Warrior of Rome

From Sega Retro


  • NTSC-U
  • NTSC-J

WarriorOfRome MDTitleScreen.png

AmbitionofCaesar MD JP TitleScreen.png

Warrior of Rome
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Micronet
Distributor: Bignet USA (US)
Sound driver: Micronet/Curse
Genre: Simulation[1][2]

Number of players: 1
Official in-game languages:
  • 日本語
  • 中文
  • English
  • Release Date RRP Code
    Sega Mega Drive
    ¥8,800 (9,064)8,800e[3] T-22033
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    (Sega Channel)
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    Sega Mega Drive
    Project Egg
    ¥880880 MCN0005

    Warrior of Rome, called Caesar no Yabou (シーザーの野望) in Japan and Ambition of Caesar in Asia, is a real-time strategy game for the Sega Mega Drive by Micronet released in the United States, Japan and Asia in 1991. It was followed by Warrior of Rome II in 1992.


    On the island of Crete in 48 BC, Julius Caesar must ward off invading pirates and make his way across the Mediterranean to Egypt to take Alexandria.


    Warrior of Rome, Map.png

    Warrior of Rome, Battle.png

    Map and battle

    The game is a real-time strategy game. The player commands the armies of Rome, which are divided into up to ten units per battle. The game is played on a battlefield with a staggered square grid, which makes it so that each tile has six adjacent tiles. A unit consists of multiple troops that are commanded in unison and take up one square on the grid. The battle is viewed from an overhead perspective, with the player controlling a cursor with the D-Pad. The player makes a selection with A or cancels a selection with B. The game does not support the Sega Mouse. The battlefield is larger than can be displayed on one screen, but the player can pan the view by holding C while moving the D-Pad.

    The right side of the screen contains status information. At the top is a miniature map of the entire battlefield that shows the player's units as blue squares and enemy units as red squares. Below it is a game timer; time halts when a menu is open or if the player pauses the game with  START . Finally, there is a list of the units composing the player's army, each identified by a number. A circle summarizes the condition of the unit, with a blue circle meaning that the unit is in good fighting form and a red circle meaning that the unit is severely damaged. A bar shows the strength of the unit, with a longer bar indicating that the unit is in stronger fighting condition. When the bar recedes to the red area, the unit is in poor shape and should rest. An icon shows the orders that the unit is currently carrying out.

    Units 1-4 are the army's most capable fighters, sometimes mounted on horseback, often capable of overcoming stronger units. Units 5-7 are reinforcement troops and less adept fighters that should be used against units of comparable strength. These units are sometimes archers or rock throwers. Units 8-10 are specialty units that are weak fighters but strong engineers that are good at building barriers or destroying obstacles.

    Enemy forces spawn over the course of the battle. Battles occur when two or more belligerent units enter the same tile. When a battle starts, it can be viewed in full-screen by selecting Battle Screen from the menu that appears. The full-screen battle shows the number of the unit engaged in battle and strength of both units. The player can move multiple units onto the same tile to tilt the odds. From the menu here, the player can return to the map or order the unit to retreat. From the map view, the game shows up to three battles in progress at the bottom, which can be selected to view in full-screen. The player can also use the unit status list in the sidebar to monitor the status of units during battles. A unit is lost if it loses all of its strength in battle, though both friendly and enemy units can revive after a duration.


    Unit commands

    Warrior of Rome, Unit Orders.png

    Unit commands

    The player's units appear in blue, and enemy units are red. A friendly unit can be selected from the map or by selecting it from the sidebar. When a unit is selected, a menu pops up with the following commands:

    • Slow Movement: Orders the unit to move to a tile on the battlefield. Slow movement takes longer but does not deplete the strength of the unit.
    • Fast Movement: Orders the unit to move to a tile on the battlefield. Fast movement moves units quickly but costs strength.
    • Trap: This command has multiple effects depending on the situation. When the unit is on a plain or forest tile, it digs a pit; on rocky ground, the unit erects a barricade. These barriers slow enemy units from advancing and can be used to defend important targets, such as bases, so that the player's forces can be called away from them. It can also destroy obstacles, including the enemy ships in the first scenario and the barricades in the third scenario. The unit loses strength while it is working.
    • Rest: The unit does nothing. The unit recovers strength slowly over time when it is resting.
    • Retreat Strength: Sets the Retreat Strength for the unit as a percentage from 0 to 80%. During a battle, when the strength of the unit drops to this quantity, the unit automatically withdraws to save itself.
    • Option: Raises a submenu with game options.

    Units move more slowly over rougher terrain such as mountains and rocks. Ground units cannot pass through water without a bridge. The path that the units will take is shown before confirming a movement order. Units can be ordered while the game is paused.

    Base commands

    Warrior of Rome, Base Orders.png

    Base commands

    Selecting a base shows its durability (this also works for the enemy ships in the first scenario). It is destroyed if its durability is reduced to 0. If the base is housing units, a menu appears allowing the player to select Unit to command the units inside or Durability to show its durability.


    Warrior of Rome, Options Menu.png

    Options menu

    The game's options menu can be invoked from the unit command menu or by selecting an empty area of the battlefield and pressing A. It has the following options:

    • Map Switch: Views a full-screen map of the entire battlefield. Commands cannot be given from this view.
    • Game Speed: Change the game speed between five settings.
    • Retreat Strength: Sets the Retreat Strength for all of the player's units at once.
    • Interrupt Switch: Changes the conditions under which the game interrupts the battle to notify the player of something. For example, the game typically interrupts the player when a unit enters battle or if an enemy is destroying a base, and the player can choose to view the event or select In This Manner to ignore it.
    • System: Additional options, such as changing the controls or loading or saving the game. Saved games are not retained after the system is powered off. The game instead uses passwords for continuing a session.



    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Sandy Plain or Forest
    This terrain is soft and can be easily traversed. Units can dig holes into it that can temporarily trap enemy units.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Rocky Ground
    This terrain is rough and harder to traverse. Units can build barricades on it.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    This terrain is impassable.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Calm Ocean
    Ships sail smoothly over calm waters.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Heavy Current
    Ships are tossed off course on turbulent waters.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Let units cross over water. They are surrounded by barricades that must first be destroyed using the Trap command. These appear in the third scenario.


    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Friendly Unit
    Friendly units are blue. The animation changes depending on whether the unit is moving, resting, or working.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Enemy Unit
    Enemy units are red.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Pirate Ship
    These ships must be destroyed in the first scenario using the Trap command.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Friendly Ship
    Friendly ships have white sails.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Landing Ship
    The landing ship has yellow sails. This ship must be escorted in the second scenario.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Enemy Ship
    Enemy sails have red sails.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Units in Battle
    When friendly and enemy units are moved onto the same tile, a battle ensues.


    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    A unit is garrisoned in some of the starting bases and can be ordered out. The blue bases contain a unit and the others are empty. These appear in the first scenario.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    This palace must be reached to finish the third scenario.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    These columns are impassable and cannot be destroyed. These appear in the fourth scenario.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Spiked Fence
    These fences are impassable but can be destroyed using the Fence Removal command. These appear in the fourth scenario.
    Warrior of Rome, Tiles.png
    Cleopatra must be reached to finish the fourth scenario.

    Status icons

    The status of each friendly unit is indicated by an icon in the sidebar.

    Warrior of Rome, Status Icons.png
    The unit is resting and recovering strength.
    Warrior of Rome, Status Icons.png
    The unit is engaged in combat with an enemy.
    Warrior of Rome, Status Icons.png
    Slow Movement
    The unit is moving slowly,
    Warrior of Rome, Status Icons.png
    Fast Movement
    The unit is moving quickly, which costs strength.
    Warrior of Rome, Status Icons.png
    The unit is working, which costs strength.


    Warrior of Rome, Stage 1.png

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 1 Map.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 1.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 1 Map.png

    Hagia Triada
    The player starts this scenario with five units, but five additional units arrive as reinforcements partway through the battle. Units are initially housed in the bases and must be commanded out. The player must defend the bases and destroy the pirate ships (using the Trap command). The scenario ends in victory when all the pirate ships are destroyed or defeat if all the bases are destroyed.

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 2.png

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 2 Map.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 2.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 2 Map.png

    In the Mediterranean
    This scenario takes place at sea. The player must escort the landing ship to shore. It is protected by a vanguard of combat vessels. All units are the same strength, and the Trap command has been replaced by the Repair Ship command. Arrows in the status area indicate the wind direction; ships sail better with the wind than against it. Ships can be blown off-course by heavy currents.

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 3.png

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 3 Map.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 3.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 3 Map.png

    The player's army must demolish the barriers (using the Trap command) and cross the bridges to reach the palace. The scenario ends in defeat if the bridges are destroyed.

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 4.png

    Warrior of Rome, Stage 4 Map.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 4.png

    • Warrior of Rome, Stage 4 Map.png

    Storming the Palace
    Inside the palace, the player's forces must penetrate the enemy forces and destroy barriers (using the Fence Removal command) to reach Cleopatra. The Trap command has been replaced by the Fence Removal command.


    Warrior of Rome's NTSC-U release was originally known under the working title Caesar.[9]


    Localised names

    Also known as
    Language Localised Name English Translation
    English (US) Warrior of Rome Warrior of Rome
    Japanese シーザーの野望 Caesar no Yabou

    Production credits

    • Program: M.Kato, Urotanke, Chie
    • Design: Drm14, Masana, Zamu, Naohiro, Shiho, Megu
    • Music: Pirata, Kappa, Sasa, Kii, Tacky Pop
    • Special Thanks: Darren
    • Thanks: Shinchan, Knight, Tanba, Zaiko
    In-game credits
    Warrior of Rome MD credits.pdf

    Digital manuals

    Magazine articles

    Main article: Warrior of Rome/Magazine articles.

    Promotional material

    Main article: Warrior of Rome/Promotional material.

    Physical scans

    ExpandSega Retro Average 
    Publication Score Source
    {{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
    Based on
    0 review
    ExpandSega Retro Average 
    Publication Version Score
    1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
    Beep! MegaDrive (JP) NTSC-J
    The Complete Guide to Sega (UK) NTSC-J
    Console XS (UK) NTSC-J
    Cool Gamer (RU)
    Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1 (RU)
    Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
    Hippon Super (JP) NTSC-J
    Joystick (FR)
    Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) NTSC-J
    Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) NTSC-U
    Mega Drive Fan (JP) NTSC-J
    Power Play (DE)
    Raze (UK) NTSC-J
    Sega Power (UK) NTSC-J
    Sega Power (UK) NTSC-U
    Sega Pro (UK) NTSC-J
    Sega Pro (UK) NTSC-J
    Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
    Tricks 16 bit (RU)
    Sega Mega Drive
    Based on
    20 reviews

    Warrior of Rome

    Mega Drive, JP
    WarriorofRome MD JP Box.jpg
    AmbitionofCaesar MD JP CartTop.jpg
    WarriorofRome MD JP Cart.jpg
    Warriorofrome md jp manual.pdf
    Mega Drive, US
    WarriorofRome MD US Box.jpg
    WarriorofRome MD US Cart Top.jpg
    WarriorofRome MD US Cart.jpg
    Warrior Of Rome MD US Manual.pdf
    Mega Drive, AS
    WarriorOfRome MD AS Box cover.png
    WarriorOfRome MD AS cart.png
    WarriorOfRome MD AS manual.png

    Technical information

    Main article: Warrior of Rome/Technical information.


    1. File:WarriorofRome MD JP Box.jpg
    2. Jump up to: 2.0 2.1 https://sega.jp/history/hard/megadrive/software_l.html (Wayback Machine: 2020-07-02 23:21)
    3. Beep! MegaDrive, "November 1990" (JP; 1990-10-XX), page 20
    4. Sega Visions, "Summer 1991" (US; 1991-xx-xx), page 19
    5. Mega Play, "March/April 1991" (US; 1991-04-xx), page 28
    6. https://www.gcores.com/articles/99611
    7. https://www.gcores.com/articles/99611
    8. https://www.amusement-center.com/project/egg/game/?product_id=1152
    9. https://groups.google.com/g/rec.games.video/c/uVNk7djCad0 (Wayback Machine: 2024-12-08 10:23)
    10. File:Warrior of Rome MD credits.pdf
    11. 1700 igr dlya Sega, "" (RU; 2001-xx-xx), page 260
    12. Beep! MegaDrive, "April 1991" (JP; 1991-03-08), page 29
    13. The Complete Guide to Sega, "" (UK; 1991-05-xx), page 36
    14. Console XS, "June/July 1992" (UK; 1992-04-23), page 127
    15. Cool Gamer, "9" (RU; 2002-10-13), page 235
    16. Entsiklopediya luchshikh igr Sega. Vypusk 1, "" (RU; 1999-xx-xx), page 367
    17. Famitsu, "" (JP; 1991-0x-xx), page 1
    18. Hippon Super, "March 1991" (JP; 1991-02-04), page 42
    19. Joystick, "Septembre 1991" (FR; 1991-0x-xx), page 187
    20. Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming, "January 1993" (UK; 199x-xx-xx), page 90
    21. Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming, "January 1993" (UK; 199x-xx-xx), page 95
    22. Mega Drive Fan, "May 1991" (JP; 1991-04-08), page 95
    23. Power Play, "6/91" (DE; 1991-05-10), page 126
    24. Raze, "July 1991" (UK; 1991-05-30), page 60
    25. Sega Power, "October 1991" (UK; 1991-09-05), page 52
    26. Sega Power, "December 1991" (UK; 1991-10-30), page 38
    27. Sega Pro, "November 1991" (UK; 1991-xx-xx), page 19
    28. Sega Pro, "April 1993" (UK; 1993-03-11), page 64
    29. Sega Saturn Magazine, "September 1995" (JP; 1995-08-08), page 87
    30. Tricks 16 bit, "Tricks Sega Gold 800 igr" (RU; 1998-03-20), page 221

    CollapseWarrior of Rome

    WarriorOfRome MDTitleScreen.png

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