
From Sega Retro

Not Stoled... Uploaded... which is a very different thing...

The wiki registers the "Uploader" not the original scanner... i don't receive medals... i'm not even a full member... if you want credit just contact the staff and it will be given...if you have any complaints... again, ask the Staff... now everyone knows who scanned the manual... oh...i almost forgot... and who "STOLE IT" too... God...i knew i had to leave the Evil Syndicate... Crime doesn't pay...

PS:Also do not upload watermarked stuff...--Asagoth (talk) 04:04, 18 August 2017 (CDT)

Basta fazer seu próprio trabalho, ao invés de pegar o trabalho que outros fazem, como vc fez com vários e ainda diz que é seu.

Write in english.... this is not a brazilian forum... Can you tell me where it says the scans are mine? Because i never claimed that...if you don't want your scans downloaded and uploaded by others just don't throw it in the internet...and you could have just contact me : example..."Hello Asagoth i'm Drasgondigger i'm the original scanner can you please put my name in there?" instead of accusing people of robbing...--Asagoth (talk) 02:00, 19 August 2017 (CDT)

Não é fórum brasileiro, mas bem que você gosta de pegar scans em sites brasileiro não é mesmo? O lugar onde você as pegou, tem meu nome, se você tivesse o mínimo de decência colocaria (créditos a...).

Você cria banco de dados, automaticamente outros pessoas vão pensar que o trabalho foi seu.

Mas enfim, depois dizem que os Brasileiros que são pilantras.

There's no point scanning things if you're going to scribble your name on them. We only care that game boxes are digitally preserved as accurately as possible. - Hivebrain (talk) 20:26, 21 August 2017 (CDT)