Tom and Jerry: The Movie (トム&ジェリー ザ ムービー) is a platform game based on the film with the same name and developed by SIMS for Sega. It was released for the Sega Master System in 1992 and then for the Sega Game Gear in 1993 with different stages.
The game is a platformer in which the player controls Tom, a house cat, and chases Jerry, a mouse, through different areas of their house and city. Tom must keep pace with Jerry through stages with maze-like arrangements of platforms and assorted traps and hazards, which slow Tom down but which Jerry can avoid because of his small size. At the end of each stage, Tom corners and catches Jerry. It is possible to complete a stage sooner if the player catches Jerry earlier, but Jerry lays traps for Tom when he comes close to make this harder. Jerry always manages to escape before the next stage so he must be caught again.
Tom walks with and . He takes a big step forward with or "pussyfoots" (takes a small step forward) with . The screen scrolls forward when Jerry moves forward and does not scroll backward. Tom runs forward by holding . He can stop running by releasing or by pressing , but there is a brief moment when he is immobile while he brakes to a stop. If he runs off the edge of a platform, he runs cartoonishly in midair for a moment before falling. If he runs into a wall while running, he splats against it, which hurts him. Tom jumps up with or leaps forward with + or +. He can jump while running. When standing under the edge of a platform, he grabs the platform and pulls himself up with . Pussyfooting can help him line up under the edge of the platform so he can climb it.
Tom has a health gauge consisting of eight segments and loses a segment when he is hurt. He loses a life if he loses his entire health gauge, if he falls into a bottomless pit (including some water or pits created when the floor scrolls off-screen), if he gets caught in between the screen and an object as it scrolls (due to Jerry moving), or if he does not move for a long time and Jerry escapes. If Tom has extra lives left, the player can continue from the beginning of the current stage, or else the game ends. Tom's health gauge is restored at the beginning of every stage.
Stepping onto a plunger causes barriers to open or platforms to appear.
Stepping onto a spring catapults Tom into the air.
The player controls Tom, a house cat, as he chases Jerry, a mouse, through multiple platforming stages. Tom is trying to retrieve a map from Jerry to recover a lost treasure, and the adventure takes them onto a ship and to the island where the treasure is buried. Tom tails Jerry through each stage as Jerry taunts Tom and lays explosive traps. When Jerry is not on-screen, an arrow in the bottom-right corner points toward him. At the end of each stage, Tom corners Jerry and has a boss fight against one of Jerry's friends. Since Tom has no attack, he must typically evade the boss or trick the boss into hurting itself. Then Tom can catch Jerry to complete the stage.
Tom moves with and . He looks up with and ducks and looks down with . The screen scrolls forward when Jerry moves forward and does not scroll backward. Tom jumps up with or leaps forward with + or +. Tom pounces forward to try and catch Jerry with , but he loses half of a heart of health if he misses (and he cannot pounce if he only has half of a heart left). When standing under the edge of a platform, he grabs the platform and pulls himself up with or .
Tom has a health gauge consisting of four hearts and loses half of a heart when he is hurt. If he loses all of his hearts, he loses a life and the game ends. The game also ends Tom does not move for a long time, letting Jerry escape. If Tom has extra lives left, the player is given an opportunity to continue from the beginning of the current stage; otherwise, the game ends. Tom can fall safely into holes in the floor (as there are no bottomless pits in the game). Tom's health is not automatically restored between stages, but the player can earn back health and extend the length of the health gauge in bonus games. There are two difficulty settings (Normal and Hard).
Stepping onto a plunger causes platforms to appear or disappear.
A bonus game is played after each stage (except the last). There are two bonus games, which are played in alternating order.
A maze where Tom tries to collect as many hearts as he can within 30 seconds. Tom moves in any direction using the D-Pad. He recovers half of a heart of his health gauge when he collects a small heart and a full heart of his health gauge when he collects a big heart. If he catches Jerry, he recovers a whole heart, permanently extends the length of the health gauge by another heart, and ends the bonus game.
Apples and Bombs
There are four windows, and Jerry appears randomly from a window and drops either an apple or a bomb. Tom moves from window to window with and and tries to catch the apples but avoid the bombs. Tom is immobilized temporarily if he catches a bomb (but there is no other penalty). Every three apples collected restores half of a heart to his health gauge. If he catches 24 or more apples, the length of his health gauge is permanently extended by one heart.