Monster World Complete Collection Original Sound Track

From Sega Retro


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Monster World Complete Collection Original Sound Track (モンスターワールド コンプリートコレクション オリジナルサウンドトラック) is a two disc album containing music from the Monster World series of games, including Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Monster World), Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (Monster World II), Wonder Boy in Monster World (Monster World III) and Monster World IV.

Track List

Dist 1

Running Time: 64:25

  1. Credit (Credit) (0:04)
  2. Monsterland (Main Theme) (1:57)
  3. Boss (Boss) (1:26)
  4. Extend (Extend) (0:04)
  5. Round Clear (Round Clear) (0:04)
  6. Perfect (Perfect) (0:04)
  7. Town (Town) (1:21)
  8. Shop (Shop) (0:38)
  9. Bar (Bar) (0:32)
  10. Cave (Cave) (1:09)
  11. Hospital (Hospital) (0:47)
  12. Castle (Castle) (1:34)
  13. Beach (Beach) (1:22)
  14. Sea (In the Sea) (1:09)
  15. Desert (Desert) (1:54)
  16. Dragon's Castle (Dragon's Castle) (1:48)
  17. Last Boss (Dragon) (1:44)
  18. UFO (Fufufufu.) (0:06)
  19. Ending (Ending) (2:16)
  20. Game Over (Game Over) (0:08)
  21. Score Registration (High Score) (0:53)
  22. Test BGM (Sound Test) (1:16)
  23. Title (Title) (0:12)
  24. Monsterland Revenge (Last Dungeon) (1:54)
  25. VS. Dragon (Boss Battle) (1:00)
  26. Opening (Opening) (0:23)
  27. Marine (Town) (1:24)
  28. Shop (Shop) (0:29)
  29. Room BGM (Room) (1:26)
  30. Item (Item Obtainment) (0:05)
  31. Mind of Hero (Beach) (2:35)
  32. Desert Zone (Desert) (2:39)
  33. Adventure Zone (Forest) (1:58)
  34. Monsterland? (Dungeon Drop) (0:12)
  35. Take It Easy (Sunken Ship) (2:07)
  36. Staff Roll (Staff Roll) (1:50)
  37. Ending (Ending) (1:24)
  38. Game Over (Game Over) (0:10)
  39. Test BGM (Sound Test) (0:17)
  40. Monsterland Revenge (Last Dungeon) (1:54)
  41. VS.Dragon (Boss Battle) (1:01)
  42. Opening (Opening) (0:24)
  43. Marine (Town) (1:24)
  44. Shop (Shop) (0:28)
  45. Room BGM (Room) (1:26)
  46. Item (Item Obtainment) (0:04)
  47. Mind of Hero (Beach) (2:35)
  48. Desert Zone (Desert) (2:38)
  49. Adventure Zone (Forest) (1:58)
  50. Monsterland? (Dungeon Drop) (0:18)
  51. Take It Easy (Sunken Ship) (2:05)
  52. Staff Roll (Staff Roll) (1:51)
  53. Ending (Ending) (1:24)
  54. Game Over (Game Over) (0:10)
  55. Test BGM (Sound Test) (0:17)
  56. Monster World II Ending (Acoustic Mix) (2:07)

Dist 2

Running Time: 73:41

  1. Prince (Title (Darkworld Prince Entry)) (1:07)
  2. Monsterland Returns (Beginning of the Story) (2:15)
  3. No Answer (Fairy Village <Alsedo>) (1:36)
  4. Inn (Inn) (0:07)
  5. Princess of World (Queen Eleanora) (1:39)
  6. Too Long Adventure (Dungeon) (1:15)
  7. Item (Item Obtainment) (0:04)
  8. Revenge Boss (Boss 1) (1:10)
  9. Boss Dead (Boss Victory) (0:07)
  10. Village of 'YOUSEI' for Justice (Village) (1:49)
  11. Into Cave (Cave) (1:20)
  12. Theme of Purapril (Purapril Castle) (1:50)
  13. South River (Lilypad Forest) (1:24)
  14. Dry Dry & Dry (Berserker) (2:15)
  15. Touch & Go (Boss 2) (1:46)
  16. Game Over (Defeat) (0:05)
  17. Fun to Swim (Beach) (2:34)
  18. White & Blue (In the Sea) (1:52)
  19. Sand & Sun (Desert) (1:36)
  20. Under Pyramid (Pyramid) (1:41)
  21. Dragon's Lair (Dragon's Village <Begonia>) (1:20)
  22. Flash (Dragon Battle) (1:50)
  23. Village of 'YOUSEI' for Dark (Sky) (1:21)
  24. Lair Lair Lair? (Sky Castle) (2:10)
  25. UFO (To Outer Space) (0:36)
  26. Remember Me (Last Dungeon) (2:15)
  27. To Be Continued (Ending) (2:06)
  28. Overture (Title) (1:25)
  29. Tales from Monster World (Prologue) (0:34)
  30. Spirits (Voices of Spirits) (0:34)
  31. Premonition (Chapter Beginning) (0:10)
  32. Main Theme (Village/Town) (1:37)
  33. Item (Item Obtainment) (0:04)
  34. Try the Trial (Mute Tower) (1:17)
  35. Kool Dude (Boss 1) (1:59)
  36. Conquers the Dungeon (Victory) (0:05)
  37. Lamp de Godjarre (Spirit of the Lamp) (2:05)
  38. Kingdom of Rapadagna (Rapadagna Castle) (2:01)
  39. Birth of Pepelogoo (Pepelogoo Birth) (0:06)
  40. Over the Clouds (Adventure Theme 1) (1:24)
  41. Volcanic Cave (Handera Volcano) (1:36)
  42. Long Distance (Adventure Theme 2) (1:44)
  43. Stream Sanctuary (Water Temple) (1:48)
  44. Heart of Icegrave (Ice Pyramid) (2:05)
  45. Death of Pepelogoo (Parting) (0:09)
  46. Fade into Darkside (The World Enveloped by Darkness) (1:19)
  47. Labyrinth on the Sky (Sky Castle) (1:31)
  48. Head Banger (Boss 2) (1:01)
  49. A Cradle Song of Pepelogoo (Pepelogoo's Lullaby) (1:09)
  50. Arabesque Court in Dream (Last Dungeon) (1:38)
  51. Carpet (The Manipulator Enters) (1:01)
  52. Malevolent Deity (Final Battle) (2:55)
  53. Finale Part 1 (Finale 1) (1:29)
  54. Finale Part 2 (Finale 2) (0:40)
  55. Finale Part 3 (Finale 3) (0:56)
  56. Acension to Heaven (Game Over) (0:09)

Physical Scans

Album, JP
MWCCOST Album JP Box Front.jpg
MWCCOST Album JP Disc1.jpg
Disc 1
MWCCOST Album JP Disc2.jpg
Disc 2

Games in the Wonder Boy series
Wonder Boy (1986) | Wonder Boy in Monster Land (1987) | Wonder Boy III: Monster Lair (1988) | Wonder Boy III: The Dragon's Trap (1989) | Wonder Boy in Monster World (1991) | Monster World IV (1994) | Monster World Complete Collection (2007) | Sega Vintage Collection: Monster World (2012) | Arcade Archives Wonder Boy (2014) | Wonder Boy Returns (2016) | Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap (2017) | Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (2018) | Wonder Boy Returns Remix (2019) | Wonder Boy: Asha in Monster World (2021) | Wonder Boy Collection (2022) | Wonder Boy Anniversary Collection (2022)
Wonder Boy related media
Monster World Complete Collection Original Sound Track (2007) | Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Original Soundtrack Sampler (2018) | Wonder Boy Collection - Best Of Soundtrack (2023)
Wonder Boy V Monster World III Koushiki Guide Book (1991)