Cool Riders/Production credits

From Sega Retro

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When I was working for SEGA and asked to do an outside project, I usually wrote under my ghost pen "Eva Delvis," which is play on the words "Dave" and "Elvis" which stemmed from a photo shoot I did in my early SEGA days, portraying an Elvis look-alike in a motorcycle driving game. The photos were hilarious and the name stuck.

— David "Mandalazu" Leytze on Soundcloud[2]


Music credits (Arcade)

ID Name Description Credits Used Comments
1 Start Line[3] Yes
2 Born to be Wild Yes
3 Revolution ~Sightseeing at Mach 1~[3] Yes
4 Lightning ~A Little Good~[3] Yes
5 I.C.B.M. ~Condition Red~[3] Yes
6 Wild Cat ~Here Comes Queen of Hurricanes~[3] Yes
7 LoveMachine ~Blue Island~[3] Yes
8 Discovery ~Grandpa is Still Alive~[3] Yes
9 Grasshopper ~Into the Mountains~[3] Yes
10 Daioh ~The Fat is in the Fire~[3] Yes
11 Goal[3] Yes
12 Map[3] Yes
13 Born to be Wild Yes
14 Name Entry[3] Yes
15 Hang on ~Theme of Love~[5][3] Yes Remixed of Main Theme from Hang-On.
16 Jingle bells Yes


Cool Riders

CoolRiders title.png

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