Darwin 4081

From Sega Retro


Darwin4081 MDTitleScreen.png

Darwin 4081
System(s): Sega Mega Drive
Publisher: Sega Enterprises, Ltd. (JP), Samsung (South Korea)
Distributor: Samsung (KR)
Licensor: Data East
Original system(s): Arcade boards
Developer(s) of original games: Data East
Genre: Shooting[1][2]

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Mega Drive
¥6,0006,000 G-4033
Sega Mega Drive
ExpandNon-Sega versions

Darwin 4081 (ダーウィン4081) is a vertical shoot-'em-up for the Sega Mega Drive published by Sega in 1990 exclusively in Japan and South Korea. It is based on a 1987 arcade shoot-'em-up Super Real Darwin by Data East.


The planet Lakya, located millions of light years away from Earth, is the most advanced civilization in the universe. It was built by Evol, a highly intelligent being that lost its body. Evol drifts to the planet Cokyo in search of a new body and begins to take over the life form Shlohe. However, Shlohe resists, and the two beings fight each other for control of the body.


The game is a vertically scrolling shoot-'em-up where the player controls an evolving fighter ship. Some enemies drop Evol capsules when destroyed; when collected, they cause the ship to evolve into a new form with unique characteristics, changing its appearance, size, speed, and weapon. The more advanced evolutions tend to have more powerful weapons but also larger hitboxes. However, the ship devolves into its previous phase if the player fails to pick up another Evol capsule within a certain amount of time. There is an auditory cue before the ship devolves. The ship degenerates to its weakest form if it is hit by enemy fire. There are additional mutations that can only be obtained by collecting special B-Evol capsules when in certain forms.

The ship moves in any direction using the D-Pad. As in Namco's influential Xevious, the ship has separate weapons for firing at air and ground targets. It shoots its anti-weapon at flying enemies by pressing A or C. It shoots its anti-ground weapon by pressing B. A marker appears above the ship to indicate where the anti-ground weapon is targeted. Both weapons are unlimited and can be fired simultaneously, and the buttons can be held for rapid-fire. The anti-air weapon is upgraded when the ship evolves, but the anti-ground weapon is the same in all forms (with the exception of the Pirazal mutations).

The ship initially starts in its second evolutionary form, the Deas. If the ship takes damage while evolved, it reverts to its weakest form, the Pister. If the ship takes damage in the Pister or Deas form, it is destroyed, costing a life. The ship restarts the stage at a predetermined checkpoint if the player has extra lives left. Collecting DNA power-ups starts the ship at a higher evolutionary form, depending on how many power-ups have been collected. Otherwise, it restarts in the Deas form. Extra lives are given for every 50,000 points earned. The game ends if the player runs out of lives, but it can be continued a limited number of times.

There are four difficulty levels (Easy, Normal, Hard, and Super Hard), and the player can choose the number of starting lives (1, 3, 5, or 10).


The ship evolves linearly through these forms by collecting Evol power-ups.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pister.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
The smallest, weakest, and slowest form. This is the form that the ship takes after being hit in a higher evolutionary form. Shoots a single stream of small, round bullets.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Deas.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
The ship starts in this phase at the beginning of the game and after losing a life. Shoots two parallel streams of bullets.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Zwipt.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots three streams of bullets in a conical spread.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Drime.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots long beams from its sides that travel in a helical pattern.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Syulba.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots wing-shaped projectiles that are wide when close to the nose of the ship, then merge into a thinner bolt.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Lbock.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots three parallel streams of missiles.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Dodoc.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots four bullets at a time in a square formation.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Sweep.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots two lasers at oblique angles, with elliptical blasts moving in a helical pattern in between.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Shallu.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots a single stream of bullets, which splits into two streams of bullets at opposite slanted angles after hitting an enemy.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Deam.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots two long, piercing laser beams.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Zugoga.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots two flame streams.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Gashallu.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Evolutions.png
Shoots large, ring-shaped projectiles, which split into two rings at opposite slanted angles after hitting an enemy.


The ship can mutate into these forms by collecting B-Evol power-ups when in a certain form.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pi-Spider.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship mutates into this form by collecting a B-Evol capsule when in the Zwift form. Shoots white spheres that stick to the screen instead of moving along with the terrain. Enemies are destroyed as they fly into the spheres. After a moment, the spheres fall away. It is an evolutionary dead end and cannot evolve into anything else. The ship cannot equip an armor upgrade in this form. It degenerates back to the Pister form when its lifespan expires.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazal-1.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship mutates into this form by collecting a B-Evol capsule when in the Syulba form. Upgrades the anti-ground weapon to shoot two streams of bombs in a spread. The four Pirazal evolutions are unique in that they upgrade the anti-ground weapon instead of the anti-air weapon. They all retain the anti-air weapon of the Syulba form. The ship cannot equip an armor upgrade in these forms. If it devolves in this form, it reverts to the Syulba form.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazal-2.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazal-1 form. Upgrades the anti-ground weapon to shoot three streams of bombs in a spread.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazal-3.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazal-2 form. Upgrades the anti-ground weapon to shoot four streams of bombs in a spread.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazal-4.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazal-3 form. Upgrades the anti-ground weapon to shoot four streams of bombs, which move in a wavy pattern across the full length of the screen. This is the only version of the anti-ground weapon with increased range.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazis-1.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship mutates into this form by collecting a B-Evol capsule when in the Sweep form. Shoots two flame bursts straight ahead. If it devolves in this form, it reverts to the Sweep form.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazis-2.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazis-1 form. Shoots four flame bursts straight ahead.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazis-3.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazis-2 form. Shoots four flame bursts in a wide conical spread.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pirazis-4.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Pirazis-3 form. Shoots four flame bursts in a wide conical spread forwards and two flame bursts at opposite slanted angles backwards.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Pi-Snake.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship mutates into this form by collecting a B-Evol capsule when in the Pirazal-4 or Pirazis-4 form. Shoots projectiles forwards from its mouth and backwards from its tail. Its tail follows in the opposite of the direction last moved, so the tail weapon can be directed in any of the four cardinal directions. The ship cannot equip an armor upgrade in this form. It degenerates back to the Pister form when its lifespan expires.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Measa.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship mutates into this form by collecting a B-Evol capsule after devolving from the Deam form into the Shallu form. Shoots fiery, squarish blasts (which do not travel the full length of the screen). If it devolves in this form, it reverts to the Shallu form.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Malto.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Measa form. Shoots red orbs in an erratic pattern covering a large conical spread.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Seas.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Malto form. Shoots two long, piercing laser beams.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Art-Deam.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
The ship can evolve into this form from the Seas form. Shoots wide blasts of lightning that penetrate through targets.

Darwin 4081 MD, Weapons, Black Deam.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Mutations.png
Black Deam
The ultimate evolution. The ship mutates into this form if it takes damage while in the Art-Deam form. Shoots duplicates of itself covering a large conical spread. It is invulnerable to any damage, but it degenerates back to the Pister form when its lifespan expires.


Items are dropped by certain enemies when they are destroyed. The DNA power-up is dropped by ground enemies, while the others are dropped by flying enemies.

Darwin 4081 MD, Items.png
Evolves the ship to the next form in the evolutionary tree.
Darwin 4081 MD, Items.png
Mutates the ship into an alternate evolution if one is available for the ship's current form when this item is collected. Otherwise, evolves the ship to the next form in the evolutionary tree.
Darwin 4081 MD, Items.png
Increases the movement speed of the ship, up to 3 levels.
Darwin 4081 MD, Items.png
Equips the ship with a frontal shield that guards it against a single hit to the nose.
Darwin 4081 MD, Items.png
Collect DNA power-ups to start the ship at a higher evolutionary form after losing a life, up to 9 levels. The ship starts in the Deas form if no DNA power-ups have been collected or the Zugoga form if the maximum of nine DNA power-ups have been collected.


Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 1.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 1 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 1.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 1 Boss.png

Stage 1

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 2.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 2 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 2.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 2 Boss.png

Stage 2

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 3.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 3 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 3.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 3 Boss.png

Stage 3

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 4.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 4 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 4.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 4 Boss.png

Stage 4

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 5.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 5 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 5.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 5 Boss.png

Stage 5

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 6.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 6 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 6.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 6 Boss.png

Stage 6

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 7.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 7 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 7.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 7 Boss.png

Stage 7

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 8.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 8 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 8.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 8 Boss.png

Stage 8

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 9.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 9 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 9.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 9 Boss.png

Stage 9

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 10.png

Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 10 Boss.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 10.png

  • Darwin 4081 MD, Stage 10 Boss.png

Stage 10

Production credits

  • Game Plan: S-Furukawa
  • Game Arrange: M-Watanabe
  • Game Program: K-Sasamoto, Y-Sasaki, O-Nakayama
  • Game Sound: S-Hamada, H-Matumoto
  • Game Graphic: R-Maeda, O-Kuroda
  • Special Thanks: H-Nakamoto, P-Nakamura
  • Game Produce: S-Hawai
  • Presented by: Sega
In-game credits[3]

Magazine articles

Main article: Darwin 4081/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Print advert in Beep! MegaDrive (JP) #1990-05: "May 1990" (1990-04-07)

Physical scans

ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
ExpandSega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
1700 igr dlya Sega (RU)
Beep! MegaDrive (JP) NTSC-J
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK)
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK)
The Complete Guide to Sega (UK)
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming (UK) NTSC-J
Mega Drive Fan (JP) NTSC-J
MegaTech (UK) NTSC-J
Mean Machines Sega (UK)
Power Play (DE)
Sega Power (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Pro (UK)
Sega Pro (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Opisaniy i sekretov (RU)
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Tilt (FR)
Sega Mega Drive
Based on
17 reviews

Darwin 4081

Mega Drive, JP
Darwin4081 MD JP Box.jpg
Darwin4081 MD JP CartTop.jpg
Darwin4081 MD JP Cart.jpg
Darwin4081 md jp manual.pdf
Mega Drive, KR
Darwin4081 MD KR Box.jpg
Darwin4081 MD KR cart.jpg

Technical information

Main article: Darwin 4081/Technical information.


CollapseDarwin 4081

Darwin4081 MDTitleScreen.png

Main page | Comparisons | Hidden content | Magazine articles | Reception | Region coding | Technical information

Sega Mega Drive
Prototypes: 1990-02-21