From Sega Retro
1991 CIK-FIA World Karting Championship (Le Mans)
French Karting Magazine "Kart'One", which was one of the sponsors of the event was also there to cover it... "Kart One" dedicated some pages of its October 1991 issue to it ... and guess what... despite the fact that we don't have the entire magazine, we have the pages in question :) ... now just look to the truck/van that Sega France transformed into an itinerant booth eqquiped with Mega Drive Consoles and a few games for people to play at no charge (Super Monaco GP was a hit among people who attended the event... do not forget that this was in 1991 and the game was still relatively new... especially in Europe) it's beautiful, isn't it? ... so will be our page... =) ...--Asagoth (talk) 20:22, 14 April 2021 (EDT)
Race tracks... race tracks everywhere...
I was also wrong in saying that the Bugatti circuit (built in 1965 and originally used as a Racing School... it is currently used for Truck and Moto GP races) was Le Mans' first karting circuit... Le Mans' first karting circuit was known as "Circuit BP" (built in 1960... 521m long... it doesn't exists anymore)... but enough of race tracks... Those Sega billboards scatered across Circuit Alain Prost remained there for some years ( 1992 French Karting Championship, 24 Hours Karting 1995) since Sega France continued sponsoring other karting events but not as the main sponsor as in 1991 ... you could see them in many Football stadiums during fottball matches (soccer for our American fellows) in the 90s...--Asagoth (talk) 14:37, 4 May 2021 (EDT)
Anita Mäkelä (1992-1993)
Maailman nopein videopelihahmo Sonic aloittaa yhteistyön Euroopan nopeimman naisen Anita Mäkelän kanssa. Anitahan ajaa kiihdytysautolla Top Fuel Dragsteria ja on Euroopan ennätyksen haltija luokassaan. Hänen tiiminsä nimi on jo aiemmin ollut Hedgehog Team ja tästä keväästä lähtien alkaa siis yhteistyö kaiman kanssa. Kannattaa seurata kesän mittaan kiihdytysautokisoja siis entistäkin tarkemmin!!
Sonic, the world's fastest video game character, begins a collaboration with Anita Mäkelä, the fastest woman in Europe. Anita drives a Top Fuel dragster and is the European record holder in her class. The name of his team has already been the Hedgehog Team and from this spring onwards the joint venture will be launched.]
Maailman nopein Segailijatar Anita Mäkelä on ollut tänäkin kesänä huippuvauhdikkaalla tuulella. Hän on kiertänyt metanolidragsterillaan sekä kotimaan, että ulkomaan kilpailuja todella tiiviiseen tahtiin ja kilpailujen väleissä levittänyt sekä laji- että Sega-tietoisuutta suurelle yleisölle. Anitan auto sai tänä vuonna uuden tosi tyylikkään maalin pintaan ja kuljetuskalustoa kohennettiin uuteen uskoon. Auto siirtyy todella tyylikkään Sonic-rekan suojissa kilpailusta toiseen. Todella sykähdyttävä näky saada se vastaansa maantiellä! Anitan kilpailukausi on Suomen osalta jo tältä vuodelta ohi, ja hän keskittyy EM-sarjaan jossa menestystä on tullutkin ihan kohtalaisesti.
Anita Mäkelä, the fastest Sega lady in the world, has been in a very fast mood this summer. With his methanol ragster he has toured both domestic and international competitions at a very tight pace, and between competitions he has spread both sport and Sega awareness to the general public. Anita's car got a new really stylish paint on the surface this year and the transport equipment was upgraded. Under the cover of a truly stylish Sonic truck, the car moves from race to race. What a thrilling sight to be greeted by on the road! Anita's racing season for Finland is already over this year, and she is focusing on the European Championship Series where she has had quite a bit of success.--Asagoth (talk) 22:17, 31 October 2022 (EDT)