List of PlayStation 3 games in New Zealand

From Sega Retro

The following is a list of Sega-related PlayStation 3 games released in New Zealand.

Title Release Date RRP Catalog Num. Rating
Alien: Isolation 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Aliens vs. Predator 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 18
Aliens: Colonial Marines 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Alpha Protocol 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Anarchy Reigns 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Bayonetta 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Binary Domain 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 13
Condemned 2 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 18
Golden Axe: Beast Rider 2008
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
London 2012 2012
OFLCNZ: General Audiences (G)
The Club 2008
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
The House of the Dead: Overkill Extended Cut 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 18
Vanquish 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 13
Viking: Battle for Asgard 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Virtua Fighter 5 200x
OFLCNZ: Mature Audiences (M)
Yakuza 3 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Yakuza 4 201x
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16
Yakuza: Dead Souls 20xx
OFLCNZ: Restricted 16


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