PriCla Daisakusen

From Sega Retro


  • ST-V
  • Saturn

PriClaDaisakusen title.png

PriClaDaisakusen Saturn Title.png

PriCla Daisakusen
System(s): Sega Titan Video, Sega Saturn
Arcade (Sega Titan Video)
Sega Saturn
Genre: Action[1][2]

Number of players: 1-2
Release Date RRP Code
Arcade (Sega Titan Video)
¥? ?

Sega Saturn
¥6,800 (7,004)6,800e[3] T-14409G
Sega Rating: All Ages

PriCla Daisakusen (プリクラ大作戦) is an isometric action game by Atlus. It is a spin-off of the Gouketsuji Ichizoku series of fighting games (Power Instinct in the West). It was first released on Sega Titan Video arcade hardware in 1996 before being released on the Sega Saturn later that year.


Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Gurey and Urara.png

Gurey and Urara

Princess Kurara (クララ) lives in a magical land called Miracle World (ミラクルワールド). A magical stone exists in Miracle World that can grant any wish to its possessor. The people of the land have entrusted the stone to the royal family, who have passed it down from generation to generation, to use it only to preserve peace and not for their own personal gain. The royal family has guarded the stone and preserved peace for many generations.

While Princess Kurara is in the Earth realm training to become a fighter, the Scrap Empire (スクラップエンパイア), an empire of machines, attacks Miracle World. Princess Urara (ウララ), the first princess of the royal family and older sister of Kurara, tries to stop them, but she is overwhelmed. Flash (フラッシュ), the leader of the Scrap Empire, forces her to use the stone to turn the people of the land into defenseless animals, then takes the stone and imprisons her.

Princess Kilala (キララ), twin sister of Kurara, protects herself from being turned into an animal by surrounding herself in a magical barrier. Gurey (グレイ), an officer in Miracle World's army and Princess Urara's lover, is transformed into a beastman but avoids being turned completely into an animal. Gurey informs Kurara about what happened, and the three of them set out to recapture the magical stone and rescue Princess Urara.


Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Character Select.png

Character select

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Character Gallery.png

Character gallery

The game is an action game played from an isometric perspective. It stars Princess Kurara, a character from the 1994 fighting game Power Instinct 2 (and officially romanized as "Princess Clara" in the Western releases of that game). It can be played by one or two players simultaneously, and players can choose from three characters to play (Princess Kurara, Princess Kilala, and Gurey O'Brien). A second player can enter the game at any time (with a different character) by pressing  START . Stages are linear and mostly consist of a single narrow lane. Characters must make it to the exit at the end while fighting enemies along the way. A boss awaits at the end of the stage, and each boss has a particular weaknesses that must be exploited.

Characters move in any direction using the D-Pad. They can perform an evasive roll (during which they are invulnerable) by double-tapping any direction. In the Saturn version, characters can also roll by pressing Y while holding a direction on the D-Pad. It is not possible to walk or roll off the edge of a platform. Each character has two attacks: a ranged shot and a melee weapon. The ranged shot is performed with A. Holding the button shoots continuously, and the character can move while shooting. The aim of the shot is locked for as long as the button is held (even if interrupted by a roll). The power, speed, and distance of the ranged attack can be upgraded by collecting items. The melee weapon is used with B. It only works in close range, but it does more damage than the ranged attack and covers a wide area in front of the character. Destroying an enemy with a melee attack causes it to explode; if it is knocked back into other enemies, those enemies also explode, and so on, possibly triggering a chain reaction of exploding enemies. Characters can use their melee attack when coming out of a dash. Some projectiles can be reflected by the melee attack, and some enemies and barriers can only be hit with the melee attack.

When an enemy is destroyed using the ranged weapon, an animal is released. Rescuing this animal (by touching it) before it runs away awards the player with "animal points." Collecting the same animal multiple times in a row awards more animal points. Different animals move in different patterns and at different speeds. When an enemy is destroyed using the melee weapon, a gem is released instead. Collecting gems (by walking over them) awards the player with "jewel points." Higher level gems are dropped when enemies are destroyed in chain reactions (depending on the level in the chain) and award more jewel points. Animal and jewel points are not shown during gameplay but are totaled after completing a stage.

Characters are trailed by familiars throughout the game. This familiar is initially a walking egg called a "Pure Egg" (ピュアエッグ), but after the first stage is completed, it hatches. At the end of the first, second, and third stages, the familiar evolves to a different form depending on whether the player had more animal or jewel points. Thus, there are nine different forms that the familiar can take depending on whether the player collected more animals or gems in each stage. The ending of the game has a different scene depending on which of the four final familiars was used. Each form has a different special ability, called a "Pure Egg Bomb," that can be triggered with C. This ability can usually attack every enemy on the screen and can only be used a limited number of times. There is a gauge that increases whenever the character rescues an animal, and the player is rewarded with another Pure Egg Bomb when this gauge is filled. Familiars also contribute a projectile attack after hatching, which is fired concurrently with the character's ranged attack.

Each character has a special form that they can take when a Miracle Mirror item is collected that temporarily renders the character invulnerable. As in Power Instinct 2, Kurara enters into her adult "Super Kurara" form. Kilala has a similar adult form, and Gurey transforms into his human self.

Each character has a limited number of health hearts and loses a heart upon taking damage. Health is not restored after each stage but can be restored by finding items. The character loses a life every heart is lost but revives after a moment if the player has lives remaining. Otherwise, the player must use a credit to continue the game. The player can choose a different character to play when continuing. Shot upgrades after lost after continuing. Stages must also be completed within a time limit (which includes the boss fight), or the player restarts at the beginning of the current segment with a reset timer but at the cost of a life.

The Saturn version has three difficulty levels, and players can change the number of starting lives, bombs, and credits and the speed of the timer. There are two types of control methods that can be chosen by each player. Type I moves the character according to the orientation of the screen (so pressing Up moves directly upwards and pressing Right moves directly right), but Type II moves the character according to the orientation of the isometric plane (so pressing Up moves to the character's left at the same angle as the isometric tiles and pressing Right moves the character forwards). There is a gallery mode that shows high-resolution illustrations for each character (Kurara, Kilala, and Gurey & Urara) along with a narration about the character.


Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Kurara.png

クララ・アプリコット (Kurara Apricot)
Birth date:
November 12, 1981
Blood type:
The free-spirited and optimistic middle princess of Miracle World. Kurara returns from her training on Earth (in Power Instinct 2) to find her has been conquered by an army of machines. She is determined to save her realm and rescue her sister at any cost. Her ranged weapon is shooting magic projectiles from her wand, and her melee weapon is a giant mallet. She can transform into her Super Kurara form, which is an adult version of her wearing inline skates.

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Kilala.png

キララ・アプリコット (Kilala Apricot)
Birth date:
November 12, 1981
Blood type:
Kilala is Kurara's twin sister. She is the younger of the twins, and she is meticulous and prone to worrying. She avoided being turned into an animal by casting a protective spell on herself. Her ranged weapon is shooting magic projectiles from her wand, and her melee weapon is a big spiked ball. Like her sister, she can transform into an adult form for a time, who carries a large rifle.

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Gurey 1.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Gurey 2.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Gurey 1.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Gurey 2.png

グレイ・オブライエン (Gurey O'Brien)
Birth date:
August 10, 1975
Blood type:
Gurey is a captain of the Imperial Guard, and he is in a romantic relationship with the eldest of the Apricot sisters, Urara. He was on his way to the royal mansion when he noticed something was off and tried to use defensive magic to protect himself. However, he was too late and was partially transformed into a beastman, half-human and half-cat. His ranged weapon is belching fireballs, and his melee weapon is pounding his giant claw. His super form temporarily changes him back to his real self, who can shoot magical orbs from his hands.

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Characters, Urara.png

ウララ・アプリコット (Urara Apricot)
Birth date:
February 3, 1981
Blood type:
Urara is the eldest of the Apricot sisters. She has a gentle personality and take her responsibility to her kingdom seriously. She teaches magic at the Royal Magic School of Miracle World. She was kidnapped by Flash of the Scrap Empire when they invaded.


Items are dropped from destroyed enemies or item pods.

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
Item Pod
Destroy to release an item.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
ショットパワーアップ (Shot Power Up)
Increases the power of the character's ranged shot. This item resembles the tip of Kurara's wand.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
ショットスピードアップ (Shot Speed Up)
Increases the speed and distance of the character's ranged shot. This item resembles the tip of Kilala's wand.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
カットケーキ (Slice of Cake)
Restores a health heart.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
ホールケーキ (Whole Cake)
Fully restores all lost health hearts.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
ミラクルミラー (Miracle Mirror)
Temporarily transforms the character into a super form. The character is invulnerable in this state and can destroy enemies by running into them (which counts as a melee attack) or by firing a special projectile attack.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
ボーナスアイテム (Bonus Items)
These items award bonus points.
Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Items.png
Gives the player an extra life.


Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 1.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 1 Boss.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 1.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 1 Boss.png

Stage 1

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 2.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 2 Boss.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 2.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 2 Boss.png

Stage 2

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3-1.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3-2.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3 Boss 1.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3 Boss 2.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3-1.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3-2.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3 Boss 1.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 3 Boss 2.png

Stage 3

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 4.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 4 Boss.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 4.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 4 Boss.png

Stage 4

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5 Boss 1.png

Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5 Boss 2.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5 Boss 1.png

  • Prikura Daisakusen Saturn, Stage 5 Boss 2.png

Stage 5


There is no general agreement on the proper way to romanize the title of the game. The first word, "PriCla," is an abbreviation for "Princess Clara," the protagonist of the game. The expanded Princess Clara Daisakusen is also sometimes used. The kana literally romanize to Purikura Daisakusen or Prikura Daisakusen, which have both been used officially by Atlus.

Production credits

  • エグゼクティブプロデューサー: 横山 秀幸
  • 企画: 牧 正成, 小森 成雄
  • 総指揮: 前田 政博
  • キャラクター&動物: 石黒 奈々
  • 敵キャラクター: 森田 晴彦
  • 背景加工: 神野 由希
  • 足場&演出: 河合 晴美
  • BOSSデザイン: 荒木 薫
  • キャラクターデザイン: 中井 由加
  • OBJシステム: 成田 聖治
  • BGシステム: 河合 匠
  • サウンド: 幡谷 希久子
  • 協力: でんちゅう
  • 原画: 中井 由加
  • 動画: 河合 晴美, 石黒 奈々
  • 仕上げ: 荒木 薫, 森田 晴彦, 酒井 直子, 中村 紋子, 能登 育子
  • 監督: 前田 政博
  • 絵コンテ: 牧 正成
  • 背景: 中川 ひろこ
  • :' 半場 友恵
  • 作詞: 牧 正成
  • 作曲: 幡谷 希久子
  • クララ: 倉田 雅世
  • キララ: 半場 友恵
  • グレイ: 石塚 堅
  • ウララ: 水沢 潤
  • ヴァルキリー: ちゅうこ
  • 女神: CHIEF
  • J.フロスト: GANKO
  • リッチ: 臥龍 秀汰
  • 背景協力: (株)クラーク・ケント
  • スペシャルサンクス: 田中 裕之, 岡 昌樹, 西川 禎一, 矢野 啓子, 能登 育子, 永島 由子, 久川 綾, 大本 眞基子
  • 監修: 伊集 桂子
  • 製作: (株)アトラス
In-game credits[4]

Magazine articles

Main article: PriCla Daisakusen/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

PriClaDaisakusen Saturn JP Flyer.pdf

Saturn flyer
PriClaDaisakusen Saturn JP Flyer.pdf
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1996-18: "1996-18 (1996-10-25)" (1996-10-11)
also published in:
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1996-20: "1996-20 (1996-11-22)" (1996-11-08)
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1996-21: "1996-21 (1996-12-13)" (1996-11-22)
Print advert in Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) #1996-22: "1996-22 (1996-12-27)" (1996-12-13)

Physical scans

Sega Titan Video version

Sega Titan Video, JP
PriClaDaisakusen STV JP Cart.jpg
Instuction card(s)

Saturn version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Famitsu (JP) NTSC-J
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Saturn Fan (JP) NTSC-J
Saturn Power (UK) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn Magazine (JP) NTSC-J
Sega Saturn
Based on
7 reviews

PriCla Daisakusen

Saturn, JP
PriClaDaisakusen Saturn JP Box Back.jpgPriClaDaisakusen Saturn JP Box Front.jpg
PriCla Daisakusen Sat JP Manual.pdf

Technical information

Main article: PriCla Daisakusen/Technical information.


PriCla Daisakusen

PriClaDaisakusen title.png

Main page | Magazine articles | Reception | Technical information

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Gouketsuji Ichizoku games for Sega systems
Sega Mega Drive
Gouketsuji Ichizoku (1994)
PriCla Daisakusen (1996) | Groove On Fight: Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (1997)
Sega Saturn
PriCla Daisakusen (1996) | Groove On Fight: Gouketsuji Ichizoku 3 (1997)