Monopoly/Hidden content

From Sega Retro

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Monopoly SMS MarkIIILogo.gif

While not released in Japan, a Sega Mark III logo will appear on boot up if the game detects a Japanese system. Monopoly is the only Western-developed game known to do this.

Secret messages

Monopoly SMS Credits 1.png

Monopoly SMS Credits 2.png

Monopoly SMS Credits 3.png

Monopoly SMS Credits 4.png

In the US version of the game, press  PAUSE  during gameplay, then hold 1+2+Down. You will be presented with a hidden credits screen, plus further messages which can be viewed by pressing Left, Down or Right (eventually leading to the game being reset). At the time it was not Sega's policy to credit developers in-game, so Nexa hid them from public view. These screens appear to have been removed from European copies.



Monopoly SMS title.png

Main page | Hidden content | Development | Magazine articles | Reception

Sega Master System
Prototypes: Prototype A | Prototype B