Difference between revisions of "Mega Drive third-party controllers"

From Sega Retro

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File:SuperStick MD.jpg|Super Stick (Acemore)
File:SuperStick MD.jpg|Super Stick (Acemore)
File:Freedom16 MD Box Front.jpg|Freedom 16 (Acemore) (wireless version of Super Stick)
File:Freedom16 MD Box Front.jpg|Freedom 16 (Acemore) (wireless version of Super Stick)
File:TecnoPlusMegaControlPad MD Box Front.jpg|Mega Control Pad (Tecno Plus)
File:TecnoPlusMegaControlPad MD Box Back.jpg|Mega Control Pad (Tecno Plus)
File:TecnoPlusMegaControlPad MD.jpg|Mega Control Pad (Tecno Plus)
File:GameGun MD.jpg
File:GameGun MD.jpg
File:GameGun MD US Box Front.jpg
File:GameGun MD US Box Front.jpg

Revision as of 10:59, 4 April 2015

There are many third-party controllers for the Sega Mega Drive. For the majority of controllers, very little information about them is currently available to the public. This page houses a number of these controllers - when more information is gathered they should be moved to their own individual pages.




Naki/Nakitek is related to Triax Technologies somehow


Third-party controllers for the Sega Mega Drive
  • Control pads
  • Arcade sticks
  • Computer joysticks
  • Wireless control pads
  • Others

Others | Clones