Super Zaxxon is a sequel to Zaxxon, produced by Sega in 1982. The game is extremely similar to the original Zaxxon game (even running on the same hardware), though runs slightly faster and uses a different set of graphics and enemies. It is often seen as an "update" to the original game rather than a true sequel.
As well as being released in the arcades, Super Zaxxon saw ports to the Atari 8-bit Family, Commodore 64, and DOS computers (in the form of a PC booter). Like the previous game, each version makes cutbacks due to the weaker hardware.
Physical Scans
Arcade Version
Atari 8-bit Family Version
Atari 8-bit, US (cartridge)
Atari 8-bit, US (disk)
Atari 8-bit, EU (Cassette)
Commodore 64 Version
Commodore 64, US (disk)
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320x120px Cover
Commodore 64, EU (disk)
DOS Version