Difference between revisions of "Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom"

From Sega Retro

(US release date)
(97 intermediate revisions by 15 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
| bobscreen=Buckrogers Title.png
| bobscreen=Buckrogers Title.png
| publisher=[[Sega]]
| bobscreen2=BuckRogersPlanetofZoom AppleII US title.png
| developer=[[Sega]]
| bobscreen3=BuckRogers 2600 Title.png
| system=[[VCO Object]], Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, MSX, PC Booter, TI-99/4A, VIC-20, ZX Spectrum
| bobscreen4=BuckRogersPlanetofZoom 5200 US title.png
| genre=Shooting
| bobscreen5=BuckRogers A8B Title.png
| romsize=
| bobscreen6=BuckRogers ColecoVision Title.png
| bobscreen7=BuckRogers C64 Title.png
| bobscreen8=BuckRogers VIC20 Title.png
| bobscreen9=BuckRogers IBMPC Title.png
| bobscreen10=BuckRogers MSX Title.png
| bobscreen11=BuckRogers TI994A Title.png
| bobscreen12=BuckRogers Spectrum Title.png
| tab1=VCO Object
| tab2=Apple II
| tab3=Atari 2600
| tab4=Atari 5200
| tab5=Atari 8-bit
| tab6=ColecoVision
| tab7=Commodore 64
| tab8=Commodore VIC-20
| tab9=IBM PC
| tab10=MSX
| tab11=TI-99/4A
| tab12=ZX Spectrum
| publisher={{company|[[Sega Enterprises, Inc.]]|system=VCO,APPLE2,2600,5200,A8B,C64,VIC20|region=US}}
{{company|[[CBS Electronics]]|system=Coleco|region=EU}}
{{company|[[U.S. Gold]]|system=C64,Spectrum|region=UK}}
| developer=[[Sega Enterprises, Inc.]]
{{company|[[Sega Electronics]]|system=C64,MSX}}
| distributor={{company|[[Parco Electrics]]|system=TI99|region=UK}}
| licensor=[[The Dille Family Trust]]
| system=[[VCO Object]], [[Apple II]], [[Atari 2600]], [[Atari 5200]], [[Atari 8-bit family]], [[ColecoVision]], [[Commodore 64]], [[MSX]], [[IBM PC|PC Booter]], [[TI-99/4A]], [[VIC-20]], [[ZX Spectrum]]
| sounddriver=
| sounddriver=
| peripherals=
| players=1
| releases={{releases
| genre=Shoot-'em-Up
| arcade_date_us=1982
| releases={{releasesArcade
| 2600_date_us=1983
| vco_date_us=1982-11{{ref|https://archive.org/details/ArcadeGameList1971-2005/page/n132/mode/1up}}
| vco_date_uk=1983{{magref|cvg|21|31}}
| coleco_date_us=1984-03{{magref|ce|2.12|16}}{{magref|ce|3.01|16}}
| coleco_date_eu=198x
| 2600_date_us=1983-11{{magref|ce|2.09|16}}
| 2600_code_us=005-01
| 2600_date_eu=1983
| 2600_date_eu=1983
| 2600_code_eu=005-10
| 2600_date_br=1983
| 2600_date_br=1983
| 2600_code_br=C 3032
| 2600_code_br=C 3032
| 5200_date_us=1983
| a8b_date_us=1983
| coleco_date_us=1983
| 5200_date_us=1983-11{{magref|ce|2.09|16}}
| 5200_code_us=005-02
| a8b_date_us=1983-11{{magref|ce|2.09|16}}
| a8b_code_us=005-03
| a8b_date_it=198x
| a8b_rrp_it=59,000{{magref|videogiochinews|22|104}}
| a8b_code_it=
| c64_date_us=1983
| c64_date_us=1983
| c64_date_eu=1983
| c64_code_us=005-05
| c64_rrp_uk=12.95
| c64_date_uk_d=1984
| c64_date_eu_c=1983
| c64_rrp_uk_d=12.95
| c64_date_uk_c=1984
| c64_rrp_uk_c=9.95
| c64_rrp_uk_c=9.95
| msx_date_eu=1983
| c64_date_it=198x
| c64_code_it=
| c64_rrp_it=69,000{{magref|videogiochinews|22|122}}
| msx_date_uk=1983
| msx_rrp_uk=11.95{{magref|cvg|44|118}}
| ti994a_date_us=1983
| ti994a_date_us=1983
| vic20_date_us=1983
| ti994a_date_uk=1984
| dos_date_us=1983
| ti994a_rrp_uk=27.50{{magref|cvg|36|34}}
| vic20_date_us=1983-11{{magref|ce|2.09|16}}
| vic20_code_us=005-04
| vic20_date_eu=1983
| vic20_code_eu=005-12
| vic20_date_it=1983
| vic20_rrp_it=69,000{{magref|videogiochinews|22|113}}
| vic20_code_it=005-12
| dos_date_us=1984
| apple2_date_us=1983
| apple2_date_us=1983
| spectrum_date_eu=1985
| apple2_code_us=005-08
| spectrum_rrp_uk=7.95
| spectrum_date_uk_c=1985
| spectrum_rrp_uk_c=7.95
'''''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom''''' is an early arcade game developed by [[Sega]] for [[VCO Object]] hardware. It uses the ''Buck Rogers'' comic book/television license, and stands as one of Sega's first licensed video games, along with ''[[Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator]]'', both debuting in 1982. The game is adapted from the earlier ''[[Zoom 909]]'', a largely identical game seen predominantly in Japan.
{{stub}}'''''{{PAGENAME}}''''' is an early arcade game developed by [[Sega]] for [[VCO Object]] hardware. It uses the ''Buck Rogers'' comic book/television license, and stands as one of Sega's first licensed video games, along with ''[[Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator]]'', both debuting in 1982. The game is adapted from the earlier ''[[Zoom 909]]'', a largely identical game seen predominantly in Japan.
''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' is one of the earliest examples of a "rail" shoot-'em-up game. Gameplay is played in a pseudo-3D third-person perspective, with enemies and obstacles moving towards the camera. 2D sprites are scaled in real-time to give an illusion of depth - technology which would serve as a basis for a plethora of arcade games produced by Sega in the 1980s.
''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' is one of the earliest examples of a "rail" shoot-'em-up game. Gameplay is played in a pseudo-3D third-person perspective, with enemies and obstacles moving towards the camera. 2D sprites are scaled in real-time to give an illusion of depth - technology which would serve as a basis for a plethora of arcade games produced by Sega in the 1980s.
In its original arcade form, each "round" is divided into 8 "sectors", each with slightly different aesthetics and gameplay. When a round is complete, the game loops, becoming more challenging in the process.
''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' was brought to a wide variety of home consoles and computers between 1982 and 1985, including the Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, IBM PC (as a PC booter), TI-99/4A, VIC-20 and ZX Spectrum, each suffering slightly due to weaker hardware. Due to odd circumstances, the MSX received two ports of the game by different developers and publishers, one under the ''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' name, and another as ''Zoom 909''.
''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' was brought to a wide variety of home consoles and computers between 1982 and 1985, including the Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, IBM PC (as a PC booter), TI-99/4A, VIC-20 and ZX Spectrum, each suffering slightly due to weaker hardware. Due to odd circumstances, the MSX received two ports of the game by different developers and publishers, one under the ''Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom'' name, and another as ''Zoom 909''.
An [[Amstrad CPC]] version was advertised by [[Amsoft]] in 1985 but was not released.
Most of the home conversions opt only use two different types of levels - a "ground" level which acts as a hybrid between the arcade sectors 3 and 7, and a "space" level which plays like sector 2 (albeit often without a background). Only the ColecoVision version attempts to replicate the arcade game's content in full - it still drops some sectors (there are six in total, and called "sections" in this port), but by featuring tunnels, it remains the closest home conversion of the game (though home ports of ''Zoom 909'' for the MSX and [[SG-1000]] also feature tunnels).
==Production credits==
{{creditsheader|Sega Enterprises R&D Department}}
*'''Progrm by:''' [[Hideki Ishikawa]]
*'''Seculity by:''' [[Masatoshi Mizunaga]]
| source=Internal ROM text{{ref|https://tcrf.net/Buck_Rogers:_Planet_of_Zoom_(Arcade)}}
| console=VCO
==Magazine articles==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Magazine articles}}
==Promotional material==
{{mainArticle|{{PAGENAME}}/Promotional material}}
==Photo gallery==
File:BuckRogers Arcade Cabinet SitDown.jpg|Sit-down cabinet
BuckRogers Arcade Cabinet SitDown.jpg|Sit-down cabinet
File:BuckRogers Arcade Cabinet Upright.jpg|Upright cabinet
BuckRogers Arcade Cabinet Upright.jpg|Upright cabinet
==Physical Scans==
==Physical scans==
===Arcade Version===
===VCO Object version===
===Apple II Version===
| type=upright
| console=VCO Object
| region=US
| marquee=BuckRogers VCOObject US Marquee.jpg
| manual=BuckRogers VCOObject US Manual.pdf
===Apple II version===
| console=Apple II
| console=Apple II
| region=US
| region=US
Line 52: Line 145:
| back=BuckRogers AppleII US Box Back.jpg
| back=BuckRogers AppleII US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=yes
| disk=BuckRogers AppleII US Disk.jpg
===Atari 2600 Version===
===Atari 2600 version===
| console=Atari 2600
| console=Atari 2600
| region=US
| region=US
Line 62: Line 157:
| cart=Buckrogers Atari2600 US Cart.jpg
| cart=Buckrogers Atari2600 US Cart.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=yes
| manual=Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom Atari 2600 US Manual.pdf
| console=Atari 2600
| console=Atari 2600
| region=EU
| region=EU
| cart=Buckrogers Atari2600 EU Cart.jpg
| cart=Buckrogers Atari2600 EU Cart.jpg
| console=Atari 2600
| console=Atari 2600
| region=BR
| region=BR
| front=Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Box.jpg
| front=Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Box.jpg
| item1=Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Cassette.jpg
| cassette=Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Cassette.jpg
| item1name=Cassette
===Atari 5200 Version===
===Atari 5200 version===
| console=Atari 5200
| console=Atari 5200
| region=US
| region=US
Line 84: Line 179:
| cart=Buckrogers Atari5200 US Cart.jpg
| cart=Buckrogers Atari5200 US Cart.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=yes
| manual=BuckRogers5200USManual.pdf
===Atari 8-bit Family Version===
===Atari 8-bit Family version===
| console=Atari 8-bit family
| console=Atari 8-bit family
| region=US
| region=US
Line 94: Line 190:
| cart=BuckRogers Atari8bit US Cart.jpg
| cart=BuckRogers Atari8bit US Cart.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=yes
| manual=BuckRogers A8B US Manual.pdf
===Colecovision Version===
===ColecoVision version===
| console=Colecovision
| console=ColecoVision
| region=US
| region=US
| front=
| front=BuckRogers ColecoVision US Box Front.jpg
| cart=BuckRogers Colecovision US Cart.jpg
| back=BuckRogers ColecoVision US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=BuckRogers ColecoVision US Cart.jpg
| console=Colecovision
| console=ColecoVision
| region=EU
| region=EU
| front=
| front=BuckRogers ColecoVision EU Box Front.jpg
===Commodore 64 Version Version===
===Commodore 64 version===
| icon=C64
| zzap64=38
| zzap64_source={{num|1}}
| console=Commodore 64
| console=Commodore 64
| region=US
| region=US
Line 120: Line 216:
| back=BuckRogers C64 US Box Back.jpg
| back=BuckRogers C64 US Box Back.jpg
| spinemissing=yes
| spinemissing=yes
| cart=BuckRogers C64 US Cart.jpg
| manual=BuckRogers C64 US Manual.pdf
| console=Commodore 64
| console=Commodore 64
| region=EU
| region=UK
| front=BuckRogers C64 EU Box.jpg
| cover=BuckRogers C64 EU Box.jpg
| cassette=BuckRogers C64 EU Cassette.jpg
| manual=BuckRogers C64 EU Manual.pdf
===MSX Version===
===MSX version===
| console=MSX
| console=MSX
| region=JP
| region=EU
| front=Buckrogers MSX JP Box.jpg
| front=Buckrogers MSX EU Box.jpg
| cassette=BuckRogers MSX EU Cassette Front.jpg
| cassetteback=BuckRogers MSX EU Cassette Back.jpg
===PC Booter Version===
===PC Booter version===
| console=DOS
| console=IBM PC
| region=US
| region=US
| front=
| front=
===TI-99/4A Version===
===TI-99/4A version===
| console=TI-99/4A
| console=TI-99/4A
| region=US
| region=US
| front=BuckRogers TI994A US Box Front.jpg
| front=BuckRogers TI994A US Box Front.jpg
===VIC-20 Version===
===VIC-20 version===
| console=VIC-20
| console=VIC-20
| region=US
| region=US
| front=BuckRogers VIC20 US Box Front.jpg
| front=BuckRogers VIC20 US Box Front.jpg
===ZX Spectrum Version===
===ZX Spectrum version===
| console=ZX Spectrum
| console=ZX Spectrum
| region=EU
| region=UK
| front=Buckrogers Spectrum EU Box.jpg
| cover=Buckrogers Spectrum EU Box.jpg
| cassette=BuckRogers Spectrum UK Cassette.jpg
| manual=Buckrogers Spectrum EU ManualFront.jpg
| item1=Buckrogers Spectrum EU ManualReverse.jpg
| item1name=Manual (Rear)
[[Category:VCO Object games]]

Revision as of 05:44, 7 December 2024


  • VCO Object
  • Apple II
  • Atari 2600
  • Atari 5200
  • Atari 8-bit
  • ColecoVision
  • Commodore 64
  • Commodore VIC-20
  • IBM PC
  • MSX
  • TI-99/4A
  • ZX Spectrum

Buckrogers Title.png

BuckRogersPlanetofZoom AppleII US title.png

BuckRogers 2600 Title.png

BuckRogersPlanetofZoom 5200 US title.png

BuckRogers A8B Title.png

BuckRogers ColecoVision Title.png

BuckRogers C64 Title.png

BuckRogers VIC20 Title.png

BuckRogers IBMPC Title.png

BuckRogers MSX Title.png

BuckRogers TI994A Title.png

BuckRogers Spectrum Title.png

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom
System(s): VCO Object, Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, MSX, PC Booter, TI-99/4A, VIC-20, ZX Spectrum
Arcade (VCO Object)
Apple II
Atari 2600
Atari 5200
Atari 8-bit Family
Commodore 64
Sega Enterprises, Inc. (US)
Coleco (US)
CBS Electronics (EU)
Commodore 64
ZX Spectrum
U.S. Gold (UK)
Parco Electrics (UK)
Licensor: The Dille Family Trust
Genre: Shoot-'em-Up

Number of players: 1
Release Date RRP Code
Arcade (VCO Object)
$? ?
Arcade (VCO Object)
£? ?
Atari 2600
Atari 2600
Atari 2600
C 3032
Atari 5200
Commodore 64
Commodore 64
Commodore 64
Commodore 64
ZX Spectrum
IBM PC compatibles
Apple II
Atari 8-bit Family
Atari 8-bit Family
69,000£69,000[10] 005-12

This short article is in need of work. You can help Sega Retro by adding to it.

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom is an early arcade game developed by Sega for VCO Object hardware. It uses the Buck Rogers comic book/television license, and stands as one of Sega's first licensed video games, along with Star Trek: Strategic Operations Simulator, both debuting in 1982. The game is adapted from the earlier Zoom 909, a largely identical game seen predominantly in Japan.


Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom is one of the earliest examples of a "rail" shoot-'em-up game. Gameplay is played in a pseudo-3D third-person perspective, with enemies and obstacles moving towards the camera. 2D sprites are scaled in real-time to give an illusion of depth - technology which would serve as a basis for a plethora of arcade games produced by Sega in the 1980s.

In its original arcade form, each "round" is divided into 8 "sectors", each with slightly different aesthetics and gameplay. When a round is complete, the game loops, becoming more challenging in the process.



Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom was brought to a wide variety of home consoles and computers between 1982 and 1985, including the Apple II, Atari 2600, Atari 5200, Atari 8-bit family, ColecoVision, Commodore 64, IBM PC (as a PC booter), TI-99/4A, VIC-20 and ZX Spectrum, each suffering slightly due to weaker hardware. Due to odd circumstances, the MSX received two ports of the game by different developers and publishers, one under the Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom name, and another as Zoom 909.

An Amstrad CPC version was advertised by Amsoft in 1985 but was not released.


Most of the home conversions opt only use two different types of levels - a "ground" level which acts as a hybrid between the arcade sectors 3 and 7, and a "space" level which plays like sector 2 (albeit often without a background). Only the ColecoVision version attempts to replicate the arcade game's content in full - it still drops some sectors (there are six in total, and called "sections" in this port), but by featuring tunnels, it remains the closest home conversion of the game (though home ports of Zoom 909 for the MSX and SG-1000 also feature tunnels).

Production credits

Sega Enterprises R&D Department
Internal ROM text[11]

Magazine articles

Main article: Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom/Magazine articles.

Promotional material

Main article: Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom/Promotional material.

Photo gallery

Physical scans

VCO Object version

VCO Object, US
BuckRogers VCOObject US Marquee.jpg
BuckRogers VCOObject US Manual.pdf

Apple II version

Apple II, US
BuckRogers AppleII US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckRogers AppleII US Box Front.jpg
BuckRogers AppleII US Disk.jpg

Atari 2600 version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
TeleMatch (DE)
Tilt (FR)
Atari 2600
Based on
2 reviews

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

Atari 2600, US
Buckrogers Atari2600 US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckrogers Atari2600 US Box Front.jpg
Buckrogers Atari2600 US Cart.jpg
Buck Rogers Planet of Zoom Atari 2600 US Manual.pdf
Atari 2600, EU

Buckrogers Atari2600 EU Cart.jpg
Atari 2600, BR
Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Box.jpg
Buckrogers Atari2600 BR Intellivision Cassette.jpg

Atari 5200 version

Atari 5200, US
Buckrogers Atari5200 US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckrogers Atari5200 US Box Front.jpg
Buckrogers Atari5200 US Cart.jpg

Atari 8-bit Family version

Atari 8-bit family, US
Buckrogers Atari8bit US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckrogers Atari8bit US Box Front.jpg
BuckRogers Atari8bit US Cart.jpg
BuckRogers A8B US Manual.pdf

ColecoVision version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Complete Guide to Consoles (UK)
Based on
1 review

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

ColecoVision, US
BuckRogers ColecoVision US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckRogers ColecoVision US Box Front.jpg
BuckRogers ColecoVision US Cart.jpg
ColecoVision, EU
BuckRogers ColecoVision EU Box Front.jpg

Commodore 64 version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Zzap!64 (UK)
Commodore 64
Based on
1 review

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

Commodore 64, US
BuckRogers C64 US Box Back.jpgNospine.pngBuckRogers C64 US Box Front.jpg
BuckRogers C64 US Cart.jpg
BuckRogers C64 US Manual.pdf
Commodore 64, UK
BuckRogers C64 EU Box.jpg
BuckRogers C64 EU Cassette.jpg
BuckRogers C64 EU Manual.pdf

MSX version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Computer & Video Games (UK)
Based on
1 review

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

Buckrogers MSX EU Box.jpg
BuckRogers MSX EU Cassette Back.jpgBuckRogers MSX EU Cassette Front.jpg

PC Booter version


TI-99/4A version

Sega Retro Average 
Publication Score Source
{{{{{icon}}}|L}} Division by zero.
Based on
0 review
Sega Retro Average 
Publication Version Score
Computer & Video Games (UK)
Based on
1 review

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

TI-99/4A, US
BuckRogers TI994A US Box Front.jpg

VIC-20 version

VIC-20, US
BuckRogers VIC20 US Box Front.jpg

ZX Spectrum version

ZX Spectrum, UK
Buckrogers Spectrum EU Box.jpg
BuckRogers Spectrum UK Cassette.jpg
Buckrogers Spectrum EU ManualFront.jpg
Buckrogers Spectrum EU ManualReverse.jpg
Manual (Rear)


Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom

Buckrogers Title.png

Main page | Comparisons | Magazine articles | Reception | Promotional material

No results

Buck Rogers games for Sega systems
Planet of Zoom (1982)
Atari 2600
Planet of Zoom (1983) | Caverns of Zagreb (unreleased) | Marathon of Zenda (unreleased) | Secrets of Zadar (unreleased)
Atari 8-bit Family
Planet of Zoom (1983)
Apple II
Planet of Zoom (1983)
Commodore 64
Planet of Zoom (1983)
Planet of Zoom (1983)
Planet of Zoom (1983)
Coleco Adam
Planet of Zoom Super Game (1983)
Planet of Zoom (1984)
IBM PC compatibles
Planet of Zoom (1984)
ZX Spectrum
Planet of Zoom (1985)
Amstrad CPC
Amstrad Triple Gold I (unreleased)
Sega Mega Drive
Countdown to Doomsday (1991)