイン|Assistant Design}}:''' 沢田 裕貴, 阿部 龍三, 高野 良和, 坂野 茂樹, 金重 聡, 川田 敏晶, 石井 貢
*'''{{rolloverText|サウンドデザイン|Sound Design}}:''' [[Tomoko Sasaki|佐々木 朋子]], [[Naofumi Hataya|幡谷 尚史]]
*'''{{rolloverText|サウンドエフェクト|Sound Effect}}:''' [[Takashi Endo|遠藤 隆]]
*'''{{rolloverText|アーティストコーディネート|Artist Coordinator}}:''' [[Fumitaka Shibata|柴田 文孝]]
*'''{{rolloverText|サウンドクリエイター|Sound Creator}}:''' [[Mariko Nanba|南波 真理子]], [[Tomoya Ohtani|大谷 智哉]], [[Hideaki Kobayashi|小林 秀聡]], [[Fumie Kumatani|熊谷 文恵]], [[Tomonori Sawada|澤田 朋伯]]
*'''{{rolloverText|シナリオ|Scenario}}:''' 神戸 一彦, 柳川 茂, [[Kenichiro Ishii|石井 健一郎]], [[Tomoko Sasaki|佐々木 朋子]]
*'''{{rolloverText|シナリオライターコーディネート|Scenario Writer Coodination }}:''' 田口 成光
*'''{{rolloverText|モーションキャプチャースタジオ|Motion Capture Studio}}:''' [[Imagica]]
*'''{{rolloverText|プロデューサー|Producer}}:''' 西村 和久
*'''{{rolloverText|テクニカルディレクター|Technical Director}}:''' 河野 哲恵
*'''{{rolloverText|3Dアニメーター|3D Animators}}:''' 山田 竜一, 金沢 早苗, 高橋 しおリ, 小高 裕泰
*'''{{rolloverText|モーションアクター|Motion Actor}}:''' 清水 聖, 平岡 美里, 諏訪 海人, [[Tatsuya Kouzaki|幸崎 達哉]], [[Shigeharu Isoda|磯田 重晴]], [[Junko Shiratsu|白津 順子]]
*'''{{rolloverText|オープニングムービー|Opening Movie}}'''
**'''{{rolloverText|ディレクター|Director}}:''' 谷田 一郎
**'''{{rolloverText|カメラ|Camera}}:''' 奥山 清紀
**'''{{rolloverText|スタイリスト|Stylist}}:''' 百足 倫子
**'''{{rolloverText|ヘアーメイク|Hair Make}}:''' 太端 勝己
**'''{{rolloverText|撮影Pr|Photography}}:''' 藤本 夕子
**'''{{rolloverText|録音ミキサー|Audio Mixer}}:''' 阿尾 茂毅
**'''{{rolloverText|出演|Starring}}:''' 松井 功, 薬師寺 順, 国広 ともみ, 千田 公哉
**'''{{rolloverText|ロケ協力|Location Support}}:''' {{rolloverText|都ホテル|Miyako Hotels}}, {{rolloverText|芝ボーリングセンター|Shiba Bowling Center}}, GIZA ROPPONGI
*'''{{rolloverText|セラニポージ|Serani Poji}}'''
**'''Produced by:''' 福富 幸宏
**'''Co-Produced by:''' [[Tomoko Sasaki|佐々木 朋子]]
**'''Vocals:''' Yuki
**'''Programming:''' 福富 幸宏, 佐々田 建男, [[Tomoko Sasaki|佐々木 朋子]], [[Naofumi Hataya|幡谷 尚史]]
**'''guests:''' 窪田 晴男 (Guitar), 有近 真澄 (backing vocals)
**'''Directors:''' [[Fumitaka Shibata|柴田 文孝]], 渡部 佳紀 (TRIAD), 井上 勝浩 (TRIAD)
**'''recording & mixdown engineer:''' 大西 慶明
**'''Assistant Engineer:''' [[Yoshitada Miya|宮 吉忠]]
**'''Executive Producer:''' 佐藤 智則 (TRIAD), [[Yukifumi Makino|牧野 幸文]]
**'''Recorded At:''' [[Sega Digital Studio]]
*'''{{rolloverText|声の出演|Voice Actor}}:''' 清水 聖, {{rolloverText|坪井 智浩|Tomohiro Tsuboi}}, 小林 さやか, 浜野 ゆうき, 松谷 彼哉, 福田 信昭, 最上 莉菜, {{rolloverText|入江 崇史|Takashi Irie}}, 落合 弘治, 村上 想太, {{rolloverText|湯屋 敦子|Atsuko Yuya}}, 田辺 静江, 竹若 拓麿, 菊池 いづみ, 波岡 晶子, 保科 耕一, 多田野 曜平, IKKAN, 石井 隆史, 栗山 微笑子, 藤原 堅一, {{rolloverText|後藤 敦|Atsushi Goto}}, 荒川 功, 高橋 奈美佳, 永迫 舞, 佐々木 和子, [[Tetsuya Mizuguchi|水口 哲也]], [[Mineko Okamura|岡村 峰子]], 高橋 由紀, 加藤 美香, {{rolloverText|マイケル・ハンナ|Michael Hanna}}, {{rolloverText|マーク・バレンタイン|Mark Valentine}}, {{rolloverText|モニカ・ハジンズ|Monika Hudgins}}, {{rolloverText|DM劇団|DM Gekidan}}
*'''{{rolloverText|声優コーディネート|Voice Coordinator}}:''' 稲垣 安行 ({{rolloverText|テアトルエコー|Theatre Echo}})
*'''{{rolloverText|TV映像パート|TV Video Part}}'''
**'''{{rolloverText|ディレクター|Director}}:''' [[Ikuo Ishizaka|石坂 郁夫]]
**'''{{rolloverText|制作・編集|Creation & Editing}}:''' 政 裕次郎, [[Takayuki Ohta|太田 貴之]], [[Kazuki Yokota|横田 一樹]]
**'''{{rolloverText|出演|Starring}}:''' {{rolloverText|DM劇団|DM Gekidan}}
**'''{{rolloverText|将棋監修|Shogi Supervisor}}:''' [[Teruhiko Nakagawa|中川 輝彦]]
**'''{{rolloverText|ロケ協力|Location Support}}:''' {{rolloverText|居酒屋 四季|Izakaya Shiki}}, {{rolloverText|大衆酒蔵 初音|Public Brewery Hatsune}}, {{rolloverText|東京ジョイポリス|Tokyo Joyopolis}}
*'''{{rolloverText|マニュアル制作|Manual}}:''' [[Kaoru Ichigozaki|一期崎 芳]], [[Mitsuaki Chono|蝶野 光秋]], [[Satoru Ishigami|石上 悟]]
*'''{{rolloverText|プロモーション|Promotion}}:''' [[Masatoshi Kawaguchi|川口 政利]], [[Yasushi Nagumo|南雲 靖士]], [[Kazuhiro Asami|浅海 和宏]], [[Shunichi Kobayashi|小林 俊一]], [[Junji Yamazaki|山崎 純二]], [[Seijiro Sannabe|参鍋 誠二郎]], 下川 智 ([[Sega Muse]])
*'''{{rolloverText|スペシャルサンクス|Special Thanks}}:''' 猪狩 早苗 (Jjd), 高橋 英基 (TRIAD), 宮芝 貴美 (TRIAD), 堀越 信哉 (SOYZER MUSIC), 大平 太一 (berry records), 浅田 裕之 (MMV), 笹間 信一郎 (FLYING HIGH), 萩野 克巳 (ONLY HEARTS), 小野寺 信定 (Tricycle), 守屋 薫 (Tricycle), 馬湯 一人 (Tricycle), 小野 聖人 (PUBLIC IMAGE), 原 朋信 (CAFE AU LABEL), 山根 誠司 ({{rolloverText|トライアクト|Tri-Act}}), 原 康晴 ({{rolloverText|日本コロムビア|NIPPON COLUMBIA CO., LTD.}}), [[Kazuo Koizumi|小泉 一夫]] ({{rolloverText|セガ音楽出版|SEGA Music Publishing}}), [[Takashi Yuda|湯田 高志]], [[Susumu Ise|伊勢 進]], [[Tadashi Jokagi|上鍵 忠志]], [[Sachiko Kawamura|川村 幸子]], 静谷 伊佐夫, 長田 育恵, 井上 亜澄, {{rolloverText|泊 篤志|Atsushi Tomari}}, Multi R&D Dept., [[Sega Software R&D Dept. 3|#3 Software R&D Dept.]], All staff of [[Digital Media R&D Dept.]], {{rolloverText|ROOMMANIA#203 友の会|Fellowship for ROOMMANIA#203}}
:'''ADX Copyright © 1996, 1998 CRI'''
:'''MPEC Sofdec Copyright © 1998 CRI'''
*'''Presented by:''' [[Sega]]
:'''(C)[[Sega|Sega Enterprises, Ltd.,]] 2000'''
:'''Thanks for Your Playing!!'''
| source=In-game credits (JP)
| console=DC
===PlayStation 2 version===
==Magazine articles==
==Magazine articles==
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==Technical information==
==Technical information==
===ROM dump status===
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Technical information}}
{{rom|PS2|sha1=38ba55cd3f8bd30400fa87d9694f4ee4b5cb48aa|md5=4e5dca86ff5d7c93ff369913a652ecb5|crc32=b19631c5|size=1,088,258,048|date= |source=DVD-ROM (JP)|comments=SLPM-65110 (V1.01)|quality=|prototype=no}}
==External links==
==External links==

Revision as of 19:55, 18 November 2024

The proper title of this page is Roommania #203. The page is named Roommania 203 due to technical restrictions.


  • Dreamcast
  • PlayStation 2

Roommania203 title.png


Roommania #203
System(s): Sega Dreamcast, PlayStation 2
Sega Dreamcast
Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
Sony PlayStation 2
Sega Corporation
Supporting companies:
Peripherals supported:
Sega Dreamcast
Jump Pack, Dreamcast Modem, Visual Memory Unit, Dreamcast VGA Box
Genre: Life Intervention Simulation/Jinsei Kainyuu-Gata Simulation (人生介入型シミュレーション)[1][2][3], Simulation[4]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Dreamcast
¥5,800 (6,090)5,800e[2] HDR-0044
Sega Rating: All Ages
Sony PlayStation 2
¥5,800 (6,090)5,800 (6,090)[5] SLPM-65110

This short article is in need of work. You can help Sega Retro by adding to it.

Roommania #203 (ルーマニア#203) is a 2000 life simulation game by Sega for the Sega Dreamcast. It was later brought to the PlayStation 2.

Production credits

Main article: Roommania 203/Production credits.

Magazine articles

Main article: Roommania 203/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Dreamcast Magazine (JP) #2000-05: "2000-05 (2000-02-18)" (2000-02-04)

Physical scans

Dreamcast version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Dreamcast Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Dorimaga (JP) NTSC-J
Dreamzone (FR) NTSC-J
Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast (RU)
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Dreamcast
Based on
6 reviews

Roommania 203

Dreamcast, JP
Roommania203 DC JP Box Back.jpgRoommania203 DC JP Box Front.jpg
Roommania203 DC JP Spinecard.jpg
Roommania203 DC JP Disc.jpg

PlayStation 2 version

PlayStation 2, JP
Roommania203 PS2 JP Box.jpg
Roommania203 PS2 JP disc.jpg
Roommania203 PS2 JP disc2.jpg
Audio CD

Technical information

Main article: Roommania 203/Technical information.

External links


  1. File:Roommania203 DC JP Box Back.jpg
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 http://sega.jp/dc/000111/ (Wayback Machine: 2014-08-03 00:45)
  3. http://sega.jp/ps2/roomania/home.shtml (Wayback Machine: 2014-08-03 00:45)
  4. https://sega.jp/history/hard/dreamcast/software.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-11-05 15:30)
  5. 5.0 5.1 http://www.jp.playstation.com/software/title/slpm65110.html (Wayback Machine: 2007-08-17 02:54)
  6. Dreamcast Magazine, "2000-03 (2000-02-04)" (JP; 2000-01-21), page 21
  7. Dorimaga, "2002-18 (2002-10-11)" (JP; 2002-09-27), page 33
  8. Dreamzone, "Avril 2000" (FR; 2000-03-18), page 110
  9. Entsiklopediya igr dlya Dreamcast, "Izdaniye chetvertoye, dopolnennoye" (RU; 2002-xx-xx), page 191
  10. Famitsu, "2000-02-04" (JP; 2000-01-21), page 35
  11. MAN!AC, "06/2000" (DE; 2000-05-03), page 51

Roommania 203

Roommania203 title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Credits | Development | Magazine articles | Reception | Compliance | Technical information

Books: Roommania 203 Kanzen Guidebook (2000) | Roommania 203 Kanzen Guidebook (2002)

No results

Roommania series of games
Roommania #203 (2000) | New Roommania: Porori Seishun (2002)
Roommania #203 Soundtrack Radio Collection (2000) | Porori Seishun Meikyoku Album (2003)
Roommania #203 Kanzen Guidebook (PlayStation 2) (2000, 2002) | New Roommania: Porori Seishun Kanzen Guidebook (2002)