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Hybrid Front is a turn based strategy game similar to SSI's Panzer General or Daisenryaku series. Players will take control of a military force consisting multiple units ranging from infantry to tanks, helicopters or fighter jets and such.  
Hybrid Front is a turn based strategy game similar to SSI's Panzer General or Daisenryaku series. Players will take control of a military force consisting multiple units ranging from infantry to tanks, helicopters or fighter jets and such.
Majority of these characters will join up automatically but some of them are secret characters that require completing some optional objectives.
Generally speaking, older characters start with higher stats but they gain very little growth and younger characters will eventually overtake them in terms of stats. Younger characters start weaker but gain more stats growth after each level up.
Leveling up is character-specific. Meaning that characters will always gain same points to their stats after leveling up.
If characters are destroyed during combat, they will return at the beginning of the next level but they will lose all of their experience points (not the experience level). Manual explains it as characters suffering a mental trauma due to the near-death experience they have been through.
===Character Stats===
*'''Experience Points:''' Every time a character reaches 250 experience points he/she will level up to the next level. Destroying enemy units will give most experience but attacking and defending increase experience as well.
*'''Experience Level:''' There are 6 levels in total. From worst to best: E-D-C-B-A-Ace (Represented with a "Spade" symbol)
*'''Air Defence:''' Lowers damage from enemy air attacks.
*'''Ground Defence:''' Lowers damage from enemy ground attacks.
*'''Anti-Air:''' Increases damage against air targets.
*'''Hard Attack:''' Increases damage against armored vehicles, such as tanks etc.
*'''Soft Attack:''' Increases damage against unarmored vehicles, such as infantry, artillery etc.
*'''Anti-Ship:''' Increases damage against enemy warships.
*'''Initiative:''' A unique ability that allows user to strike first during direct (when you attack an enemy right next to your unit, regardless of who attacks first) attacks. Very useful advantage as it allows character to sometimes kill enemy before it can counter-attack. If both sides have initiative bonus, who ever initiates the attack will strike first.
*'''Indirect:''': Accuracy of indirect (a weapon with range of 2 and above) weapon when fired by the character. Stat bonus is added on weapon's accuracy. For example: If a character who has an indirect stat of 20 fires an artillery gun with an accuracy of 75, that attack will have 95% hit rate.
! Avatar || Name || Description || Performance || Recruitment
|Sarira (26 Years Old)
|Leader of the "Mule" group "Noire" which operates in the South East Asia. Due to her strong dislike towards bureaucratic businessmen types, she can occasionally throw sarcastic remarks towards such people. While she has a reputation of having a barbed tongue, in her private moments, she enjoys vehicle maintenance in a quiet garage.
Catchphrase: "These guys would be useless without me..."
|As the main character, Sarira shows decent all around growth. She will eventually max-out her soft attack and ground defence, followed by great indirect defence, hard attack and decent anti-air and anti-ship strenght. She gains initiative bonus at level B. Does fine with any unit.
|Joins automatically in the first mission
|Paul Simno (27 Years Old)
|Former mule from California (which is currently under sea level) who was banished from region for next 49 years due to "some minor incident" (according to him). He is famous for his calm attitude during combat but known to be occasionally clumsy. Even though he acts like a rough person, deep down he is a kind man and only acts like that to maintain respect from others.
Catchphrase: "Out of the frying pan..."
|Paul's stat growth is very similar to Sarira's but he gets higher hard attack and great soft attack. Besides average anti-ship ability, he is all around a great character. Tanks, attack planes or attack helicopters are useful options. In deep space combat, he can be a back-up fighter pilot against other space fighters. He gains initiative bonus at level A.
|Joins automatically in the first mission 
|Peter Kane (28 Years Old)
|Only survivor of Anti-CoCoon resistance unit "Nightshade". He was saved by Gennojo after his unit was wiped out during the Calcutta Riots and survived only after cybernetic surgery. Formerly a brash and impulsive person, he became a calm and collected individual after realizing Gennojo (who he sees as a surrogate father) was being a bad example. His name doesn't show up in the CoCoon's blacklist so it is possible that records were tampered.
Catchphrase: "Oh, dear..."
|A versatile character who can max out his air defence and air attack, coupled with very good growth in other areas. Best used in fighters against other enemy aircraft but he will do fine with attack planes, helicopters or Air Defence Tanks. He gains initiative bonus at level B.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the first mission
|Gennosuke "Gennojo" Satsuki (56 Years Old)
|Former corporate soldier who became a mule after losing his son and daughter-in-law during the Calcutta Riots. Because of his loyalty to the corporation he was working for, he never reconciled with his son before his death and as a result, still feels regret. After the riots, he used his knowledge and connections to hide many anti-corporation activists. An impulsive old man who goes around the world with his surrogate son Peter to solve disputes involving PETO but often ends up making the making things worse.
Catchphrase: “Oh well, what can you do…?”
|While he has high stats at the beginning, due to his advanced age, he gains very little growth after levelling up.  He will do fine with anything during the first half of the game but after that it is best to not to put him front lines in direct combat. He NEVER gains initiative bonus.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the first mission
|Simon Koo (42 Years Old)
|Former mercenary instructor who offered his services to several nations who were fighting against the corporations in the past. An talented and experienced soldier who prefers proven weapons that do not use new information warfare systems.  His lack of technological aptitude secretly worries him. Because of the fact that he grew up without a family, he treats Jin as if he is his own son.
Catchphrase: “…”
|A grunt character who will eventually get very high hard attack, followed by a decent soft attack. His other abilities are quite average though with a weak air defence. He gains initiative bonus only at Level Ace. Put him on a tank and let him chew up enemy vehicles.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission.
|Jeong-Seon Park (25 Years Old)
|Former interpreter for Lexus Trade Group who she lost her job due to changes in PETO’s policy direction. Thanks to the cybernetic module in her brain she can connect to any computer in the world and her Meta-Chomsky type language implant allows her to speak many languages. Despite her polite, almost machine-like type of speech, she is famous for her “elegant” sarcasm and negotation skills that could put a con artist to shame.
Catchphrase: “Personally, i believe you are right.”
|Park gets very decent growth, max indirect accuracy, very high hard attack followed by decent soft attack, ground defence and anti-air power. Average air defence and anti-ship attack. Her greatest strenght is that she gains initiative bonus earliest in the game, at level D. Take advantage of this and put her on a tank in the first half of the game, after that an attack aircraft or a warship will serve her well.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission
|Jin Nu (21 Years Old)
|A young criminal who was caught by Simon after he tried to hijack Simon’s trailer. Taking pity on the young man, Simon took him under his wing.  Having spent a rough childhood in the slums, he has a rather negative view towards the world but deep down, he loves hanging out with other people. Due to his past as a vehicle thief, he is knowledgeable in various vehicles and their operating methods.
Catchphrase: “I can’t stand this.”
|Jin gets very high (near max) soft attack and ground defence but his other abilities get very little growth and only get average when he becomes Ace. He gets initiative bonus at level B. Put him on a helicopter or an attack fighter and go after soft targets like artillery.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission
|Mama Louise (45 Years Old)
|Captain of the airship “Madame Louise” which she took over after her husband’s death. A formerly famous dancer, her sudden marriage to a flying caravan leader caused quite a stir. She still keeps her red high heels in the bridge as a reminder to the old days.
Catchphrase: “Leave it to me.”
|Louise has maxed out air and ground defence and indirect accuracy from the moment she joins and she will eventually max out her ship attack power. Her other attack stats are average however and she will never get initiative bonus.  She will be your premier anti-warship character in space combat. For indoor maps, (where there are no warships) take advantage of ther maxed-out indirect accuracy and put her on an artillery.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
|Kim Rou Sei (72 Years Old)
|An experienced fighter pilot who retired due to his advanced age and started acting as negotiator between mules and Lexus group. After attacks against mules increased he returned to active duty despite pleas of his coworkers. A brave old man, who calls himself “oldest fighter pilot in human history” and happily enters combat despite odds.
Catchphrase: “As good as it gets… As good as it gets.”
|His anti-air and anti-ship abilities get very decent growth but other stats are average at best and get very low growth. He also never gains initiative bonus. Use him as either fighter pilot, warship captain or air defence tank driver.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
|Yang Mei-Lan (29 Years Old)
|A stunningly beautiful former dancer and model who quit the business after a scandal involving a high level corporate politician and later joined with Mama Louise’s crew as a fighter pilot. She is said to have mastered many classical performing arts from all over the world and is currenly training to become a legendary “geisha”.
Catchphrase: “Oh, my.”
|An excellent character who gains very high air defence, air attack, anti-ship and indirect and decent soft attack growth. Her ground defence and hard attack growth is average however and she gains initiative bonus only at level Ace. She should be in a fighter or a warship but she will do fine in a helicopter as well. For indoor maps, put her in a air defence tank and go after enemy helicopters.
|Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
|Vittorio (23 Years Old)
|A self-styled “minstrel” who goes around the world and take the role of a “clown” in order raise the spirits of people who were wracked by war and poverty. Growing up in a poor neighborhood, where people were squeezed dry by heavy taxes and exploitation, he developed an intense hatred towards both PETO and CaCoon. He hides his feelings behind his kind and smiling face.
Catchphrase: “Leave it to me”
|Vittorio boasts very high hard attack, soft attack and indirect growth, however his weak air defence, mediocre ground defence and anti-ship strenght will result in him being kept away from frontlines. Put him in an artillery or towed artillery. He gains initiative bonus at level B.
|Joins if the enemy base in coordinates (35, 36) is captured in mission 6. Will be avaiable in next mission.
|Steel Harris (16 Years Old)
|A child genius who excelled at corporation aptitude tests and accepted into a prestigious private university at the age of 14, graduating with a PhD in information engineering. An adherent of Hacker philosophy, his dislike of ideas of governments and corporations resulted in him declining offers of employment from CaCoon and escaping to Earth to hide.
Catchphrase: “You shouldn’t let a kid do that.”
|Harris gets very decent growth to all of his attack abilities and gets average growth to air and ground defence. He also gains initiative bonus at level B, making him all around a decent character. One curious thing to mention about him is his indirect growth. He gets very, very low indirect growth until Level A. After that, he maxes-out his indirect bonus by the time he is an ace.
|Joins automatically after sixth mission.
|”Hell” Bates (36 Years Old)
|A mercenary who specializes in counter-insurgency operations. He works for CaCoon’s Intelligence and Strategy Office’s Special Operations Unit. Feared by anti-corporation fighters. While he is ruthless against his enemies, he can be courteous towards those he respects. Due to his frail body, many of his organs were replaced by cybernetic implants.
Catchphrase: “Is that okay?”
|Bates is a great character with a very high ground defence, soft attack, hard attack and indirect growth, decent air attack and ship attack but weak air defence. He gainst initiative bonus at level B. Best used for tanks, helicopters and attack planes but can also do well with air defence tanks as well.
|Appears as an enemy during mission eight. Joins next mission if his unit was destroyed.
|Cao Wen (32 Years Old)
|Raised in an traditional family in the PETO Autonomous Region of Yunnan Province, and is known for his courtesy and humility. Despite his battlefield victories, his tendency of prioritizing human lives and clashing with his superiors over the tactics resulted in him never receiving the promotion he deserved. Outside of combat, he has a rather clumsy personality.
Catchphrase: “I’m sorry.”
|Cao, just like Simon, is a grunt character. Very high soft attack and hard attack growth, decent anti air but mediocre anti-ship and ground defence and weak air defence and indirect accuracy. He gains initiative bonus at Level A. Put him on a tank and slug it out with enemy ground vehicles.
|Appears as enemy but defects to your side during mission 9.
|Director Bernard (54 Years Old)
|Originally wanted to become a space pilot but had to give up his dreams to take over family business. After space exploration monopolized by corporations and slowed down, he sold all of his family business and opened an aerospace museum. He is knowledgeable with all spacecraft and often laments about the bygone days of space exploration.
Catchphrase: “That sounds fun”
|Bernard gets decent air defence, anti-air, anti-ship and indirect accuracy. His hard attack and soft attack values are merely average however and gains very little ground defence growth. He also never gains initiative bonus.
|Joins automatically after mission 12.
|Hans Volz (26 Years Old)
|Trained as an engineer, an error in personnel department resulted in him being assigned to ground troops. He never complained about it however and actually enjoys field command. While generally stoic and solid under pressure, he becomes almost child-like when he notices something he is interested in and quickly gets absorbed in it, even if it puts his life in danger.
Catchphrase: “Life has its ups and downs.”
|Probably weakest character you can recruit. He has decent hard and soft attack but very average anti air and anti ship power, awful defences and indirect accuracy. He also never gains initiative bonus. Best put him on a ground vehicle or a attack aircraft or a helicopter and go after weakened enemies who can’t shoot back.
|Appears as an enemy in Mission 13. Defeat his unit and he will join next mission.
|Nina Harvey (25 Years Old)
|Daughter of a promient corporate executive, she attended the military academy after having an arguement with her parents over her future. Graduated at the top of her class and became an expert in high-tech weapons and space based combat. He respects Mina greatly as just like her, she values actual combat experience over theories.
Catchphrase: “Personally, i believe you are right.”
|A very versatile character with very high air defence, anti-air, soft and hard attack with decent growth in other areas. Gains initiative bonus at level B. In ground missions, she will do great in an attack aircraft. In space battles she should be in a fighter craft and hunt down enemy aircraft.
|Appears as an enemy in Mission 18. Defeat her unit and she will join next mission.
|Greg Stone (47 Years Old)
|A university scholar who joined up with CoCoon’s Mars Expedition to secure a research budget for his recent theory but troubled by the fact that he cannot share his findings with the world. Before the was put on house arrest by CoCoon he was working on “Mars Indigenous People Hypothesis” with his colleague, Dr. Karloff. He has no love for corporations and only joined the expedition to travel to Mars.
Catchphrase: “Hmph. That’s nonsense…”
|Very high ground defence and indirect growth, above average in other areas. Very weak air defence and never gains initiative bonus. Take advantage of his indirect skill and put him on an artillery. In deep space battles he should have more of a support role in a fighter or warship.
|Joins automatically after mission 18.
|Wedge Sims (19 Years Old)
|A corporate marine from CoCoon’s Lunar Mobile Fleet. Born to a middle-class family, he initially wanted to become an athlete but after injuring his back during a game, he had to give up his dreams and join CoCoon for stable income, regretting his decision since. Young and bright, he can be an exceptional soldier if given enough training and chance to gain experience.
Catchphrase: “It will work you somehow.”
|Very Weak stats when he joins up but if you are patient, he will have great air defence and air attack, decent anti-ship growth. Average in other areas. Indirect stat will remain weak. Gains initiative bonus at level A. He should be in a support role (going after weakened enemies) after leveling up, he will do fine in a fighter plane or warship.
|Appears as an enemy in Mission 20. Defeat his unit and he will join up next mission.
|Mina (32 Years Old)
|Legendary mercenary who lost her left arm while defending his subordinates from a drone attack during the “Big-War”. An exceptional combatant who can fight on the ground or any vehicle she can find. She seems to have an inferiority complex due to being a woman, and wears overblown cybernetic implants to show off her strenght. She is obsessed with power and believes that “There is no justice without power”, despite having a dislike for authority. Since she always puts her subordinates’ well-being over hers, she commands incredible respect from his troops.
Catchphrase: “Don’t mess with me.”
|Maxed-out indirect, other than that, all of her stats, except anti-ship (with is still above average) is decent and she will do fine with any role. Best used for fighter or warships.
| Appears as an enemy in Mission 22. Defeat her unit and she will join up next mission.
|Dr. Karloff (48 Years Old)
|An archaeologist who specializes in Mars’ geography and geology. After suggesting his controversial “Mars Indigenous People Hypothesis”, he was expelled from the prestigious university he was working at and travelled to Mars at his own expense to study his theory further. After he completed his research, his papers were confiscated by CoCoon and he was put in house arrest.
Catchphrase: “Young people these days…”
|Since he joins up very late, it will be quite difficult to level him up. He has very high air defence and potential for maxing out his indirect stat. Other attack stats are decent but he has very weak ground defence and never gains initiative bonus. Either put him on an artillery or fighter plane or warship.
| Joins automatically after mission 22.
==Production credits==
==Production credits==

Revision as of 09:24, 17 July 2024


TheHybridFront MDTitleScreen.png

The Hybrid Front
System(s): Sega Mega Drive, Virtual Console
Publisher: Sega
Sound driver: SMPS Z80
Genre: Simulation[2][3]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Mega Drive
¥8,8008,800 G-5541
Wii Virtual Console

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The Hybrid Front (ハイブリッド・フロント) is a 1994 strategy game by Sega for the Sega Mega Drive released exclusively in Japan.


In the late 21st century, a global economic crisis causes widespread poverty around the world. Looking for a way to avoid economical collapse, many countries turn to corporations for help and "Corporate Support Laws" are established in 2072, giving the corporations great concessions. Soon after, corporations form their own military forces.

In 23rd century, Peak Oil is reached and middle eastern oil producing countries fade away, giving way to cheaper and more easily produced hydrogen based fuel production. As the countries switch to hydrogen based power, corporations begin experimenting with solar power by establishing several space colonies in the Earth Orbit.

In 2243, corporations who developed the orbital belt propose "Orbital Corporation Autonomy Law", a resolution that will grealy increase their power and give them sovereign status. Unsurprisingly, countries reject the proposal and announce that they will curtail the power of the corporations.

Over the course of the 23rd century, tensions between Earth and corporations gradually escalate and finally, in 2302, first all out war between Earth Governments and Corporations break out. Dubbed "First Orbital War", the conflict ends with inconclusive results.

In 2307, corporations establish COCOON, (COoperation COmmunity of Orbital Negotaion), a massive supra-national body to challenge the Earth Governments more openly.

Two years later, in 2309, "Second Orbital War", also known as "Hammer War" begins. With the Earth Orbit is under their total control, corporations use orbital weapon platforms called "Metal Hammers" and reduce major cities around the world to rubble. Soon, in 2315, Earth Govenments propose a conditional ceasefire. COCOON stations its troops all over the Earth for "Peacekeeping" and establishes a legislative body called, "Provisional Inspection Legislative Council" to enforce the armstice.

In 2391, COCOON establishes "Pan-Earth Treaty Organization", (PETO) to prevent further conflicts. With the Earth is more or less under total control of COCOON, Earth embraks on her slow road to recovery.

In the post-war Earth of 26th Century, logistics are handled by group of individuals who are known as the "Mules" who can deliver anything as long as they can be afforded. Players will take control of Sarira, leader of the local Mule group. Over the course of the game Sarira will become the leader of the rebellion against the COCOON and attempt to save the Earth from corporations' control.


Hybrid Front is a turn based strategy game similar to SSI's Panzer General or Daisenryaku series. Players will take control of a military force consisting multiple units ranging from infantry to tanks, helicopters or fighter jets and such.


Majority of these characters will join up automatically but some of them are secret characters that require completing some optional objectives.

Generally speaking, older characters start with higher stats but they gain very little growth and younger characters will eventually overtake them in terms of stats. Younger characters start weaker but gain more stats growth after each level up.

Leveling up is character-specific. Meaning that characters will always gain same points to their stats after leveling up.

If characters are destroyed during combat, they will return at the beginning of the next level but they will lose all of their experience points (not the experience level). Manual explains it as characters suffering a mental trauma due to the near-death experience they have been through.

Character Stats

  • Experience Points: Every time a character reaches 250 experience points he/she will level up to the next level. Destroying enemy units will give most experience but attacking and defending increase experience as well.
  • Experience Level: There are 6 levels in total. From worst to best: E-D-C-B-A-Ace (Represented with a "Spade" symbol)
  • Air Defence: Lowers damage from enemy air attacks.
  • Ground Defence: Lowers damage from enemy ground attacks.
  • Anti-Air: Increases damage against air targets.
  • Hard Attack: Increases damage against armored vehicles, such as tanks etc.
  • Soft Attack: Increases damage against unarmored vehicles, such as infantry, artillery etc.
  • Anti-Ship: Increases damage against enemy warships.
  • Initiative: A unique ability that allows user to strike first during direct (when you attack an enemy right next to your unit, regardless of who attacks first) attacks. Very useful advantage as it allows character to sometimes kill enemy before it can counter-attack. If both sides have initiative bonus, who ever initiates the attack will strike first.
  • Indirect:: Accuracy of indirect (a weapon with range of 2 and above) weapon when fired by the character. Stat bonus is added on weapon's accuracy. For example: If a character who has an indirect stat of 20 fires an artillery gun with an accuracy of 75, that attack will have 95% hit rate.
Avatar Name Description Performance Recruitment
Notavailable.svg Sarira (26 Years Old) Leader of the "Mule" group "Noire" which operates in the South East Asia. Due to her strong dislike towards bureaucratic businessmen types, she can occasionally throw sarcastic remarks towards such people. While she has a reputation of having a barbed tongue, in her private moments, she enjoys vehicle maintenance in a quiet garage.

Catchphrase: "These guys would be useless without me..."

As the main character, Sarira shows decent all around growth. She will eventually max-out her soft attack and ground defence, followed by great indirect defence, hard attack and decent anti-air and anti-ship strenght. She gains initiative bonus at level B. Does fine with any unit. Joins automatically in the first mission
Notavailable.svg Paul Simno (27 Years Old) Former mule from California (which is currently under sea level) who was banished from region for next 49 years due to "some minor incident" (according to him). He is famous for his calm attitude during combat but known to be occasionally clumsy. Even though he acts like a rough person, deep down he is a kind man and only acts like that to maintain respect from others.

Catchphrase: "Out of the frying pan..."

Paul's stat growth is very similar to Sarira's but he gets higher hard attack and great soft attack. Besides average anti-ship ability, he is all around a great character. Tanks, attack planes or attack helicopters are useful options. In deep space combat, he can be a back-up fighter pilot against other space fighters. He gains initiative bonus at level A. Joins automatically in the first mission
Notavailable.svg Peter Kane (28 Years Old) Only survivor of Anti-CoCoon resistance unit "Nightshade". He was saved by Gennojo after his unit was wiped out during the Calcutta Riots and survived only after cybernetic surgery. Formerly a brash and impulsive person, he became a calm and collected individual after realizing Gennojo (who he sees as a surrogate father) was being a bad example. His name doesn't show up in the CoCoon's blacklist so it is possible that records were tampered.

Catchphrase: "Oh, dear..."

A versatile character who can max out his air defence and air attack, coupled with very good growth in other areas. Best used in fighters against other enemy aircraft but he will do fine with attack planes, helicopters or Air Defence Tanks. He gains initiative bonus at level B. Joins automatically in the middle of the first mission
Notavailable.svg Gennosuke "Gennojo" Satsuki (56 Years Old) Former corporate soldier who became a mule after losing his son and daughter-in-law during the Calcutta Riots. Because of his loyalty to the corporation he was working for, he never reconciled with his son before his death and as a result, still feels regret. After the riots, he used his knowledge and connections to hide many anti-corporation activists. An impulsive old man who goes around the world with his surrogate son Peter to solve disputes involving PETO but often ends up making the making things worse.

Catchphrase: “Oh well, what can you do…?”

While he has high stats at the beginning, due to his advanced age, he gains very little growth after levelling up. He will do fine with anything during the first half of the game but after that it is best to not to put him front lines in direct combat. He NEVER gains initiative bonus. Joins automatically in the middle of the first mission
Notavailable.svg Simon Koo (42 Years Old) Former mercenary instructor who offered his services to several nations who were fighting against the corporations in the past. An talented and experienced soldier who prefers proven weapons that do not use new information warfare systems. His lack of technological aptitude secretly worries him. Because of the fact that he grew up without a family, he treats Jin as if he is his own son.

Catchphrase: “…”

A grunt character who will eventually get very high hard attack, followed by a decent soft attack. His other abilities are quite average though with a weak air defence. He gains initiative bonus only at Level Ace. Put him on a tank and let him chew up enemy vehicles. Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission.
Notavailable.svg Jeong-Seon Park (25 Years Old) Former interpreter for Lexus Trade Group who she lost her job due to changes in PETO’s policy direction. Thanks to the cybernetic module in her brain she can connect to any computer in the world and her Meta-Chomsky type language implant allows her to speak many languages. Despite her polite, almost machine-like type of speech, she is famous for her “elegant” sarcasm and negotation skills that could put a con artist to shame.

Catchphrase: “Personally, i believe you are right.”

Park gets very decent growth, max indirect accuracy, very high hard attack followed by decent soft attack, ground defence and anti-air power. Average air defence and anti-ship attack. Her greatest strenght is that she gains initiative bonus earliest in the game, at level D. Take advantage of this and put her on a tank in the first half of the game, after that an attack aircraft or a warship will serve her well. Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission
Notavailable.svg Jin Nu (21 Years Old) A young criminal who was caught by Simon after he tried to hijack Simon’s trailer. Taking pity on the young man, Simon took him under his wing. Having spent a rough childhood in the slums, he has a rather negative view towards the world but deep down, he loves hanging out with other people. Due to his past as a vehicle thief, he is knowledgeable in various vehicles and their operating methods.

Catchphrase: “I can’t stand this.”

Jin gets very high (near max) soft attack and ground defence but his other abilities get very little growth and only get average when he becomes Ace. He gets initiative bonus at level B. Put him on a helicopter or an attack fighter and go after soft targets like artillery. Joins automatically in the middle of the second mission
Notavailable.svg Mama Louise (45 Years Old) Captain of the airship “Madame Louise” which she took over after her husband’s death. A formerly famous dancer, her sudden marriage to a flying caravan leader caused quite a stir. She still keeps her red high heels in the bridge as a reminder to the old days.

Catchphrase: “Leave it to me.”

Louise has maxed out air and ground defence and indirect accuracy from the moment she joins and she will eventually max out her ship attack power. Her other attack stats are average however and she will never get initiative bonus. She will be your premier anti-warship character in space combat. For indoor maps, (where there are no warships) take advantage of ther maxed-out indirect accuracy and put her on an artillery. Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
Notavailable.svg Kim Rou Sei (72 Years Old) An experienced fighter pilot who retired due to his advanced age and started acting as negotiator between mules and Lexus group. After attacks against mules increased he returned to active duty despite pleas of his coworkers. A brave old man, who calls himself “oldest fighter pilot in human history” and happily enters combat despite odds.

Catchphrase: “As good as it gets… As good as it gets.”

His anti-air and anti-ship abilities get very decent growth but other stats are average at best and get very low growth. He also never gains initiative bonus. Use him as either fighter pilot, warship captain or air defence tank driver. Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
Notavailable.svg Yang Mei-Lan (29 Years Old) A stunningly beautiful former dancer and model who quit the business after a scandal involving a high level corporate politician and later joined with Mama Louise’s crew as a fighter pilot. She is said to have mastered many classical performing arts from all over the world and is currenly training to become a legendary “geisha”.

Catchphrase: “Oh, my.”

An excellent character who gains very high air defence, air attack, anti-ship and indirect and decent soft attack growth. Her ground defence and hard attack growth is average however and she gains initiative bonus only at level Ace. She should be in a fighter or a warship but she will do fine in a helicopter as well. For indoor maps, put her in a air defence tank and go after enemy helicopters. Joins automatically in the middle of the fifth mission
Notavailable.svg Vittorio (23 Years Old) A self-styled “minstrel” who goes around the world and take the role of a “clown” in order raise the spirits of people who were wracked by war and poverty. Growing up in a poor neighborhood, where people were squeezed dry by heavy taxes and exploitation, he developed an intense hatred towards both PETO and CaCoon. He hides his feelings behind his kind and smiling face.

Catchphrase: “Leave it to me”

Vittorio boasts very high hard attack, soft attack and indirect growth, however his weak air defence, mediocre ground defence and anti-ship strenght will result in him being kept away from frontlines. Put him in an artillery or towed artillery. He gains initiative bonus at level B. Joins if the enemy base in coordinates (35, 36) is captured in mission 6. Will be avaiable in next mission.
Notavailable.svg Steel Harris (16 Years Old) A child genius who excelled at corporation aptitude tests and accepted into a prestigious private university at the age of 14, graduating with a PhD in information engineering. An adherent of Hacker philosophy, his dislike of ideas of governments and corporations resulted in him declining offers of employment from CaCoon and escaping to Earth to hide.

Catchphrase: “You shouldn’t let a kid do that.”

Harris gets very decent growth to all of his attack abilities and gets average growth to air and ground defence. He also gains initiative bonus at level B, making him all around a decent character. One curious thing to mention about him is his indirect growth. He gets very, very low indirect growth until Level A. After that, he maxes-out his indirect bonus by the time he is an ace. Joins automatically after sixth mission.
Notavailable.svg ”Hell” Bates (36 Years Old) A mercenary who specializes in counter-insurgency operations. He works for CaCoon’s Intelligence and Strategy Office’s Special Operations Unit. Feared by anti-corporation fighters. While he is ruthless against his enemies, he can be courteous towards those he respects. Due to his frail body, many of his organs were replaced by cybernetic implants.

Catchphrase: “Is that okay?”

Bates is a great character with a very high ground defence, soft attack, hard attack and indirect growth, decent air attack and ship attack but weak air defence. He gainst initiative bonus at level B. Best used for tanks, helicopters and attack planes but can also do well with air defence tanks as well. Appears as an enemy during mission eight. Joins next mission if his unit was destroyed.
Notavailable.svg Cao Wen (32 Years Old) Raised in an traditional family in the PETO Autonomous Region of Yunnan Province, and is known for his courtesy and humility. Despite his battlefield victories, his tendency of prioritizing human lives and clashing with his superiors over the tactics resulted in him never receiving the promotion he deserved. Outside of combat, he has a rather clumsy personality.

Catchphrase: “I’m sorry.”

Cao, just like Simon, is a grunt character. Very high soft attack and hard attack growth, decent anti air but mediocre anti-ship and ground defence and weak air defence and indirect accuracy. He gains initiative bonus at Level A. Put him on a tank and slug it out with enemy ground vehicles. Appears as enemy but defects to your side during mission 9.
Notavailable.svg Director Bernard (54 Years Old) Originally wanted to become a space pilot but had to give up his dreams to take over family business. After space exploration monopolized by corporations and slowed down, he sold all of his family business and opened an aerospace museum. He is knowledgeable with all spacecraft and often laments about the bygone days of space exploration.

Catchphrase: “That sounds fun”

Bernard gets decent air defence, anti-air, anti-ship and indirect accuracy. His hard attack and soft attack values are merely average however and gains very little ground defence growth. He also never gains initiative bonus. Joins automatically after mission 12.
Notavailable.svg Hans Volz (26 Years Old) Trained as an engineer, an error in personnel department resulted in him being assigned to ground troops. He never complained about it however and actually enjoys field command. While generally stoic and solid under pressure, he becomes almost child-like when he notices something he is interested in and quickly gets absorbed in it, even if it puts his life in danger.

Catchphrase: “Life has its ups and downs.”

Probably weakest character you can recruit. He has decent hard and soft attack but very average anti air and anti ship power, awful defences and indirect accuracy. He also never gains initiative bonus. Best put him on a ground vehicle or a attack aircraft or a helicopter and go after weakened enemies who can’t shoot back. Appears as an enemy in Mission 13. Defeat his unit and he will join next mission.
Notavailable.svg Nina Harvey (25 Years Old) Daughter of a promient corporate executive, she attended the military academy after having an arguement with her parents over her future. Graduated at the top of her class and became an expert in high-tech weapons and space based combat. He respects Mina greatly as just like her, she values actual combat experience over theories.

Catchphrase: “Personally, i believe you are right.”

A very versatile character with very high air defence, anti-air, soft and hard attack with decent growth in other areas. Gains initiative bonus at level B. In ground missions, she will do great in an attack aircraft. In space battles she should be in a fighter craft and hunt down enemy aircraft. Appears as an enemy in Mission 18. Defeat her unit and she will join next mission.
Notavailable.svg Greg Stone (47 Years Old) A university scholar who joined up with CoCoon’s Mars Expedition to secure a research budget for his recent theory but troubled by the fact that he cannot share his findings with the world. Before the was put on house arrest by CoCoon he was working on “Mars Indigenous People Hypothesis” with his colleague, Dr. Karloff. He has no love for corporations and only joined the expedition to travel to Mars.

Catchphrase: “Hmph. That’s nonsense…”

Very high ground defence and indirect growth, above average in other areas. Very weak air defence and never gains initiative bonus. Take advantage of his indirect skill and put him on an artillery. In deep space battles he should have more of a support role in a fighter or warship. Joins automatically after mission 18.
Notavailable.svg Wedge Sims (19 Years Old) A corporate marine from CoCoon’s Lunar Mobile Fleet. Born to a middle-class family, he initially wanted to become an athlete but after injuring his back during a game, he had to give up his dreams and join CoCoon for stable income, regretting his decision since. Young and bright, he can be an exceptional soldier if given enough training and chance to gain experience.

Catchphrase: “It will work you somehow.”

Very Weak stats when he joins up but if you are patient, he will have great air defence and air attack, decent anti-ship growth. Average in other areas. Indirect stat will remain weak. Gains initiative bonus at level A. He should be in a support role (going after weakened enemies) after leveling up, he will do fine in a fighter plane or warship. Appears as an enemy in Mission 20. Defeat his unit and he will join up next mission.
Notavailable.svg Mina (32 Years Old) Legendary mercenary who lost her left arm while defending his subordinates from a drone attack during the “Big-War”. An exceptional combatant who can fight on the ground or any vehicle she can find. She seems to have an inferiority complex due to being a woman, and wears overblown cybernetic implants to show off her strenght. She is obsessed with power and believes that “There is no justice without power”, despite having a dislike for authority. Since she always puts her subordinates’ well-being over hers, she commands incredible respect from his troops.

Catchphrase: “Don’t mess with me.”

Maxed-out indirect, other than that, all of her stats, except anti-ship (with is still above average) is decent and she will do fine with any role. Best used for fighter or warships. Appears as an enemy in Mission 22. Defeat her unit and she will join up next mission.
Notavailable.svg Dr. Karloff (48 Years Old) An archaeologist who specializes in Mars’ geography and geology. After suggesting his controversial “Mars Indigenous People Hypothesis”, he was expelled from the prestigious university he was working at and travelled to Mars at his own expense to study his theory further. After he completed his research, his papers were confiscated by CoCoon and he was put in house arrest.

Catchphrase: “Young people these days…”

Since he joins up very late, it will be quite difficult to level him up. He has very high air defence and potential for maxing out his indirect stat. Other attack stats are decent but he has very weak ground defence and never gains initiative bonus. Either put him on an artillery or fighter plane or warship. Joins automatically after mission 22.

Production credits

  • 総合監修: 野田 昌宏
  • キャラクター原案 / コンセプトデザイン / イメージイラスト原画: 末弥 純
  • メカニック原画デザイン: 青井 邦夫
  • 監修・考証・協力: (株)オニロ, 設定・シナリオ協力スタジオ WOW!, 佐藤 哲郎
  • キャラクターパブ用イラスト: 大矢 正和 (MDP)
  • 総合美術監修: REW
  • ユニットデジタイズ
  • 地上・その他: REW
  • 航空・宇宙・その他: 電鳳寺 雅
  • マップパーツデザイン: REW, 電鳳寺 雅
  • 戦闘画面背景: REW, MARUTSUGI
  • キャラクターデジタイズ: REW, MARUTSUGI, 電鳳寺 雅
  • オープニング・エンディングヴィジュアル: 電鳳寺 雅
  • イメージヴィジュアル デジタイズ: 電鳳寺 雅
  • デザイン協力: YOKOKAW, いとちん
The Hybrid Front
©Sega 1994/Masahiro Noda/Oniro Co.
  • Original Illust Designed By: Jun Suemi
  • Original Weapon Illust Designed By: Kunio Aoi
In-game credits (JP)
Hybrid Front MD credits.pdf

Uncredited/Unknown pseudonym

Digital manuals

Magazine articles

Main article: The Hybrid Front/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Beep! MegaDrive (JP) #1994-08: "August 1994" (1994-07-08)

Physical scans

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
Beep! MegaDrive (JP) NTSC-J
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Mega Force (FR) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Mega Drive
Based on
5 reviews

The Hybrid Front

Mega Drive, JP
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Technical information

Main article: The Hybrid Front/Technical information.


The Hybrid Front

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Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1993-02