Saturn third-party miscellaneous cartridges

From Sega Retro

This is a list of third-party Sega Saturn cartridges with more than one functionality. Also included are catridges whose functions are currently unknown.

This list does not include cartridges with just one function:

or the "original" Saturn Action Replay cartridges; the Action Replay, Pro Action Replay and Action Replay Plus.

Box Name Brand Date & price Images Documentation Capabilities Comments
Backup memory? 1MB RAM? 4MB RAM? Region converter? Cheat device? PC link?
Booster Pack 4M Plus Boom
(≥ 1997)
Saturn Boom Booster Pack 4M Plus.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
Saturn Forte 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Box Back.jpgNospine-small.pngSaturn Forte 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Box Front.jpg
2 in 1 Memory Card + Kakuchou RAM Cartridge
ツーインワン メモリーカード + 拡張ラムカートリッジ
Japan JP: (≥ 1997)
Saturn Forte 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Front.jpg
Yes Yes No No No No
Saturn Forte 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Alt Box Front.jpg
2 in 1 Memory Card + Kakuchou RAM Cartridge
ツーインワン メモリーカード + 拡張ラムカートリッジ
Japan JP: (≥ 1997)
Saturn Forte 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Alt Front.jpg
Yes ? ? ? ? ?
Saturn Forte New 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Box Back.jpgSaturn Forte New 2-in-1 Memory Card + Extended RAM Cartridge Box Front.jpg
NEW 2 in 1 Memory Card + Kakuchou RAM Cartridge
NEWツーインワン メモリーカード + 拡張ラムカートリッジ
Japan JP: (≥ 1997)
Yes ? ? ? ? ?
8 Meg Direct Access Memory Card Box Back.jpgNospine.png8 Meg Direct Access Memory Card Box Front.jpg
8 Meg Direct Access Memory Card (1MB) Innovation
United States of America US: (≥ 1997)
8 Meg Direct Access Memory Card Back.jpg8 Meg Direct Access Memory Card Front.jpg
1MB No No Yes No No
8MegMemoryCard Saturn Box Back.jpgNospine.png8MegMemoryCard Saturn Box Front.jpg
8 Meg Memory Card Joytech
(≥ 1995)
8MegMemoryCard Saturn.jpg
1MB No No Yes No No
Action Replay Karat
Japan JP: (≥ 1995)
Saturn Karat Aaction Replay Front.jpg
? ? ? ? Yes ?
Saturn Unknown Karat Cart Box Front.jpg
Ura Waza Data Rou
Japan JP: (≥ 1995)
Saturn Unknown Karat Cart Front.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
ST-Key + 4MB RAM
United States of America US: (≥ 1995)
STKeyPlus4MBRAM Saturn.jpg
No Yes Yes Yes No No
UltraMadness4MTurboKey Saturn Box Back.jpgNospine.pngUltraMadness4MTurboKey Saturn Box Front.jpg
Ultra Madness 4M Turbo Key
United States of America US: (≥ 1998)
UM 4M Turbo Key Back.jpgUM 4M Turbo Key Front.jpg
No Yes Yes Yes No No
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Box Back Performance.jpgNospine-small.pngMemoryCardPlus Saturn Box Front Performance.jpg
Memory Card Plus
United States of America US: (≥ 1997)
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Performance Back.jpgMemoryCardPlus Saturn Performance.jpg
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Manual Performance.pdf
Yes No No Yes No No
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Alt Box Back Performance.jpgNospine-small.pngMemoryCardPlus Saturn Alt Box Front Performance.jpg
Memory Card Plus
United States of America US: (≥ 1997)
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Performance Back.jpgMemoryCardPlus Saturn Performance.jpg
MemoryCardPlus Saturn Manual Performance.pdf
Yes No No Yes No No
TwinCartridge Saturn JP Box Back.jpgNospine-small.pngTwinCartridge Saturn JP Box Front.jpg
Twin Cartridge
Trend Master
Japan JP: (≥ 1996)
TwinCartridge Saturn JP Cart Front.jpg
4MB Yes ? ? ? ?
(≥ 1997)
Saturn Action Replay Unknown Front.jpg
Yes ? ? Yes Yes ?
(≥ 1997)
Saturn Action Replay 5-in-1 Back.jpgSaturn Action Replay 5-in-1 Front.jpg
? ? ? ? Yes ?
(≥ 1997)
Saturn Unknown 5-in-1 Back.jpgSaturn Unknown 5-in-1 Front.jpg
Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ?
(≥ 1997)
UnknownCart10 Saturn Back.jpgUnknownCart10 Saturn.jpg
4MB ? Yes Yes Yes No
Golden Finger & 4MB Memory Card
(≥ 1995)
GoldenFinger4MB Saturn.jpg
4MB ? ? ? Yes ?
MagicCardV2 Saturn Box Back.jpgNospine-small.pngMagicCardV2 Saturn Box Front.jpg
Magic Card V2 ?
(≥ 1995)
MagicCardV2 Saturn Back.jpgMagicCardV2 Saturn.jpg
MagicCardV2 Saturn disc.jpg
No No No Yes No No Assists in the use of the swap-trick method to play backup/bootleg discs by stopping the disc drive motor and providing on-screen instructions. Also functions as a region converter.
Saturn Multi Action 4in1 Box.jpg
(≥ 1997)
Saturn Multi Action 4in1.jpg
? ? ? Yes Yes ?
TerminativeCard Saturn TW Box Back.jpgNospine.pngTerminativeCard Saturn TW Box Front.jpg
Multi Function Terminative Card
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
TerminativeCard Saturn.jpg
4MB ? ? Yes Yes Yes
New All In One (Pseudo Saturn) ?
China CN: (≥ 2020)
New All In One Pseudo Saturn cart back.jpgNew All In One Pseudo Saturn cart front.jpg
No No No Yes No No Pseudo Saturn Kai (allows the use of CD-R backup discs without modification to the console) with region converter.
New All In One (2-in-1) ?
China CN: (≥ 2020)
New All In One Pseudo Saturn 2 in 1 cart back.jpgNew All In One Pseudo Saturn 2 in 1 cart front.jpg
Yes Yes Yes No No No
New All In One (Pseudo Saturn 3-in-1) ?
China CN: (≥ 2020)
New All In One Pseudo Saturn 3 in 1 cart back.jpgNew All In One Pseudo Saturn 3 in 1 cart front.jpg
No Yes Yes Yes No No Pseudo Saturn Kai (allows the use of CD-R backup discs without modification to the console) with region converter and RAM.
New All In One (3-in-1) ?
China CN: (≥ 2020)
New All In One Action Replay cart back.jpgNew All In One Action Replay cart front.jpg
No Yes Yes Yes Yes No
New All In One Pseudo Saturn 4 in 1 box back.JPGNew All In One Pseudo Saturn 4 in 1 box front.JPG
New All In One (Pseudo Saturn 4-in-1) ?
China CN: (≥ 2020)
New All In One Pseudo Saturn 4 in 1 cart back.JPGNew All In One Pseudo Saturn 4 in 1 cart front.JPG
Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Pseudo Saturn Kai (allows the use of CD-R backup discs without modification to the console) with region converter, backup memory and RAM.
Power Saturn Xiǎo gāng pào (?)
Power Saturn 小鋼砲
(≥ 1995)
Saturn Power Saturn Cart Back.jpgSaturn Powe Saturn Car Front.jpg
? ? ? ? ? Yes
SSH-32-5188 Saturn TW Box Front.jpg
SS Chāosù Kuòzhāng Kǎ
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
UnknownCart6 Saturn Back.jpgUnknownCart6 Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
SS Chāosù Kuòzhāng Kǎ
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
Saturn SSH-32-5888.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
SSJK Saturn TW Box Front.jpg
SS Jiāsù kǎ wánzhěng bǎn
SS 加速卡 完整版
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
SSJK Saturn TW Back.jpgSSJK Saturn TW.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
GoldenFinger Saturn Box Front.jpg
SS Jīn shǒuzhǐ jièmiàn kǎ
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
GoldenFinger Saturn Back.jpgGoldenFinger Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? Yes ?
Turbo Card
(≥ 1995)
TurboCard Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
Ultimate Game Memory Card ?
(≥ 1995)
Saturn Ultimate Game Memory Card Top.jpg
Saturn Ultimate Game Memory Card Back.jpgSaturn Ultimate Game Memory Card Front.jpg
Yes ? ? Yes ? ?
(≥ 1995)
UnknownCart9 Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
(≥ 1995)
UnknownCart9a Saturn Back.jpgUnknownCart9a Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
SS jiāsù kǎ V.2
SS 加速卡 V.2
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
UnknownCart11 Saturn Back.jpgUnknownCart11 Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? Yes ?
SS jiāsù kǎ V.2
SS 加速卡 V.2
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
Saturn TW Action Replay cart back.jpeg22022609168907 903.jfif
? ? ? ? Yes ?
(≥ 1995)
Saturn Unknown Cart Front.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
(≥ 1995)
Saturn XO Card Front.jpg
4MB ? ? ? Yes ?
Sega Saturn Kakuchou RAM Cartridge
(≥ 1995)
HSS-150 Saturn.jpg
? ? ? ? ? ?
Bǎi fēn bǎi jīn shǒuzhǐ III
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
Saturn TW Goldfinger III cart front.jpeg
? ? ? ? ? ?
SS zhōngjí piān Action Replay
SS終极篇Action Replay
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
Saturn TW Action Replay cart front.jpeg
? ? ? ? ? ?
Jīn shǒuzhǐ hóng zhǎo ràng
Taiwan TW: (≥ 1995)
Saturn TW unknown cart front.jpeg
? ? ? ? ? ?


Sega Saturn
Topics Technical Specifications (Hardware Comparison) | History (Development | Release | Decline and legacy) | List of games (A-M) | List of games (N-Z) | Magazine articles | Promotional material | Merchandise
Hardware Japan | North America | Western Europe | Eastern Europe | South America | Asia | South Korea | Australasia | Africa

HiSaturn Navi | SunSeibu SGX | Sega Titan Video

Add-ons Backup Memory (third-party) | Sega PriFun | Video CD Card (third-party) | Extended RAM Cartridge (third-party) | Twin Advanced ROM System
Controllers Control Pad | Control Pad (Australia) | 3D Control Pad | Arcade Racer | Infrared Control Pad | Mission Stick | Shuttle Mouse | Twin Stick | Virtua Gun | Virtua Stick | Virtua Stick Pro
Online Services/Add-ons NetLink Internet Modem (NetLink Keyboard | NetLink Keyboard Adapter | NetLink Mouse) | Saturn Modem (Floppy Drive | Keyboard)
Connector Cables 21 Pin RGB Cable | Monaural AV Cable | RF Unit | Stereo AV Cable | S-Video Cable | Taisen Cable
Development Hardware Programming Box | Sound Box | E7000 | CartDev | SNASM2 | Address Checker | PSY-Q Development System | MIRAGE Universal CD Emulator
Misc. Hardware 6Player | SBom Multitap‎ | Saturn region converter cartridges | Action Replay | Pro Action Replay | Action Replay Plus | X-Terminator (Version 3) | S-S Promoter | Other cartridges