Laser Ghost (System 18)
From Sega Retro
To do
- By the same artist and with the same art style as Rough Racer. Also, in a lot of ways this game is a spiritual successor to Line of Fire. Figure out who the artist is, this style's crazy.
- The "Sega Laser Effect System", or more badass early Sega AR. Seriously why arent they more well known for this? all their theme park/creative arcade stuff like this were always finding ways to take crazy new technologies that even labs were struggling with and like BAM heres a full VR headset with matching software and motion sim, and its practical and real. Awesome stuff. But seriously, the little on-gun screen showed a projection of your "beams" coming out of the physical end of the physical gun you're actually holding, flying through the couple of feet between your gun and the arcade screen in front of you, and extending into the screen itself for some crazy kinda gamefeel. Man Id love to see this irl, great idea too.
- Same system (and same gun!) used on Cyber Dome.
- the swivel-mount guns, held in both hands (unsatisfyingly. makes sense for an arcade experience I guess but dang I wanna be a ghostbuster with a gun held like a rifle, which is how the characters are doing it in-game and in the promo artwork but hey), and that keeping hands on the controller at all times basically.
- Speaking of the cabinet, something about the weird three-person setup: one standing in the center angled down, two on either side angled up. There's... gotta be a specific reason for this, other than being unique/standing out/going with the strong characterization. I'm assuming that reason is a space-saving one but who knows.
- Talk about big differences between the original and SMS versions. They're still light gun games with the same basic premise, but a decent amount has been changed for its conversion to an 8-bit home system. And go to Line of Fire and do the same, there's a lot of similarities between this game's SMS port situation and that one's.
- Does that tombstone- is that a tombstone for Line of Fire? lol
CartridgeCulture (talk) 21:10, 15 November 2021 (EST)