Nightmare Circus

From Sega Retro

To do

  • Final writing pass.
  • Add inlines and formatting.
  • Add screenshots and sprites.

CartridgeCulture (talk) 03:23, 9 January 2023 (EST)

User:CartridgeCulture learns basic formatting

Nightmare Circus dismystified - Part 1 -

Having a lot of trouble with both the proper text link, and the reference for this YouTube video. EDIT: Thank you for this and for fixing that youtube link! CartridgeCulture (talk) 02:01, 20 March 2021 (EDT)

Template:Ref ... to add your signature (with date and time) to a conversation, add four tildes (~) at the end of each of your replies (in the not too distant past, you just needed to click on an icon at the top of the page to add your signature , but this feature is "broken" and still needs to be fixed) --Asagoth (talk) 00:03, 20 March 2021 (EDT)

Is there a style guide for this wiki? Also is there a list of these special codes that we use for replacing words with other things? ALSO could you assist me in adding an Interviews section to this page, and then adding this into it?: I know there’s a wway to do it all properly and cleanly but I have no idea how to do it. Thanks if you can, appreciate all the help too c;

Image tagging, Sega Retro templates, Help page... another good way to learn is to see how others do it (just look for a similar page to see how it was edited) ... if you have any more doubts about something just ask our Experts Black Squirrel and SorachiJirachi‎ a.k.a. BSonirachi on Sonic Retro (Wiki Sysops) and Hivebrain (Administrator)... I'll add an interview section to Stefano Arnhold's page for you... and again... don't forget to add your signature at the end of each of your replies...Asagoth (talk) 07:11, 20 March 2021 (EDT)

Some observations...

In the back cover the story is told this way... :

  • "The maniac Jester resurrected the El Diablo traveling carnival (it says "parque de diversões" which in Portuguese means "theme park"... a "traveling carnival" would be a "parque de diversões itinerante"... but that's exactly what we have in Nightmare Circus... a traveling carnival) from the flames of hell. Now, terrifying demons roam the carnival, spreading fear and destruction where once there were children and lots of fun.
  • Only, Raven a native (American) with mystic and telepathic powers can defeat Jester and his followers in this carnival. Well, "fun" is not the most appropriate word to define this place..."--Asagoth (talk) 22:48, 22 December 2021 (EST)
Thank you, this is awesome. I wanted text confirmation that Raven was Native American. Also those refs are so cool. I saw the missing photo of the dev team too, so sad :( Maybe if I send enough emails I can find whoever has the original :p 20:51, 23 December 2021 (EST)
His brother is called White Eagle (player 2 on 2 player mode)... yep... it hurts when cool stuff gets lost... so sad... by the way... Leto Diablo is in fact Jester... I just don't know why TecToy made such a mess with the villain's name...--Asagoth (talk) 21:06, 23 December 2021 (EST)