Sega Mega Drive Classics/Achievements

From Sega Retro

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PlayStation 4 version

Icon Description Trophy
MegaDriveClassics Achievement RetroGod.png Retro God Platinum
Unlocked all trophies
MegaDriveClassics Achievement 500RingsToRuleThemAll.png 500 rings to rule them all Silver
Sonic Games - Get 500 rings
MegaDriveClassics Achievement Commitment.png Commitment Bronze
Sonic The Hedgehog - Collect all 6 Chaos Emeralds
MegaDriveClassics Achievement SpinForTheWin.png Spin for the win Bronze
Sonic Spinball - Collect all 3 Chaos Emeralds in Toxic Caves
MegaDriveClassics Achievement FiveLarge.png Five Large Bronze
Columns - Gain a high score of at least 5000 on easy
MegaDriveClassics Achievement RelaxinAllCool.png Relaxin' all cool Bronze
Toejam and Earl - Find the secret island
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChillinOutMaxin.png Chillin' out maxin' Bronze
Toejam and Earl - Dance the Hula
MegaDriveClassics Achievement Multitool.png Multitool Bronze
Alien Soldier - Use 4 different weapon modes in one session
MegaDriveClassics Achievement WhatAreTheButtons.png What are the buttons? Bronze
Golden Axe - Use magic when no enemies are present
MegaDriveClassics Achievement FlyYouFools.png Fly you fools! Silver
Golden Axe 2- Kill 25 enemies by throwing/knocking them off the environment in a single play through
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ToTheBrim.png To the Brim Bronze
Golden Axe 3 - Max out your magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement PowerThrough.png Power Through Bronze
Space Harrier 2 - Reach a score of 5,000,000
MegaDriveClassics Achievement DanceTheRobo.png Dance the Robo Bronze
Dynamite Headdy - Defeat the Robo Collector
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ExtraHedgehogs.png Extra Hedgehogs Bronze
Sonic 2 - Finish Emerald Hills with 5 lives
MegaDriveClassics Achievement TheEagleHasLanded.png The eagle has landed Silver
Shining Force - Make it to Alterone
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png Challenge Accepted Bronze
Complete 1 challenge
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeX.png Challenge X Silver
Complete 10 challenges
MegaDriveClassics Achievement KeepYourPowderDry.png Keep your powder dry Gold
Shinobi 3 - Get a Shinobi bonus (complete a level without throwing a shuriken)
MegaDriveClassics Achievement SoreKnuckles.png Sore Knuckles Gold
Streets of Rage - Get to the final boss without using a continue
MegaDriveClassics Achievement OneInThree.png One in Three Silver
Alex Kidd - Win 50 Games of Rock, Paper, Scissors
MegaDriveClassics Achievement DemonstrateRestraint.png Demonstrate Restraint Silver
Shadow Dancer - Complete the first 2 stages without using magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement GoodJob.png Good Job Gold
Streets of Rage 3 - Finish the game on Normal or Hard difficulty
MegaDriveClassics Achievement WhatAreTheButtons.png All the Magics Gold
Golden Axe Games - Collect 200 magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeX.png Clean Sweep Gold
Complete all challenges
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png Experiencing History Gold
Play 20 games
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png It's a lovely day outside Gold
Play 50 games

Total: Bronze×12 Silver×6 Gold×7 Platinum×1 

Xbox One version

Icon Description Gamerscore
Notavailable.svg Multitool
Alien Soldier - Used 4 different weapon modes in one session
Notavailable.svg 500 rings to rule them all
Sonic Games - Collected 500 rings
Notavailable.svg Commitment
Sonic The Hedgehog - Collected all 6 Chaos Emeralds
Notavailable.svg Spin for the win
Sonic Spinball - Collected all 3 Chaos Emeralds in Toxic Caves
Notavailable.svg Five Large
Columns - Gained a high score of at least 5000 on easy
Notavailable.svg Finally There
Toejam and Earl - Found the secret island
Notavailable.svg Chillin' out maxin'
Toejam and Earl - Danced the Hula
Notavailable.svg What are the buttons?
Golden Axe - Used magic when no enemies are present
Notavailable.svg Fly you fools!
Golden Axe 2- Killed 25 enemies by throwing/knocking them off the environment in a single play through
Notavailable.svg To the Brim
Golden Axe 3 - Maxed out your magic
Notavailable.svg Power Through
Space Harrier 2 - Reached a score of 5,000,000
Notavailable.svg Dance the Robo
Dynamite Headdy - Defeated the Robo Collector
Notavailable.svg Extra Hedgehogs
Sonic 2 - Finished Emerald Hills with 5 lives
Notavailable.svg The eagle has landed
Shining Force - Reached Alterone
Notavailable.svg Challenge Accepted
1 Challenge completed
Notavailable.svg Challenge X
10 Challenges completed
Notavailable.svg Keep your powder dry
Shinobi 3 - Earnt a Shinobi bonus (complete a level without throwing a shuriken)
Notavailable.svg Sore knuckles
Streets of Rage - Got to the final boss without using a continue
Notavailable.svg One in Three
Alex Kidd - Won 50 Games of Rock, Paper, Scissors
Notavailable.svg Demonstrate Restraint
Shadow Dancer - Completed the first two stages without using magic
Notavailable.svg Good Job
Streets of Rage 3 - Finished the game
Notavailable.svg All the Magics
Golden Axe Games - Collected 200 magic
Notavailable.svg Clean Sweep
All challenges complete
Notavailable.svg Experiencing History
Played 20 games
Notavailable.svg It's a lovely day outside
Played 50 games


Steam version

Icon Description
MegaDriveClassics Achievement 500RingsToRuleThemAll.png 500 Rings to Rule them All
Sonic Games - Get 500 rings
MegaDriveClassics Achievement Commitment.png Commitment
Sonic The Hedgehog - Collect all 6 Chaos Emeralds
MegaDriveClassics Achievement SpinForTheWin.png Spin for the Win
Sonic Spinball - Collect all 3 Chaos Emeralds
MegaDriveClassics Achievement FiveLarge.png Five Large
Columns - Gain a high score of at least 5000 on easy
MegaDriveClassics Achievement RelaxinAllCool.png Relaxin' all cool
Toejam and Earl - Find the Secret Island
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChillinOutMaxin.png Chillin' out Maxin'
Toejam and Earl - Dance the Hula
MegaDriveClassics Achievement Multitool.png Multitool
Alien Soldier - Use 4 Different Weapon Modes in one Session
MegaDriveClassics Achievement WhatAreTheButtons.png What are the buttons?
Golden Axe - Use Magic When No Enemies are Present
MegaDriveClassics Achievement FlyYouFools.png Fly you Fools!
Golden Axe 2- Kill 25 enemies by throwing/knocking them off the environment in a single play through
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ToTheBrim.png To the Brim
Golden Axe 3 - Max out your magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement PowerThrough.png Power Through
Space Harrier 2 - Reach a Score of 5,000,000
MegaDriveClassics Achievement DanceTheRobo.png Dance the Robo
Dynamite Headdy - Defeat the Robo Collector
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ExtraHedgehogs.png Extra Hedgehogs
Sonic 2 - Finish Emerald Hills with 5 Lives
MegaDriveClassics Achievement TheEagleHasLanded.png The Eagle has Landed
Shining Force - Make it to Alterone
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png Challenge Accepted
Complete 1 Challenge
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeX.png Challenge X
Complete 10 Challenges
MegaDriveClassics Achievement KeepYourPowderDry.png Keep your powder dry
Shinobi 3 - Get a Shinobi bonus (complete a level without throwing a shuriken)
MegaDriveClassics Achievement SoreKnuckles.png Sore Knuckles
Streets of Rage - Get to the final boss without using a continue
MegaDriveClassics Achievement OneInThree.png One in Three
Alex Kidd - Win 50 Games of Rock, Paper, Scissors
MegaDriveClassics Achievement DemonstrateRestraint.png Demonstrate Restraint
Shadow Dancer - Complete the first two stages without using magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement GoodJob.png Good Job
Streets of Rage 3 - Finish the game on Normal or Hard difficulty
MegaDriveClassics Achievement WhatAreTheButtons.png All the Magics
Golden Axe Games - Collect 200 magic
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeX.png Clean Sweep
All Challenges Complete
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png Experiencing History
Play 20 Games
MegaDriveClassics Achievement ChallengeAccepted.png It's a lovely day outside
Play 50 games


CollapseSega Mega Drive Classics

SegaMegaDriveClassics PC EU Title.png

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