Infrared Control Pad

From Sega Retro

Saturn HSS-0126-1.jpg
Infrared Control Pad
Made for: Sega Saturn
Manufacturer: Sega Enterprises, Ltd.
Release Date RRP Code
Sega Saturn
¥4,800 (4,944)4,800e[1] HSS-0116
Sega Saturn
(Pad only)
¥2,800 (2,884)2,800e[1] HSS-0126
Sega Saturn

The Infrared Control Pad, known as the Cordless Pad (コードレスパッドセット) in Japan, is a special type of Sega Saturn control pad, which rather than rely on leads communicates with a Sega Saturn through infrared light (much like most television remotes).

The Infrared Control Pad requires both of the Sega Saturn's control ports. It was sold as a bundle (containing a controller and a receiver), though it was also possible to purchase controllers and receivers separately. The peripheral was not sold in North America.

Localised names

Also known as
Language Localised Name English Translation
English Infrared Control Pad Infrared Control Pad
Japanese コードレスパッド セット Cordless Pad

Magazine articles

Main article: Infrared Control Pad/Magazine articles.

Photo gallery


Physical scans

Saturn, JP (HSS-0116)
Saturn HSS-0116 box-4.jpgNospine-small.pngSaturn HSS-0116 box-3.jpg
Saturn, JP (Pad only) (HSS-0126)
Saturn HSS-0126 box-2.jpgNospine-small.pngSaturn HSS-0126 box.jpg
Saturn, EU (MK-80305)
InfraredControlPad Saturn EU Box Back.jpgNospine-small.pngSaturn MK-80305 box.jpg

External links

  • Sega of Japan catalogue pages (Japanese): Saturn


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 (Wayback Machine: 2013-02-10 00:47)
Sega Saturn
Topics Technical Specifications (Hardware Comparison) | History (Development | Release | Decline and legacy) | List of games (A-M) | List of games (N-Z) | Magazine articles | Promotional material | Merchandise
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HiSaturn Navi | SunSeibu SGX | Sega Titan Video

Add-ons Backup Memory (third-party) | Sega PriFun | Video CD Card (third-party) | Extended RAM Cartridge (third-party) | Twin Advanced ROM System
Controllers Control Pad | Control Pad (Australia) | 3D Control Pad | Arcade Racer | Infrared Control Pad | Mission Stick | Shuttle Mouse | Twin Stick | Virtua Gun | Virtua Stick | Virtua Stick Pro
Online Services/Add-ons NetLink Internet Modem (NetLink Keyboard | NetLink Keyboard Adapter | NetLink Mouse) | Saturn Modem (Floppy Drive | Keyboard)
Connector Cables 21 Pin RGB Cable | Monaural AV Cable | RF Unit | Stereo AV Cable | S-Video Cable | Taisen Cable
Development Hardware Programming Box | Sound Box | E7000 | CartDev | SNASM2 | Address Checker | PSY-Q Development System | MIRAGE Universal CD Emulator
Misc. Hardware 6Player | SBom Multitap‎ | Saturn region converter cartridges | Action Replay | Pro Action Replay | Action Replay Plus | X-Terminator (Version 3) | S-S Promoter | Other cartridges